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  #1081 (permalink)  
Old 11-27-2010, 01:47 AM
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Re: [ROM] 11/24/10 | SPRINT LOVERS | 2.2 | 3.30.651.3 | Radio/Wimax/PRI All-In-One

Originally Posted by Gunflight View Post
I installed the latest versonof your Rom with full wipe and slingplayer wont install. It says it needs more space and to free up some space. I have 240 meg on phone. It wont install on this version of rom. Any ideas?
I have also found that Slingplayer errors when I try to install it on the 11/24 version with the custom kernel. I tried the all in one first and also tried the stand alone, wiping everything before hand, but neither would work. So I went back to the 11/18 version and Slingplayer installed without a hitch. I am now on hardware ver.0003 since I had to have my original EVO replaced becuase of the random rebooting issue I posted a while back about.
Device History: HTC Touch, Touch Pro, Touch Pro2, HTC EVO
Carrier: Sprint
ROM: Sprint Lovers 2.2
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  #1082 (permalink)  
Old 11-27-2010, 04:47 AM
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Re: [ROM] 11/24/10 | SPRINT LOVERS | 2.2 | 3.30.651.3 | Radio/Wimax/PRI All-In-One

Originally Posted by wherestheanykey View Post
I have also found that Slingplayer errors when I try to install it on the 11/24 version with the custom kernel. I tried the all in one first and also tried the stand alone, wiping everything before hand, but neither would work. So I went back to the 11/18 version and Slingplayer installed without a hitch. I am now on hardware ver.0003 since I had to have my original EVO replaced becuase of the random rebooting issue I posted a while back about.
I'd like to know if your new EVO has had random reboots yet? I have been putting off exchanging my EVO because I am sure the Sprint store reps will give me a hard time about it. If its a hardware issue and replacing my phone will cure these reboots, then I'm going to go swap out my EVO ASAP. wherestheanykey please give me your results since swapping out your EVO.
Carrier: Sprint
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  #1083 (permalink)  
Old 11-27-2010, 08:36 AM
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Re: [ROM] 11/24/10 | SPRINT LOVERS | 2.2 | 3.30.651.3 | Radio/Wimax/PRI All-In-One

Originally Posted by tx_dbs_tx View Post
I'd like to know if your new EVO has had random reboots yet? I have been putting off exchanging my EVO because I am sure the Sprint store reps will give me a hard time about it. If its a hardware issue and replacing my phone will cure these reboots, then I'm going to go swap out my EVO ASAP. wherestheanykey please give me your results since swapping out your EVO.

I can tell you that I got my first EVO back in early October and I have not had any random reboots at all. For whatever that is worth...

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  #1084 (permalink)  
Old 11-27-2010, 10:26 AM
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Re: [ROM] 11/26/10 | SPRINT LOVERS | 2.2 | 3.30.651.3 | Radio/Wimax/PRI All-In-One

I have had mine since July 8th. (.002 carcass) and I have had one or two reboots but always while I was doing something that may have contributed.

As long as you can rule out software, I'd be on my way to the Sprint Store.

I got my phone tuned like a watch and I now just started having that dang old USB port problem that everyone eventually has.
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  #1085 (permalink)  
Old 11-27-2010, 11:02 AM
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Re: [ROM] 11/24/10 | SPRINT LOVERS | 2.2 | 3.30.651.3 | Radio/Wimax/PRI All-In-One

Originally Posted by wherestheanykey View Post
I have also found that Slingplayer errors when I try to install it on the 11/24 version with the custom kernel. I tried the all in one first and also tried the stand alone, wiping everything before hand, but neither would work. So I went back to the 11/18 version and Slingplayer installed without a hitch. I am now on hardware ver.0003 since I had to have my original EVO replaced becuase of the random rebooting issue I posted a while back about.
Try the 11/26 all in one version and see if the issue persists. I tested downloading Slingplayer from Market on both versions released on 11/26 and they both downloaded and installed slingplayer perfectly.
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  #1086 (permalink)  
Old 11-27-2010, 11:54 AM
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Re: [ROM] 11/26/10 | SPRINT LOVERS | 2.2 | 3.30.651.3 | Radio/Wimax/PRI All-In-One

I have the 003 hardware and no reboots. I think I think mine if from AUGUST.
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  #1087 (permalink)  
Old 11-27-2010, 10:05 PM
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Re: [ROM] 11/24/10 | SPRINT LOVERS | 2.2 | 3.30.651.3 | Radio/Wimax/PRI All-In-One

Originally Posted by tx_dbs_tx View Post
I'd like to know if your new EVO has had random reboots yet? I have been putting off exchanging my EVO because I am sure the Sprint store reps will give me a hard time about it. If its a hardware issue and replacing my phone will cure these reboots, then I'm going to go swap out my EVO ASAP. wherestheanykey please give me your results since swapping out your EVO.
I have tried to make it happen by performing the task that usually was a dead ringer for casuing it, streaming a heavy flash based online video. And in the couple days I've had the replacement, it hasn't happened yet. But I have to admit that obviously isn't a valid test so far. My first EVO was one of the original release units back in June, and I honestly didn't see the problem with that one until I had it about four months. But I will say that every post I have seen so far on various sites, where people have had their phones replaced for this problem, have indicated that it seemed to fix it. The problem is that they give you a refurb and thats kind of a crap shoot in itself. I had to go back to the store and have my replacement replaced within 24hrs because the home button went dark and the menu button next to it dimmed to about half. I really didn't want to get a refurb and tried everything I could to resovle it before giving in, but I did everything including un-rooting, flashing the stock ROM, fresh booting with no SDCard and without connecting to any email accounts or installing any applications, and going immediately online and playing a video, only to have it happen anyway. At that point I was sure it was hardware and bit the bullet. Good luck with yours, let me know if you need any further info.
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  #1088 (permalink)  
Old 11-27-2010, 10:40 PM
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Re: [ROM] 11/24/10 | SPRINT LOVERS | 2.2 | 3.30.651.3 | Radio/Wimax/PRI All-In-One

Originally Posted by chris1683 View Post
Try the 11/26 all in one version and see if the issue persists. I tested downloading Slingplayer from Market on both versions released on 11/26 and they both downloaded and installed slingplayer perfectly.
Regarding the ROM downloading is it just me, now when I mouse over the main "Download" it appears that the link is gone. Only the mirror is working, and rapidshare blows.
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  #1089 (permalink)  
Old 11-27-2010, 11:49 PM
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Re: [ROM] 11/24/10 | SPRINT LOVERS | 2.2 | 3.30.651.3 | Radio/Wimax/PRI All-In-One

Originally Posted by wherestheanykey View Post
Regarding the ROM downloading is it just me, now when I mouse over the main "Download" it appears that the link is gone. Only the mirror is working, and rapidshare blows.
here is the link for:

[All-In-One Update, INCLUDES Updated Baseband & Wimax Radios + PRI 1.77_003, Uninstallable apps]

MEGAUPLOAD - The leading online storage and file delivery service

here is the link for :

[Standalone system update. Uninstallable apps. Get Baseband, Wimax, and PRI updates HERE]

MEGAUPLOAD - The leading online storage and file delivery service
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  #1090 (permalink)  
Old 11-28-2010, 06:47 PM
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Re: [ROM] 11/24/10 | SPRINT LOVERS | 2.2 | 3.30.651.3 | Radio/Wimax/PRI All-In-One

Originally Posted by saj070 View Post
here is the link for:

[All-In-One Update, INCLUDES Updated Baseband & Wimax Radios + PRI 1.77_003, Uninstallable apps]

MEGAUPLOAD - The leading online storage and file delivery service

here is the link for :

[Standalone system update. Uninstallable apps. Get Baseband, Wimax, and PRI updates HERE]

MEGAUPLOAD - The leading online storage and file delivery service
Thanks, I will download and post back if I still have problems with Slingplayer.
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