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  #2161 (permalink)  
Old 08-01-2010, 02:28 PM
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Re: OMJ's HTC EVO 2.2 Custom ROM v2.0 | FroYo | *Updated | 7/31/10*

Originally Posted by Fat Tony View Post
Wait, I thought this was the "Official rooted Sprint Froyo release"?

Isn't it?

I was getting ready to dl it, then I read this.

Also, I heard there are WiFi tether issues or that we can't do it free right now. True?
If you read about ALL the Froyo roms out...none are the "official" as HTC pulled the planned pre-release. Supposedly it's to come out tomorrow or Aug. 3 at the latest. (I seem to recall a thread you started making a "recommendation" on this subject).

Also...wifi tether seemingly is sporadic in ALL Froyo roms at this point. Some folks have it working, others not without (it seems) any rhyme or reason. Again, we'll have to see what HTC releases in the next day or so...and then what devs can do to make it work. Remember Sprint wants to sell their $30 hotspot...so it may take a dev to find an exploit to get the free wi-fi to work.
Get off my lawn!!!

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  #2162 (permalink)  
Old 08-01-2010, 02:30 PM
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Re: OMJ's HTC EVO 2.2 Custom ROM v2.0 | FroYo | *Updated | 7/31/10*

Originally Posted by rlmurray View Post
I know I said I'd wait for OMJ to release the official rooted Sprint Froyo release but again my curiousity won out with this latest meal.
I was thinking of using ROM manager to install this Froyo release.
I've used titanium backup and also did a nandroid backup in prep.
Question, has anyone used ROM manager to do a succesfull Rom install with this release? I ususally do it in recovery mode.
I am currently running OMJ's 1.7 ROM 1.
Yes Rom manager is what I use to load OMJ's 2.2 today. Smooth as silk
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  #2163 (permalink)  
Old 08-01-2010, 03:18 PM
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Re: OMJ's HTC EVO 2.2 Custom ROM v2.0 | FroYo | *Updated | 7/31/10*

Originally Posted by adenicol View Post
Will it be possible to get a more "open" Bluetooth stack on these new Froyo ROMS? I heard the being they use sense that they have a more proprietary stack and it seems to be very limited...can't even connect my WII remote to it.

Other than that (and the current tether issue) I live this new ROM...thanks!
Why exactly would you want to connect your wii remote to your phone.....hmmmmm...... I just wish I could do voice dialing thru bluetooth
Loving my Sprint EVO 3D with OMJ's custom 2.17 ROM ...... Sprint 4G great if you can find it introducing the worlds smallest coverage area WiMax = WiLess.....
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  #2164 (permalink)  
Old 08-01-2010, 03:28 PM
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Re: OMJ's HTC EVO 2.2 Custom ROM v2.0 | FroYo | *Updated | 7/31/10*

Originally Posted by leedawg View Post
Thats like 3g speed on verizon, I sure hope 4g is a lot faster than that. I live in southern Cali so I have yet to have experinced 4g but im a little disappointed if thats all shes got.

Rom is awsome OMJ Thanks so much for all the hard work.
Well I'm still running OMJ's 1.6 ROM my full strength speed is 5585 kbs down 1029 up wich is slightly faster than my ATT uverse up and down. What's really impressive about this is the upload speed which would make VOIP calls very easy. The bad part about it is just traveling across the street resulted in 1 bar and a speed of 1239 kbs down 69 up which is slower than the 1723 kbs down 601 up I got on 3G in the same location.
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  #2165 (permalink)  
Old 08-01-2010, 03:28 PM
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Re: OMJ's HTC EVO 2.2 Custom ROM v2.0 | FroYo | *Updated | 7/31/10*

Awesome rom thanks omj!
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  #2166 (permalink)  
Old 08-01-2010, 03:42 PM
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Re: OMJ's HTC EVO 2.2 Custom ROM v2.0 | FroYo | *Updated | 7/31/10*

Originally Posted by subzero1313 View Post
Updated to v2.0. Everything seems to be working fine. I know it's a a FroYo thing but I hate how it shows me the # of texts in a thread. Everytime I get a new message it'll be in bold and I'll see the number and think I have 40 new messages, when it's just the total in that thread.

And what's this about flashing the WiMAX? Like I said I was on 1.9 before and just updated the ROM. Do I need this? My 4g seemed to be working this morning.
Yes you should update as the best scenario is the latest software, radio, and WiMAX. You can run without it obviously.
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  #2167 (permalink)  
Old 08-01-2010, 04:08 PM
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Talking Re: OMJ's HTC EVO 2.2 Custom ROM v2.0 | FroYo | *Updated | 7/31/10*

Originally Posted by iknowsquat
Alarm-did you disable the HTC lockscreen? That would prevent you from turning off your alarm.
Thank you, now I'm all set!

Wireless in the District and now supersonic on WiMAX with the EVO 4G!
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  #2168 (permalink)  
Old 08-01-2010, 04:46 PM
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Re: OMJ's HTC EVO 2.2 Custom ROM v2.0 | FroYo | *Updated | 7/31/10*

Had a question this rom changed my language and settings to Chinese dont know why but I cannot change it to english I think it is the rom

OMJ EVO 2.2 FroYo v2.0
Includes Baseband Radio

I am going to flash back to 1.9 and wait for the final build and I hope we get a blue theme with it if possible thanks omj

also had problems with flash on websites it would just close out my browser and also gotta wait for a multi touch keyboard fix
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  #2169 (permalink)  
Old 08-01-2010, 04:58 PM
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Re: OMJ's HTC EVO 2.2 Custom ROM v2.0 | FroYo | *Updated | 7/31/10*

damn, had to move all my screenshots to PPCGeeks server....photobucket was about to max out my monthly bandwidth, lol
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  #2170 (permalink)  
Old 08-01-2010, 05:04 PM
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Re: OMJ's HTC EVO 2.2 Custom ROM v2.0 | FroYo | *Updated | 7/31/10*

Originally Posted by juancaperez2000 View Post

Originally Posted by timothydonohue
I did not do this, I only remembered it from when I had my nexus, so I thought I would share here, because I'm sure many of you do not check the nexus forum. It works, 100%, I've tested it myself on build 7 of CM6 nightly.

All credit goes to rcxquake.

Here is the link to the original thread... HERE

Here are his instructions. I just renamed the file so it was a little shorter. my changes are colored.
This is a modified flash apk file that enables you to watch hulu on your rooted, froyo-running android device. It is my project to return to the community. Please only use this fix if you know what you are doing, as I am not responsible for anything that happens to your phone.

2.) Download the .apk
3.) adb install nexusflash.apk (or your preferred method of installing the .apk)
4.) apply the ABOUT: DEBUG fix if you haven't already (both fixes are required) (Alternative option provided below)
5.) watch hulu!
The about:debug fix is that in the browser address field, type 'about:debug', without quotes, and then hit 'go'. then, in the browser settings, at the bottom of the settings list you will see 'uastring'. change it to say 'desktop', instead of 'android'
Adam B. has requested I link to his post on a .apk that automatically applies the useragent (step 4), so you don't have to. Find it here. Install his .apk just like you installed nexusflash.apk.

June 17- Updated to Version
June 09- Updated to Version


If you don't understand the directions, I suggest you use the SEARCH function. I will absolutely NOT answer questions that you can find the answer to on your own.

Q: I upgraded to FRF72, and the flash.apk isn't working. What is wrong?
A: You lost root. Root your phone to get this .apk working again.

Q: I am running Froyo on my droid / other non-nexus phone. Will this flash.apk work?
A: Maybe. This apk appears to work on recent froyo roms, but not older.
Attached Files
File Type: apk nexusflash.apk (3.74 MB, 20 views) Click for barcode!

Last edited by OMJ; 08-01-2010 at 05:10 PM.
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