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  #1161 (permalink)  
Old 05-17-2009, 08:08 AM
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Re: 5-16-09 ~~Bear-Bonz Rom~~ Version 2-6 [Rhodium/Titanium - 6.5 - 21232]

I searched but came up empty on this one. Am I correct in assuming that the menu softkey on the rhodium music tab not working is a rhodium issue? It's a super pain not being able to use that.
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  #1162 (permalink)  
Old 05-17-2009, 11:59 AM
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Re: 5-16-09 ~~Bear-Bonz Rom~~ Version 2-6 [Rhodium/Titanium - 6.5 - 21232]

Originally Posted by powe6563 View Post
I searched but came up empty on this one. Am I correct in assuming that the menu softkey on the rhodium music tab not working is a rhodium issue? It's a super pain not being able to use that.
it works for me.

try flashing to stock.
then flash to bear bonz
let customizations run the first time. then settings -> system -> clear storage -> 1234
Let customizations run the second time and you should be good.

it should work then no problem.
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  #1163 (permalink)  
Old 05-17-2009, 12:57 PM
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Re: 5-16-09 ~~Bear-Bonz Rom~~ Version 2-6 [Rhodium/Titanium - 6.5 - 21232]

I flashed to offical Sprint 2.0 rom
Then flashed to your rom
the ##codes do not work
I tried under the standard dialer skin that you have as enabled and it blinked and went away
I then disabled your dialer skin and went with the standard skin the codes dont do anything
went back to standard skin you enabled then nothing again for ## codes
  #1164 (permalink)  
Old 05-17-2009, 01:00 PM
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Re: 5-16-09 ~~Bear-Bonz Rom~~ Version 2-6 [Rhodium/Titanium - 6.5 - 21232]

Bug report: When I receive a call after locking my phone with the startmenu lock softkey there a delay between when the phone rings and when the s2a screen pops up. I wonder if this has anything to do with the processor speed on suspend. Will investigate and report back.

Also the kinetic scrolling is very cool. All TF scrolling seems smoother than previous sys. This ROM is going to be hard to top.

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  #1165 (permalink)  
Old 05-17-2009, 01:00 PM
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Re: 5-16-09 ~~Bear-Bonz Rom~~ Version 2-6 [Rhodium/Titanium - 6.5 - 21232]

Originally Posted by powe6563 View Post
I searched but came up empty on this one. Am I correct in assuming that the menu softkey on the rhodium music tab not working is a rhodium issue? It's a super pain not being able to use that.
It works fine. If you are installing stuff like the Facebook tab (and maybe other things) it will break it.

Last edited by Drybonz; 05-17-2009 at 01:03 PM.
  #1166 (permalink)  
Old 05-17-2009, 01:01 PM
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Re: 5-16-09 ~~Bear-Bonz Rom~~ Version 2-6 [Rhodium/Titanium - 6.5 - 21232]

Originally Posted by caleb02 View Post
I flashed to offical Sprint 2.0 rom
Then flashed to your rom
the ##codes do not work
I tried under the standard dialer skin that you have as enabled and it blinked and went away
I then disabled your dialer skin and went with the standard skin the codes dont do anything
went back to standard skin you enabled then nothing again for ## codes
## codes work fine. Who is your carrier?

*edit* Just did ##775# again to double-check. It worked fine.

Last edited by Drybonz; 05-17-2009 at 01:05 PM.
  #1167 (permalink)  
Old 05-17-2009, 01:03 PM
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Re: 5-16-09 ~~Bear-Bonz Rom~~ Version 2-6 [Rhodium/Titanium - 6.5 - 21232]

Originally Posted by sfxc13 View Post
Bug report: When I receive a call after locking my phone with the startmenu lock softkey there a delay between when the phone rings and when the s2a screen pops up. I wonder if this has anything to do with the processor speed on suspend. Will investigate and report back.
This has been discussed and, as stated in the FAQ, for this reason, it is not recommended that you use the WM lock function but that you continue to use whatever lock method you have used in the past.
  #1168 (permalink)  
Old 05-17-2009, 01:09 PM
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Re: 5-16-09 ~~Bear-Bonz Rom~~ Version 2-6 [Rhodium/Titanium - 6.5 - 21232]

Originally Posted by Drybonz View Post
This has been discussed and, as stated in the FAQ, for this reason, it is not recommended that you use the WM lock function but that you continue to use whatever lock method you have used in the past.
I was under the impression this was fixed in 2.5 (at least I reported back that it was working well for me and you stated as a fix.)
For the record by unchecking the processor speed options and leaving the "at boot, and default to:" set to 528 the delay between the ringer and the s2a screen is gone. So assuming changing the processor speeds isn't going to cause a huge issue for my battery life I am going to stick with the WM lock function for awhile and see how it goes.
  #1169 (permalink)  
Old 05-17-2009, 01:13 PM
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Re: 5-16-09 ~~Bear-Bonz Rom~~ Version 2-6 [Rhodium/Titanium - 6.5 - 21232]

Originally Posted by sfxc13 View Post
I was under the impression this was fixed in 2.5 (at least I reported back that it was working well for me and you stated as a fix.)
For the record by unchecking the processor speed options and leaving the "at boot, and default to:" set to 528 the delay between the ringer and the s2a screen is gone. So assuming changing the processor speeds isn't going to cause a huge issue for my battery life I am going to stick with the WM lock function for awhile and see how it goes.
In 2.5 I fixed the brief notification popup that was happening overtop the s2a screen... that may be what you are thinking of.

The problem with the screen being locked I have known about since the first 6.5 release and it can't be fixed as much as I would like to without going to the standard WM dialer (which I don't like) and that causes a bunch of other problems for me.


*edit* I will check into the possibility of the processor waking up from sleep causing the problem, but I don't think it is. If it is, then nueclock may have outlived its usefullness.

*edit* Just did some testing with the lock and nueclock off. I am getting the same results I always have with the HTC s2a popping up over the WM s2a, delay in incoming call and other glitchiness. It's not going to work. I am going to stand by my recommendation to use another locking method.

Last edited by Drybonz; 05-17-2009 at 01:40 PM.
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  #1170 (permalink)  
Old 05-17-2009, 03:51 PM
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Re: 5-16-09 ~~Bear-Bonz Rom~~ Version 2-6 [Rhodium/Titanium - 6.5 - 21232]

Originally Posted by Drybonz View Post
## codes work fine. Who is your carrier?

*edit* Just did ##775# again to double-check. It worked fine.
sprint diamond running on verizon
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