Originally Posted by sfxc13
I was under the impression this was fixed in 2.5 (at least I reported back that it was working well for me and you stated as a fix.)
For the record by unchecking the processor speed options and leaving the "at boot, and default to:" set to 528 the delay between the ringer and the s2a screen is gone. So assuming changing the processor speeds isn't going to cause a huge issue for my battery life I am going to stick with the WM lock function for awhile and see how it goes.
In 2.5 I fixed the brief notification popup that was happening overtop the s2a screen... that may be what you are thinking of.
The problem with the screen being locked I have known about since the first 6.5 release and it can't be fixed as much as I would like to without going to the standard WM dialer (which I don't like) and that causes a bunch of other problems for me.
*edit* I will check into the possibility of the processor waking up from sleep causing the problem, but I don't think it is. If it is, then nueclock may have outlived its usefullness.
*edit* Just did some testing with the lock and nueclock off. I am getting the same results I always have with the HTC s2a popping up over the WM s2a, delay in incoming call and other glitchiness. It's not going to work. I am going to stand by my recommendation to use another locking method.