06-01-2009, 08:43 PM
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Re: [060109] grooveROM 5 - CE OS 5.2.21725 (Build 21725.5.0.2) - [ROM and Kitchen]
Originally Posted by indagroove
Yeah, I got ahead of myself with [060109], and now I have the rom of the future alright!
The phone won't charge when it gets above a certain temp, for safety reasons. I'm guessing that the combination of the phone call and charging is causing the phone to heat up to a point whre it won't charge. It happens with me during internet sharing sometimes. Perhaps you are making your phone calls from a lower signal area than you were with gr4, which would cause additional heat.
No, it's in there. I'm charging via usb (and internet sharing) now at 800+mA. Maybe your charger or usb port is only rated for 400mA. Or maybe you are close to ful charge, and the rate is slowing down as it's supposed to when the battery fills up.
I have no idea what screen you are talking about. I don't see it. Please post screenshot.
This is the standard HTC dialer. It's just skinned differently. I won't make any roms with a white dialer skin, so you have two options if you really feel that the white dialer will solve your issue on grooveROM (it won't):
1. Find a white dialer cab here or at XDA
2. Build a rom with the kitchen in post 2, and include the white dialer skin.
Right, but as I told you before, Mighty is on Telus, not Sprint, and not Verizon. He has the Telus EPST settings in his rom, and therefore the Telus dialer codes. You don't have to believe me, but it is the truth.
Why would an image skinned differently affect the dialer codes? There's no logic in it at all.
then why if i disable your custom dialer and use the standard htc one you provide does all the ## codes stop working?