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  #2561 (permalink)  
Old 06-01-2009, 06:54 PM
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Re: [060209] grooveROM 5 - CE OS 5.2.21728 (Build 21728.5.0.2) - [ROM and Kitchen]

Originally Posted by neelesh View Post
hmm I found a problem in my gmail. everytime I send something (and w/ an attachment) it gives me an error that it wont work? I had full bars, evdo, and my gmail is setup correctly? (i can receive emails)
I'm betting that it's a server or configuration problem.
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  #2562 (permalink)  
Old 06-01-2009, 07:14 PM
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Re: [060209] grooveROM 5 - CE OS 5.2.21728 (Build 21728.5.0.2) - [ROM and Kitchen]

is there a CAB for Rhodium Notifications?
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  #2563 (permalink)  
Old 06-01-2009, 08:04 PM
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Re: [060209] grooveROM 5 - CE OS 5.2.21728 (Build 21728.5.0.2) - [ROM and Kitchen]


Originally Posted by rileyd5
I noticed charging the phone that rapidcharge is not working or is not included. max charge I am seeing is approximately 400ma. Just wanted to see if this correct. thanks!

No, it's in there. I'm charging via usb (and internet sharing) now at 800+mA. Maybe your charger or usb port is only rated for 400mA. Or maybe you are close to ful charge, and the rate is slowing down as it's supposed to when the battery fills up.
as always, you are correct. it was because of being close to a full charge. sorry for the false alarm. Rom is running lights out fast and stable. Just for kicks I tried the dialer from last night. It looks good and functions, nice option but the cooked in one looks great as well
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  #2564 (permalink)  
Old 06-01-2009, 08:43 PM
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Re: [060109] grooveROM 5 - CE OS 5.2.21725 (Build 21725.5.0.2) - [ROM and Kitchen]

Originally Posted by indagroove View Post
Yeah, I got ahead of myself with [060109], and now I have the rom of the future alright!

The phone won't charge when it gets above a certain temp, for safety reasons. I'm guessing that the combination of the phone call and charging is causing the phone to heat up to a point whre it won't charge. It happens with me during internet sharing sometimes. Perhaps you are making your phone calls from a lower signal area than you were with gr4, which would cause additional heat.

No, it's in there. I'm charging via usb (and internet sharing) now at 800+mA. Maybe your charger or usb port is only rated for 400mA. Or maybe you are close to ful charge, and the rate is slowing down as it's supposed to when the battery fills up.

I have no idea what screen you are talking about. I don't see it. Please post screenshot.

This is the standard HTC dialer. It's just skinned differently. I won't make any roms with a white dialer skin, so you have two options if you really feel that the white dialer will solve your issue on grooveROM (it won't):

1. Find a white dialer cab here or at XDA
2. Build a rom with the kitchen in post 2, and include the white dialer skin.

Right, but as I told you before, Mighty is on Telus, not Sprint, and not Verizon. He has the Telus EPST settings in his rom, and therefore the Telus dialer codes. You don't have to believe me, but it is the truth.

Why would an image skinned differently affect the dialer codes? There's no logic in it at all.
then why if i disable your custom dialer and use the standard htc one you provide does all the ## codes stop working?
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  #2565 (permalink)  
Old 06-01-2009, 08:47 PM
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Re: [060209] grooveROM 5 - CE OS 5.2.21728 (Build 21728.5.0.2) - [ROM and Kitchen]

Originally Posted by apaquette0069 View Post
has anyone on TELUS tried this rom ???? Thank you very much!

I'm running on Telus. ROM is very smooth and stable. The ONLY thing I notice that hints of Sprint beginnings is the Connectivity notifier which indicates Sprint but also says it is connected.... so no issue whatsoever.
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  #2566 (permalink)  
Old 06-01-2009, 09:02 PM
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Re: [060109] grooveROM 5 - CE OS 5.2.21725 (Build 21725.5.0.2) - [ROM and Kitchen]

Originally Posted by caleb02 View Post
then why if i disable your custom dialer and use the standard htc one you provide does all the ## codes stop working?
Because the other dialer that is in my rom (non-default) is the WM 6.5 dialer, not HTC. It's a different engine. The white dialer in Mighty's rom is the same Dialer engine that is in my rom by default -- I've just skinned mine to make it look nicer (IMO), and match my theme.
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  #2567 (permalink)  
Old 06-01-2009, 09:03 PM
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Re: [060209] grooveROM 5 - CE OS 5.2.21728 (Build 21728.5.0.2) - [ROM and Kitchen]

Originally Posted by bugzy View Post
is there a CAB for Rhodium Notifications?
Yes, look here: http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/showthread.php?t=60620

There's a different version in Juicy's ROM, but i can't seem to find a cab for it
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  #2568 (permalink)  
Old 06-01-2009, 11:06 PM
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Re: [060209] grooveROM 5 - CE OS 5.2.21728 (Build 21728.5.0.2) - [ROM and Kitchen]

Quick question.. other than the few minor changes made to groove 5, did the OS change any??

I guess what I am asking is I am currently on the initial Groove 5 release and was wondering if flashing to the newest release is going to be exponentially better than the first release of groove 5.
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  #2569 (permalink)  
Old 06-01-2009, 11:08 PM
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Re: [060209] grooveROM 5 - CE OS 5.2.21728 (Build 21728.5.0.2) - [ROM and Kitchen]

Originally Posted by shaned197 View Post
Quick question.. other than the few minor changes made to groove 5, did the OS change any??

I guess what I am asking is I am currently on the initial Groove 5 release and was wondering if flashing to the newest release is going to be exponentially better than the first release of groove 5.
There have been several OS changes since the first build of gR5. Upgrade yes. Flash to stock first yes. Enjoy most current build yes.
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  #2570 (permalink)  
Old 06-01-2009, 11:12 PM
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Re: [060209] grooveROM 5 - CE OS 5.2.21728 (Build 21728.5.0.2) - [ROM and Kitchen]

great rom, but i hate the SIP, any chance of changing to something without the arrows?

keep up the good work.

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