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  #181 (permalink)  
Old 03-14-2009, 02:03 PM
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Re: grooveROM 4 [Sprint] WM 6.1 and 6.5 versions [HD Manila & Manila free]

6.5 is no go, is junk, hate the new menu interface, like the old one better, truer to windows, new is very disorginized. Also this one 6,5 with tf3d was playing wmp and with in a minute or two phone turned off, then got stuck at the Touch Diamond Screen. reflashing with 6.1 version, it seems that 6.5 might be just the last version of windows mobile, then apple might buy microsoft.... Maybe MS and Palm should merge and use the new palm os that is linux based
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  #182 (permalink)  
Old 03-14-2009, 02:44 PM
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Re: grooveROM 4 [Sprint] WM 6.1 and 6.5 versions [HD Manila & Manila free]

I tried both Manilla and Titanium for extended periods of time on 6.5, and Manilla seems to crash very often. It freezes a lot in the music player...

However, Titanium is working very well. It's integration with the media player is pretty cool. Honey comb is pretty fast and neat looking.

On a more general note, I like how 6.5 improves scrolling list of texts and files. Now if only they'd improved scrolling in honey comb and titanium, it'd be a complete product!
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  #183 (permalink)  
Old 03-14-2009, 02:45 PM
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Re: grooveROM 4 [Sprint] WM 6.1 and 6.5 versions [HD Manila & Manila free]

ok So I keep trying to install manila from that link...the version wih the glass flip clock...it installs to 99%, then says it was unsuccsessful...is there something wrong with the manila cab??? anyone else having this issue??? should I flash to the 6.1 version with manilla andx just try to change the clock?? .....its frustrating cus manila takes like 20mins to install b4 it tells me its unsuccsessful....
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  #184 (permalink)  
Old 03-14-2009, 02:50 PM
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Re: grooveROM 4 [Sprint] WM 6.1 and 6.5 versions [HD Manila & Manila free]

Originally Posted by SPRINTPDAGUY View Post
For people that are worried about a RPL update, there is nothing that special about it. PRL stand for perferred roaming list. All a PRL update does is update you phone with new roaming towers available to your specfic carrier.

PRl really does nothing at all, unless you live in an area with lots of roaming.

Updating your radio would have a better effect with coverage issues, not a PRL update.
Yes and No.

Its called Preferred Roaming List for a reason. Pay attention to the preferred. Providers have agreements with other providers towers which let you use those towers and not roam. But you are roaming on another tower thats not your providers but your provider has an agreement with them which lets you use it. If you have an outdated PRL you will in fact roam and your phone will tell you your roaming. Thats why its called preferred roaming list because your provider preferes you to roam on those towers. Another example is say if there are 4 providers in the same city and and you just happen to drop off your home tower so instead of attaching to a tower with the strongest signal it will attached to a preferred tower thats in your prl.

The reason a person would have bad coverage is if they drop from there home tower and the phone has no prefered list to attach to so it keeps trying to connect to a tower thats out of his reach thus having a bad signal. So yes keep your prl updated and update your radio.

So to say a prl does nothing is verry wrong.
Remember one thing in life. What ever your talking about, thats what your saying.

Last edited by dcperdue; 03-14-2009 at 02:54 PM.
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  #185 (permalink)  
Old 03-14-2009, 03:00 PM
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Re: grooveROM 4 [Sprint] WM 6.1 and 6.5 versions [HD Manila & Manila free]

ok So I keep trying to install manila from that link...the version wih the glass flip clock...it installs to 99%, then says it was unsuccsessful...is there something wrong with the manila cab??? anyone else having this issue??? should I flash to the 6.1 version with manilla andx just try to change the clock?? .....its frustrating cus manila takes like 20mins to install b4 it tells me its unsuccsessful....help please!
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  #186 (permalink)  
Old 03-14-2009, 03:01 PM
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Re: Do Not Use This Rom Urgent Read!

Originally Posted by dcperdue View Post
I noticed my data connection was connecting on its own all the time. Direct push was disabled. I could see the arrows moving so knew it was doing some sort of internet activity. I disabled all my connection info and connected the wifi and gave it one of my 254 static ip's assigned to my company which is an isp www.dwstechnologies.biz

On the wireless router I began to see activity and the phone was the only thing connected to it. On my cisco router I enabled traffic monitoring and even used etherreal which is a packet sniffer.

The phone is transfering all my exchange informationm, email, notes, tasks and contact information to an IP address in Virginia. A www.dnsstuff.com lookup shows that address belonging to a cable suscriber.

Now im not sure if groove built somthing into this rom he got from some place or if because its wm6.5 Microsoft is doing some data mining.

Im glad I was only pulling the first day of emails to my phone and not everything on my exchange server.

I have contacted my company attorney and I will be bringing charges against the user who was assigned that ip address in Virginia at the time my information was being sent if I find that any sensitive information went out. I am going through the firewall logs today.

Should we be concerned?
is this isolated incident?
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  #187 (permalink)  
Old 03-14-2009, 03:07 PM
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Re: grooveROM 4 [Sprint] WM 6.1 and 6.5 versions [HD Manila & Manila free]

Well seeing that as I work for a wireless provider and have talked with tecs in our company about PRL updates, I would have to say you are not entirely right.......

SPRINT HTC DIAMOND & pro w/ different ROMS each day because they are all to addicting...
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  #188 (permalink)  
Old 03-14-2009, 03:11 PM
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Re: Do Not Use This Rom Urgent Read!

Originally Posted by dcperdue View Post
I noticed my data connection was connecting on its own all the time. Direct push was disabled. I could see the arrows moving so knew it was doing some sort of internet activity. I disabled all my connection info and connected the wifi and gave it one of my 254 static ip's assigned to my company which is an isp www.dwstechnologies.biz

On the wireless router I began to see activity and the phone was the only thing connected to it. On my cisco router I enabled traffic monitoring and even used etherreal which is a packet sniffer.

The phone is transfering all my exchange informationm, email, notes, tasks and contact information to an IP address in Virginia. A www.dnsstuff.com lookup shows that address belonging to a cable suscriber.

Now im not sure if groove built somthing into this rom he got from some place or if because its wm6.5 Microsoft is doing some data mining.

Im glad I was only pulling the first day of emails to my phone and not everything on my exchange server.

I have contacted my company attorney and I will be bringing charges against the user who was assigned that ip address in Virginia at the time my information was being sent if I find that any sensitive information went out. I am going through the firewall logs today.
Hmm, seems a little odd... makes me wonder if other roms are doing this as well! I will have to check this out too
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  #189 (permalink)  
Old 03-14-2009, 03:23 PM
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Re: grooveROM 4 [Sprint] WM 6.1 and 6.5 versions [HD Manila & Manila free]

the weird thing too is that even though it says it was installed unsuccsessfully, it still shows up in the remove programs thing
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  #190 (permalink)  
Old 03-14-2009, 03:24 PM
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Re: grooveROM 4 [Sprint] WM 6.1 and 6.5 versions [HD Manila & Manila free]

So, this may be a stupid question, but I can't seem to figure it out and I read around. What am I missing?

I have been behind the times and this is the first rom (6.1 with Manilla) that I have flashed on my Diamond. I love it!! It is sooo much faster and I love the extra tabs and all, but my Internet tab does NOTHING on this rom. I mean, I can access the YouTube app from it, but when I click the globe or even use the browser or all bookmarks soft keys, I get nothing. Why? I saw posts stating that Opera wasn't included at all, so I dl the latest Opera Mobile from Opera's website. It works from the programs tab, but still a no-go on the internet tab. Can anybody help? Thanks!
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