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  #2521 (permalink)  
Old 06-01-2009, 08:06 AM
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Re: [060209] grooveROM 5 - CE OS 5.2.21728 (Build 21728.5.0.2) - [ROM and Kitchen]

thanks again Groove! wow, well backed to shipped
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  #2522 (permalink)  
Old 06-01-2009, 11:00 AM
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Re: [060209] grooveROM 5 - CE OS 5.2.21728 (Build 21728.5.0.2) - [ROM and Kitchen]

after a short hiatus, i'm back on Groove's latest and greatest. on shipped now, flashing to 060209 within the hour.

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  #2523 (permalink)  
Old 06-01-2009, 11:19 AM
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Re: [060209] grooveROM 5 - CE OS 5.2.21728 (Build 21728.5.0.2) - [ROM and Kitchen]

i flashed to sprints leaked rom before installing grooverom5 let me tell you some things right off the bat

i have never seen my phone work so hard on its bars like this all night 2bars no bars 4bars and usually on groove rom4 my mugen battery last all night with 80%still remaining in the morning after internet browsing and texting.

my battery last night on the grooverom5 ate it up to 40% in the morning and i wasnt even playing with it that much.

i think installing the leaked rom first is what messed it up, another thing i notice when you go to the owner info section it still says at the top window mobile 6.1

and also i dont like how it takes you all the way back to your home screen after you open a section in the start menu

and also in all your screen shots the bars a low so is it just me or does this rom get weak signals??

i live in vista cali if that makes a difference
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  #2524 (permalink)  
Old 06-01-2009, 11:44 AM
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Re: [060209] grooveROM 5 - CE OS 5.2.21728 (Build 21728.5.0.2) - [ROM and Kitchen]

Originally Posted by popasmurfn25 View Post
i flashed to sprints leaked rom before installing grooverom5 let me tell you some things right off the bat

i have never seen my phone work so hard on its bars like this all night 2bars no bars 4bars and usually on groove rom4 my mugen battery last all night with 80%still remaining in the morning after internet browsing and texting.

my battery last night on the grooverom5 ate it up to 40% in the morning and i wasnt even playing with it that much.

i think installing the leaked rom first is what messed it up, another thing i notice when you go to the owner info section it still says at the top window mobile 6.1

and also i dont like how it takes you all the way back to your home screen after you open a section in the start menu

and also in all your screen shots the bars a low so is it just me or does this rom get weak signals??

i live in vista cali if that makes a difference
Battery life has been pretty good overall for me on the the last several releases. Install the shipped rom like you said. to get things back to a clean slate, see if this helps. Bars are going to show lower with the new 6.5 signal bar. But this means nothing. If you perform a field test, you will notice identical signal strength although the bars are different. try doing a mobile speed test and see if you notice any real difference. There is a cab floating around that will give you the old signal bar and will show more bars. I think Mightymike has it. The start menu back to home screen thing is part of 6.5. I didn't like this either but you get used to it.
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  #2525 (permalink)  
Old 06-01-2009, 11:48 AM
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Re: [060209] grooveROM 5 - CE OS 5.2.21728 (Build 21728.5.0.2) - [ROM and Kitchen]

Originally Posted by popasmurfn25 View Post
i flashed to sprints leaked rom before installing grooverom5 let me tell you some things right off the bat

i have never seen my phone work so hard on its bars like this all night 2bars no bars 4bars and usually on groove rom4 my mugen battery last all night with 80%still remaining in the morning after internet browsing and texting.

my battery last night on the grooverom5 ate it up to 40% in the morning and i wasnt even playing with it that much.

i think installing the leaked rom first is what messed it up, another thing i notice when you go to the owner info section it still says at the top window mobile 6.1

and also i dont like how it takes you all the way back to your home screen after you open a section in the start menu

and also in all your screen shots the bars a low so is it just me or does this rom get weak signals??

i live in vista cali if that makes a difference
i am not too sure about this "leaked" rom you are talking about, but flash to the "sprint shipped" rom from this thread in the first post: http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/showthread.php?t=36062

i am not too sure about your battery drain issue, with moderate use i usually get about a day and half before i need to put it on the charger. one thing you need to keep in mind though it may take a few charge cycles before the battery monitoring in winmobile normalizes. this has happened to me in the past when i go from rom to rom to rom. but if you stick with one rom for a few days it should get better.

another thing you could try is flashing a different radio to see if your reception gets better.

but first i would make sure you are flashing to "sprint shipped" rom first.
You live and learn....just hope you don't brick it!!!
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  #2526 (permalink)  
Old 06-01-2009, 11:49 AM
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Re: [060209] grooveROM 5 - CE OS 5.2.21728 (Build 21728.5.0.2) - [ROM and Kitchen]

I noticed today when trying to "Mark All Messages as Read" in outlook, it sends me to a settings screen, and does not do anything to the messages. Is there a fix for this?

Also, is there a way to get the photos tab on the home screen to use the photos in Internal Storage?


EDIT: this is with the previous build, 21725. i have yet to flash to the new ROM
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Last edited by cesium; 06-01-2009 at 11:51 AM.
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  #2527 (permalink)  
Old 06-01-2009, 11:51 AM
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Re: [060209] grooveROM 5 - CE OS 5.2.21728 (Build 21728.5.0.2) - [ROM and Kitchen]

Originally Posted by cesium View Post
I noticed today when trying to "Mark All Messages as Read" in outlook, it sends me to a settings screen, and does not do anything to the messages. Is there a fix for this?

Also, is there a way to get the photos tab on the home screen to use the photos in Internal Storage?

i noticed this too...evidently it is a known issue with 6.5. i havent found a fix yet. but if you do let me know as i will do the same.

*edit* i did read somewhere (dont remember) that if you run the arcsoftmms program set up it should fix the problem but i have not done that because i could not find the set up for arcsoftmms. maybe indagroove could chime in here. it maybe something as simple as installing the cab for arcsoftmms even though it is already installed on this rom.

Last edited by stravy; 06-01-2009 at 11:55 AM.
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  #2528 (permalink)  
Old 06-01-2009, 12:05 PM
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Re: [060209] grooveROM 5 - CE OS 5.2.21728 (Build 21728.5.0.2) - [ROM and Kitchen]

My battery life has been very good with Inda's last few releases. Getting ready to go to the newest version here in a few minutes, but I don't suspect anything will be different. Are we supposed to run a setup on Arcsoft? I have just been using it without any setup after I flash and it works flawlessly for me.
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A small medium at large.

Last edited by jsvt3; 06-01-2009 at 12:07 PM.
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  #2529 (permalink)  
Old 06-01-2009, 12:10 PM
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Re: [060209] grooveROM 5 - CE OS 5.2.21728 (Build 21728.5.0.2) - [ROM and Kitchen]

Originally Posted by jsvt3 View Post
My battery life has been very good with Inda's last few releases. Getting ready to go tot he newest version here in a few minutes, but I don't suspect anything will be different. Are we supposed to run a setup on Arcsoft? I have just been using it without any setup after I flash and it works flawlessly for me.
battery life has been great for me as well. groove has done a great job. i havent had any problems with sms either. the only reason i mention that is because of the "mark all as read" problem. i dont remember where i saw someone say that was a fix for that problem. it may not be a fix at all. i just recall reading that.

*edit* - when you click "mark all as read" it takes you to the messaging options for Pic/Video Version (from the about screen tab) which is by ArcSoft.

Last edited by stravy; 06-01-2009 at 12:13 PM.
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  #2530 (permalink)  
Old 06-01-2009, 12:17 PM
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Re: [060209] grooveROM 5 - CE OS 5.2.21728 (Build 21728.5.0.2) - [ROM and Kitchen]

so i guess ill go through some charge cycles to see if the battery will adjust thanks you guys

heres a link to that arcsoft thing.http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/showthread...remail+removal
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