Re: RSTG Sprint(leaked) Custom Rom - Tweaked & Loaded w/uc v1.7.18 Updated 2/18/09
There will also be an update this evening... Sprint fixed the xt9 keyboard issue!!!. And a new battery.dll with the official release. I've got a rom together and testing now and will upload with my findings...
If this post was helpfull, let me know by clicking Thanks!
Re: RSTG Sprint(leaked) Custom Rom - Tweaked & Loaded w/uc v1.7.18 Updated 2/18/09
are you including the new Opera? cant wait to get home!! your the man! Last edited by Brock1909; 02-24-2009 at 11:41 AM. |
Re: RSTG Sprint(leaked) Custom Rom - Tweaked & Loaded w/uc v1.7.19 Updated 2/22/09
Last night I was bored and had nothing to do so I loaded the current mighty rom on my diamond. Rom was pretty good but I spent the next hour trying to make it look like your rom rstoyguy. So after about an hour of that I put your rom back on my phone because without a doubt its the rom for me. There was one program on mightys rom that was pretty cool. I wish I could rememeber the name of it but basically it showed the current value of amps on the battery and it also showed what the current draw of the battery was at that time. If you could inclued that on the next build that would be nice. Thanks for the great rom!
Re: RSTG Sprint(leaked) Custom Rom - Tweaked & Loaded w/uc v1.7.19 Updated 2/22/09
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Re: RSTG Sprint(leaked) Custom Rom - Tweaked & Loaded w/uc v1.7.19 Updated 2/22/09
Yes, I deleted that because I felt that the battery was tweaked to it's max potential. There was no need for it anymore. You get what you get. But helping to identify applications/habits that do cause excessive battery drain might be helpful. And with new battery drivers in the new official rom, I might put it back in if I can find it again...
Re: RSTG Sprint(leaked) Custom Rom - Tweaked & Loaded w/uc v1.7.19 Updated 2/22/09
where can we get the cabs for all ur apps / games??? i do not cook roms... i dl'd ur oem packs but cant install lol. at work an dont have alot of time to go searching.
Re: RSTG Sprint(leaked) Custom Rom - Tweaked & Loaded w/uc v1.7.19 Updated 2/22/09
The battery life on this rom is excellent. Every once in a while my battery will go down faster then normal and it must be either a program I use or something staying on and that program might help me figure it out easier.
Re: RSTG Sprint(leaked) Custom Rom - Tweaked & Loaded w/uc v1.7.19 Updated 2/22/09
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Re: RSTG Sprint(leaked) Custom Rom - Tweaked & Loaded w/uc v1.7.19 Updated 2/22/09
Do you plan on adding any of the Diamond2/TP2 apps in the other thread?
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