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  #91 (permalink)  
Old 01-16-2009, 11:52 AM
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Re: Flashing a rom from the 4 gig storage

Originally Posted by Swelsh620 View Post
maybe this is a stupid question, but does the stock rom get overwritten when flashing new rom or do I need to delete stock rom first.
The stock ROM will be automatically removed, that goes for any ROM when you update
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  #92 (permalink)  
Old 01-16-2009, 12:07 PM
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Re: Flashing a rom from the 4 gig storage

to caveat though, you can rename these files after your done flashing so you can switch back and forth easier. like on my TP I have my old flashes that I might go back to named like Y4J.nbh, Juicy.nbh, jugx.nbh, etc then when I want to try them again I rename them as needed. so if you download the stock file, you can rename it as stock.nbh so that if you need to get back to stock fast to bring it into sprint all you have to do is rename and flash.
If I helped you feel free to buy me a beer https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/websc...=H82G7AW4ZWC5Q
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  #93 (permalink)  
Old 01-21-2009, 01:19 AM
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Re: Flashing a rom from the 4 gig storage

I have been successfully flashing ROMS and radios from my internal storage but some of the newer ROMs suggest flashing shipped ROM then flashing new ROM...My problem here is I can't seem to find the .nbh file for Sprint shipped to flash from my internal storage??...I have the download but extaction does not give me the file to rename etc....Do I have to flash shipped from my computer only?
Thanks in advance....
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  #94 (permalink)  
Old 01-21-2009, 09:04 AM
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Re: Flashing a rom from the 4 gig storage

Originally Posted by Babyande View Post
I have been successfully flashing ROMS and radios from my internal storage but some of the newer ROMs suggest flashing shipped ROM then flashing new ROM...My problem here is I can't seem to find the .nbh file for Sprint shipped to flash from my internal storage??...I have the download but extaction does not give me the file to rename etc....Do I have to flash shipped from my computer only?
Thanks in advance....

I'm not an expert on the issue but, I beleive with the Stock shipped ROM, there is no nbh file available to you. Why don't you just flash the Stock ROM the traditional way, then move on from there.
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  #95 (permalink)  
Old 01-21-2009, 10:43 AM
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Re: Flashing a rom from the 4 gig storage

actually the nbh file is in the exe on the shipped rom. when you click it while the dialogues are up before it asks you to flash your phone. do a search on your computer for RUU_SIGNED.nbh.

the other thing you can try is opening the exe with winrar or 7zip (some open this way some don't) that way you can just pull the .nbh out right away. but honestly I see absolutly no reason to flash stock before flashing to a custom rom as all this information is wiped out as you flash the custom rom.

just do this.

flash custom rom
hard reset
pull battery
enjoy your rom.
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  #96 (permalink)  
Old 01-21-2009, 10:44 AM
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Re: Flashing a rom from the 4 gig storage

Originally Posted by O'Neil Mitchell View Post
I'm not an expert on the issue but, I beleive with the Stock shipped ROM, there is no nbh file available to you. Why don't you just flash the Stock ROM the traditional way, then move on from there.
some people have problems like I do I CANNOT flash my phones from my computer. it gets stuck at 0% I have tried all the fixes but nothing helps, I can transfer files but thats it.
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  #97 (permalink)  
Old 01-21-2009, 11:37 PM
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Re: Flashing a rom from the 4 gig storage

OK i got the same problem as another user stated in this thread. I press the required buttond then the soft-reset it brings up a grey screen with that that switches to "Loading..." and just stays there. I got the name right of the .nbh file. its in the ROOT DIR of the internal storage. 99.9% of those RUU things don't work. it sticks at 0% the only one that did actually work was the leaked sprint rom (weird i know). i also pressed the required buttons to see if it was unlocked and it says unlocked. So i wouldnt need to use that unlocker but i couldnt if i have cuz it uses that RUU crap I wanted to flash my rom to that nueROM cuz its made to work with that FM Radio program I am dying to try!!! Ive also been dying to flash my rom. I did it once but its sprints ****ty upgradei want that nuerom lolz. and at this moment i cant even check to see fif that unlock RUU would work my battery is less then 50% and im surprised it picked that up in the RUU. oh well guess i wont ever flash a rom other then that sprint leaked 1 :
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  #98 (permalink)  
Old 01-22-2009, 12:26 AM
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Re: Flashing a rom from the 4 gig storage

ok it wont let me edit my post so i cleared the storage and put the file back and still it doesnt work. ive let it sit for like 20mins max and its a no go. i will give 30 bucks to this community(clicking the donate button above) if someone can help me. i go the sprint touch diamond but i assume this thread is for that
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  #99 (permalink)  
Old 01-22-2009, 10:11 AM
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Re: Flashing a rom from the 4 gig storage

Originally Posted by fizzy View Post
OK i got the same problem as another user stated in this thread. I press the required buttond then the soft-reset it brings up a grey screen with that that switches to "Loading..." and just stays there. I got the name right of the .nbh file. its in the ROOT DIR of the internal storage. 99.9% of those RUU things don't work. it sticks at 0% the only one that did actually work was the leaked sprint rom (weird i know). i also pressed the required buttons to see if it was unlocked and it says unlocked. So i wouldnt need to use that unlocker but i couldnt if i have cuz it uses that RUU crap I wanted to flash my rom to that nueROM cuz its made to work with that FM Radio program I am dying to try!!! Ive also been dying to flash my rom. I did it once but its sprints ****ty upgradei want that nuerom lolz. and at this moment i cant even check to see fif that unlock RUU would work my battery is less then 50% and im surprised it picked that up in the RUU. oh well guess i wont ever flash a rom other then that sprint leaked 1 :

On the root of your internal do you see option 1, or option 2

2. DIAMIMG.nbh
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  #100 (permalink)  
Old 02-16-2009, 08:10 PM
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Talking Thank you! Thank you!

After three days of trying to flash my rom, your internal flashing guide saved my day! YOu have no idea how much you are appreciated right now. Keep up the good work!
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