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  #681 (permalink)  
Old 10-24-2008, 12:30 PM
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Re: JUICY ROM 2.5 [Full CE OS 5.2.20755][TELUS][Sprint]

no my data is working amazing with this radio. try a soft reset first... if that fails post back we will see what we can do.

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  #682 (permalink)  
Old 10-24-2008, 12:33 PM
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Re: JUICY ROM 2.5 [Full CE OS 5.2.20755][TELUS][Sprint]

Originally Posted by goitsme48 View Post
After I installed VNZ radio on my sprint diamond, the weather is not working... I tried everything, made sure data connection is active (rest all work; IE, opera, google maps, mail, etc)...
The weather tab lists the city(ies) I selected and it says "updating" and never comes back with the result (forecast).. I tried removing/adding cities and no luck!!
This happened only after installing VZN radio... Anyone in the same boat???

i m running the verizon radio and the wheather is workong perfectly fine,try to hard reset
i have noticed big improvment battery wise over the sprint radio
imo the sprint radio is a horrible piece of work compared to the verizon,i hope the update it soon
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  #683 (permalink)  
Old 10-24-2008, 12:40 PM
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Re: JUICY ROM 2.5 [Full CE OS 5.2.20755][TELUS][Sprint]

I flashed the VZN radio last night and since I haven't had time to fully test the battery difference, I can say that I have gone from 1 bar to 3 bars in my house. For me that is worth it. Hopefully the battery life is extended a bit as well. It can use all the help it can get.....

My data is working perfectly as well..
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  #684 (permalink)  
Old 10-24-2008, 12:41 PM
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Re: JUICY ROM 2.5 [Full CE OS 5.2.20755][TELUS][Sprint]

Originally Posted by goitsme48 View Post
After I installed VNZ radio on my sprint diamond, the weather is not working... I tried everything, made sure data connection is active (rest all work; IE, opera, google maps, mail, etc)...
The weather tab lists the city(ies) I selected and it says "updating" and never comes back with the result (forecast).. I tried removing/adding cities and no luck!!
This happened only after installing VZN radio... Anyone in the same boat???

I am running the VZW radio rom as well and I know my weather works but right now I am experiencing the same thing as you. If the rest of your data is working, I wouold just say that what ever data location is used to update the weather might be down so I would not worry about it.
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  #685 (permalink)  
Old 10-24-2008, 12:56 PM
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Re: JUICY ROM 2.5 [Full CE OS 5.2.20755][TELUS][Sprint]

my weather is acting up today and i havent made any changes
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  #686 (permalink)  
Old 10-24-2008, 01:11 PM
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Re: JUICY ROM 2.5 [Full CE OS 5.2.20755][TELUS][Sprint]

yes other users on different carriers and roms are all reporting weather issues.

its server i believe
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  #687 (permalink)  
Old 10-24-2008, 01:33 PM
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Re: JUICY ROM 2.5 [Full CE OS 5.2.20755][TELUS][Sprint]

Originally Posted by Juggalo_X View Post
yes other users on different carriers and roms are all reporting weather issues.

its server i believe
Hmm.. may be the Weather Database Editor and the Non-Standard server it uses.
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  #688 (permalink)  
Old 10-24-2008, 01:48 PM
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Re: JUICY ROM 2.5 [Full CE OS 5.2.20755][TELUS][Sprint]

Weather's not working on my end too. I thought maybe I'd screwed something up today. I flashed to the original Sprint ROM (for an unrelated reason) and this morning it tried to update the PRL on its own. It was just there for a long time...over an hour. So, finally I manually closed the PRL update app and after that, no Weather. It sounds like it was unrelated after all... thankfully!

On a side note, does anyone have a cab file with an updated bluetooth stack? I bought a Jabra BT8010 headset last week. It worked great with Juicy's ROM, but doesn't with the Sprint stock ROM. Yet another reason Juicy's ROM rocks! I'm taking the phone for repair sometime this weekend so...I flashed to stock. So, if I could get somethings working correctly without reverting to Juicy's, that'd be great!
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  #689 (permalink)  
Old 10-24-2008, 01:50 PM
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Re: JUICY ROM 2.5 [Full CE OS 5.2.20755][TELUS][Sprint]

my weather is updating now. it wasn't, but is now
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  #690 (permalink)  
Old 10-24-2008, 01:51 PM
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Re: JUICY ROM 2.5 [Full CE OS 5.2.20755][TELUS][Sprint]

Not to be rude, but can we keep VZW radio posts in the appropriate thread? People are going to start getting the wrong idea about Juicy's new ROM. Also, it doesn't make sense to have Radio information among different threads.

I'm going to do the radio as soon as Juicy's 2.6 is out. But I'm waiting on more info and feedback on both.

So please, keep all the info where it makes the most sense, in their respective threads.

Thanks guys!

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