Weather's not working on my end too. I thought maybe I'd screwed something up today. I flashed to the original Sprint ROM (for an unrelated reason) and this morning it tried to update the PRL on its own. It was just there for a long time...over an hour. So, finally I manually closed the PRL update app and after that, no Weather. It sounds like it was unrelated after all... thankfully!
On a side note, does anyone have a cab file with an updated bluetooth stack? I bought a Jabra BT8010 headset last week. It worked great with Juicy's ROM, but doesn't with the Sprint stock ROM. Yet another reason Juicy's ROM rocks!

I'm taking the phone for repair sometime this weekend so...I flashed to stock. So, if I could get somethings working correctly without reverting to Juicy's, that'd be great!