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  #8211 (permalink)  
Old 05-15-2009, 10:14 AM
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Re: [ROM] [MAY.04.09] MightyROM 4/R3BORN

Originally Posted by Stoney60 View Post
You may need Second Today if they are Plugins such as Weather Panel.

Get it here: http://www.freewarepocketpc.net/ppc-...condtoday.html

Don't get mToday, though it does much the same you can't toggle between the 3D window and the Second Today easily.
I will give that a try, but they're not plug-ins I don't think. Simply things like date, calendar, RSS Hub...
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  #8212 (permalink)  
Old 05-15-2009, 10:28 AM
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Re: [ROM] [MAY.04.09] MightyROM 4/R3BORN

Originally Posted by MikeWalker View Post
I will give that a try, but they're not plug-ins I don't think. Simply things like date, calendar, RSS Hub...
I'm no expert, but I believe with TF3D checked everything else is a plugin. Things like Call history, Calendar, The clock are cooked into the
ROM I think.
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  #8213 (permalink)  
Old 05-15-2009, 10:29 AM
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Re: [ROM] [MAY.04.09] MightyROM 4/R3BORN

Originally Posted by MikeWalker View Post
Hey guys, I'm running 4/R3BORN and I'm having a problem, when I try to add items to my today screen, I check the boxes under settings -> Today -> Items and then hit ok, but when I look at my today screen they're not there. Any ideas?
You may need to do a soft reset before interfaces chages will show up.
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  #8214 (permalink)  
Old 05-15-2009, 10:35 AM
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Re: [ROM] [MAY.04.09] MightyROM 4/R3BORN

I have experienced three distinct bugs with the first version of R3BORN. Both bugs have happened more than once.

Can someone with the new beta test these out to see if the problems persist.

Bug #1: When I play videos that I have taken on my diamond in Album or in media player the sound does not play (probably because album uses media player to play the files). However, the sound will play in coreplayer.

I had thought that this probably has to do with the fact the the camera app is now taking the videos as .3GP and the proper codec for the audio was not present with media player. However, I also checked some old video footage I took back in october (taken with my phone november 1/2008, so whatever the current Mighty was back then, but that rom saved them as an .mp4) and the audio would not play for that either.

[edit] I went into media player and tried to populate the library. It found 540 items but never put them into the library. However, the sound will now play for any file. Wierd

Bug #2: This one is an old one that has returned. When I'm playing music in the TFLO 3D tab it sometimes randomly just pauses itself out of nowhere. It didn't do it when I was listening via bluetooth for a few hours, but it does do it when I am listening to the external speaker while in the shower (so within 10-15 minutes of starting). I got cut off mid sentence while singing some David Bowie in the shower! come on! I haven't tried it with wired headphones yet. Will try later on.

Bug #3: Ringer bug, ya ya old news. The cab from before does fix it though.
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Last edited by briggs; 05-15-2009 at 10:57 AM.
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  #8215 (permalink)  
Old 05-15-2009, 10:41 AM
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Re: [ROM] [MAY.04.09] MightyROM 4/R3BORN

Originally Posted by MikeWalker View Post
Hey guys, I'm running 4/R3BORN and I'm having a problem, when I try to add items to my today screen, I check the boxes under settings -> Today -> Items and then hit ok, but when I look at my today screen they're not there. Any ideas?
Hey Mike are you by any chance trying to select multiple items along side Touchflo? Because if you have TF3D checked that is your today screen. If you uncheck TF3D your today items will show up like a normal today screen.

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  #8216 (permalink)  
Old 05-15-2009, 10:46 AM
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Re: [ROM] [MAY.04.09] MightyROM 4/R3BORN

Well bad news guys, everything went perfect yesterday but the first call I got today didnt ring so I went into phone options and clicked play and got the ringtone corrupt error. I was using Ring-Innovation as the Ringer at the time.
Looks like its not fixed after all
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  #8217 (permalink)  
Old 05-15-2009, 10:58 AM
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Re: [ROM] [MAY.04.09] MightyROM 4/R3BORN

Originally Posted by briggs View Post
I have experienced three distinct bugs with the first version of R3BORN. Both bugs have happened more than once.

Can someone with the new beta test these out to see if the problems persist.

Bug #1: When I play videos that I have taken on my diamond in Album or in media player the sound does not play (probably because album uses media player to play the files). However, the sound will play in coreplayer.

I had thought that this probably has to do with the fact the the camera app is now taking the videos as .3GP and the proper codec for the audio was not present with media player. However, I also checked some old video footage I took back in october (taken with my phone november 1/2008, so whatever the current Mighty was back then, but that rom saved them as an .mp4) and the audio would not play for that either.

Bug #2: This one is an old one that has returned. When I'm playing music in the TFLO 3D tab it sometimes randomly just pauses itself out of nowhere. It didn't do it when I was listening via bluetooth for a few hours, but it does do it when I am listening to the external speaker while in the shower (so within 10-15 minutes of starting). I got cut off mid sentence while singing some David Bowie in the shower! come on! I haven't tried it with wired headphones yet. Will try later on.

Bug #3: Ringer bug, ya ya old news. The cab from before does fix it though.
#1 I just took a video and sound played just fine in WMP and from Touchflo

#2 I just started the music playing so I will post back in a little bit

#3 Just got the ROM loaded about an hour ago, but looks like some others have gotten the bug also.

I dont see how the cab from before fixes it when it doesnt address .wma at all, and thats where the problem is. Converting to .wav is not a fix, this phone should be able to play all compatible files.

This ringer bug, is this the same thing thats been around forever it seems? I remember grumblings about it going back a couple years, but weird that it just showed on Diamond a few months back.
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  #8218 (permalink)  
Old 05-15-2009, 10:58 AM
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Re: [ROM] [MAY.04.09] MightyROM 4/R3BORN

OK, I still havent softreset.
Every ringtone I click on says corrupt, I can exit sounds and go back in and still all show corrupt.
So I copied an MP3 off my storage card to the My Documents folder then went back into sounds and they would all play.
BUT, when I call my phone it just lights up and flashes but no ringer
Thats all Iv seen for now.
Mike if you want me to check out anything else let me know
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  #8219 (permalink)  
Old 05-15-2009, 11:00 AM
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Re: [ROM] [MAY.04.09] MightyROM 4/R3BORN

Originally Posted by yearn View Post
Well bad news guys, everything went perfect yesterday but the first call I got today didnt ring so I went into phone options and clicked play and got the ringtone corrupt error. I was using Ring-Innovation as the Ringer at the time.
Looks like its not fixed after all
Damn, mines still running fine, with that said ..... i never have had the issue, this goes back to me saying before i think it the phones hardware or something, cause if we both flashed stock, flashed r3born, have been testing like crazy, and mine stays fine and urs doesnt, ya know?

Just hit the THANKS for me being........well, me...

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  #8220 (permalink)  
Old 05-15-2009, 11:02 AM
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Re: [ROM] [MAY.04.09] MightyROM 4/R3BORN

Originally Posted by TREmp77 View Post
#1 I just took a video and sound played just fine in WMP and from Touchflo

#2 I just started the music playing so I will post back in a little bit

#3 Just got the ROM loaded about an hour ago, but looks like some others have gotten the bug also.

I dont see how the cab from before fixes it when it doesnt address .wma at all, and thats where the problem is. Converting to .wav is not a fix, this phone should be able to play all compatible files.

This ringer bug, is this the same thing thats been around forever it seems? I remember grumblings about it going back a couple years, but weird that it just showed on Diamond a few months back.
all work fine for me
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