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  #2511 (permalink)  
Old 02-12-2009, 02:18 PM
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Re: | February 10th, 2009 | . | M i g h t y R O M 4.4.5 | . | BLACKOUT | . | 20764-UC

Originally Posted by rileyd5 View Post
Wholly smokes!! another one to go sit in the corner. Please dont take this the wrong way, but for gosh sakes some people need to chill out. Let's try to recognize a couple things here.

1. not every thread is going to be answered in a timely fashion, I have been there too where you really want something answered... hit the refresh a few times, etc... But you have to more patient and wait for the community to view it and respond if they can help.

2. don't give up because you get criticized or feel you are being criticized. People perceive things differently and sometimes you dont like the response but you need to just brush it off and move on. Mighty and others do their level best to support us, just can't be all things to all people answer all questions from all people.

3. people need to lighten up! let's have fun in the thread and others. Leanne with her pictures, Pixel with his funny comments in the threads which I enjoy (the avatar comment comes to mind), Kyrumo readily admitted he blasted a couple nights back. wow. how can you beat that! now that's fun and we should try to enjoy this as much as we can. So please try to have fun and not sweat the details.

if I'm outta order, let me know but I assure you I'll be back.
As a previous recipient of the flamethrowers' wrath because of an innocent joke, I can sympathize. We all know that Mike takes a lot of pride in his work, as well he should...it's pretty fabulous stuff. And he has his defenders, ready to throw themselves into the fray at the slightest hint of disloyalty. But as the previous caller rightly stated, let's please just chill out, turn the intensity down a notch and have some fun!
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  #2512 (permalink)  
Old 02-12-2009, 02:18 PM
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Re: | February 10th, 2009 | . | M i g h t y R O M 4.4.5 | . | BLACKOUT | . | 20764-UC

I am on Mighty 4.4.5. No other themes right now. I tries midnight blue theme but uninstalled it.
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  #2513 (permalink)  
Old 02-12-2009, 02:18 PM
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Re: | February 10th, 2009 | . | M i g h t y R O M 4.4.5 | . | BLACKOUT | . | 20764-UC

Originally Posted by briggs View Post
Way to much work. Use your reading skills and hte changelog.

Uninstall the cab. Did you have any other themes (or manila) installed or anything? Are you on mighty rom?

The HD weather tab just doesn't look right on the diamond screen, I used it for a while, and it's slow. Just use the soft key.


Quit spamming.

Well, I was simply breaking the ice from the argument. sorry for not clarifying that using quotes... and yes.

Originally Posted by apaquette0069 View Post
I did not say you HAVE TO FIX THIS NOW!! i didnt mean for it to come out that way.... i was simple asking if you knew what would cause this problem ! like did you change the shellres.192.dll or shellres.192.dll.mui file in the hot fix?? and im sorry i made a spelling error, and i have changed it, sorry it upset you........ i thought it would be a good place to ask this question because i bet 75% of the ppl in this thread use one of tsowen's taskbar mods...... reinstalling the taskbar brings back the icon but make the phone freeze when i try to change the volume and needs to be reset. I thought this thread was about disscussing this rom and any type of bugs, or gliches it may or may not have??? I'll try to keep my comments and questions to myself
Looks like summer could come early.
Don't forget to eat your Wheaties.

Last edited by xTSFx; 02-12-2009 at 02:32 PM.
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  #2514 (permalink)  
Old 02-12-2009, 02:23 PM
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Re: | February 10th, 2009 | . | M i g h t y R O M 4.4.5 | . | BLACKOUT | . | 20764-UC

Originally Posted by absdad63 View Post
Just a heads up for anyone who might experience the same problem. When I installed 4.4.5, my phone would not ring. Callers heard ringing and went to voice mail. I still received voice mail notifications, email, and text messages. I could also make outgoing calls, just not incoming.

Hard reset solved the problem.
There has been a reported issue with the phone periodically losing all sound (rings, alerts, music, audible feedback, et al) after ending a Bluetooth connection. Could that have been what you experienced? In those cases, a soft reset fixed the problem.
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  #2515 (permalink)  
Old 02-12-2009, 02:34 PM
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Re: | February 10th, 2009 | . | M i g h t y R O M 4.4.5 | . | BLACKOUT | . | 20764-UC

Mike, I applaud the hotfix initiative; it's a good solution to an annoying problem (constant reflashing). One suggestion, though: perhaps the hotfixes should be integrated into the rom in the OP, too, so any newcomers don't have to install the rom then a series of patches. Obviously incrementing the build would be confusing, but something along the lines of '4.4.5 SP1' would make sense.
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  #2516 (permalink)  
Old 02-12-2009, 03:10 PM
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Re: | February 10th, 2009 | . | M i g h t y R O M 4.4.5 | . | BLACKOUT | . | 20764-UC

Originally Posted by wog13 View Post
Mike, I applaud the hotfix initiative; it's a good solution to an annoying problem (constant reflashing). One suggestion, though: perhaps the hotfixes should be integrated into the rom in the OP, too, so any newcomers don't have to install the rom then a series of patches. Obviously incrementing the build would be confusing, but something along the lines of '4.4.5 SP1' would make sense.
yea but if a chef kept doing that it would just slow the rom down, causing it to get cluttered, its better to include fixes in the rom, along with any other changes required
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  #2517 (permalink)  
Old 02-12-2009, 03:15 PM
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Re: | February 10th, 2009 | . | M i g h t y R O M 4.4.5 | . | BLACKOUT | . | 20764-UC

i just thought it would be something good to discuss because im sure more than just a couple ppl here use the same modded taskbars.
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  #2518 (permalink)  
Old 02-12-2009, 03:43 PM
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Re: | February 10th, 2009 | . | M i g h t y R O M 4.4.5 | . | BLACKOUT | . | 20764-UC

Just want to report that I have not had to reset my phone since last night when I applied the hotfix. No sluggishness and no volume button issues. SO FAR, SO GOOD.

Sprint HTC Hero, as of yet unmodified.
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  #2519 (permalink)  
Old 02-12-2009, 03:52 PM
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Re: | February 10th, 2009 | . | M i g h t y R O M 4.4.5 | . | BLACKOUT | . | 20764-UC

I've found that twice now that my data connection has failed (once before the hot fix) and now once after. Rebooting the phone after disabling the phone seems to bring it back. But I've noticed that trying to just toggle the data connection doesn't work as it just hangs with the spinning windows (wait) icon in the center of the screen. After exiting out of the communication screen I'm no longer able to get back in without a reboot. Anyone else seen this?
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  #2520 (permalink)  
Old 02-12-2009, 05:00 PM
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Re: | February 10th, 2009 | . | M i g h t y R O M 4.4.5 | . | BLACKOUT | . | 20764-UC

One question for anyone.

I know that Mike has stock rom in mind when he cooks.
But i really like the stock function from hd manila. Is there any way to add it via cab file?
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