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  #41 (permalink)  
Old 09-24-2010, 10:00 PM
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Anyone seen any good kitchens lately? I've tried the following:

PPCGeeks Kitchen
Caulkin's (Obviously)
That one that is nothing more than a little square window with a bunch of checkboxes in it and then a "Play" button to generate a ROM

I cooked another ROM in the OMJ kitchen in 6.1, but then the OMJ crapped up on me after I had made a few ERV files. These ERVIUS Kitchens just don't like me or something.

Are there any other kitchens that'll get the job done as well as the ERVIUS varieties had the potential to do?

Thanks. Don't worry guys, I haven't quite given up on this yet!

- 2 Bunny
  #42 (permalink)  
Old 09-24-2010, 10:45 PM
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Originally Posted by 2 Bunny View Post
Anyone seen any good kitchens lately? I've tried the following:

PPCGeeks Kitchen
Caulkin's (Obviously)
That one that is nothing more than a little square window with a bunch of checkboxes in it and then a "Play" button to generate a ROM

I cooked another ROM in the OMJ kitchen in 6.1, but then the OMJ crapped up on me after I had made a few ERV files. These ERVIUS Kitchens just don't like me or something.

Are there any other kitchens that'll get the job done as well as the ERVIUS varieties had the potential to do?

Thanks. Don't worry guys, I haven't quite given up on this yet!

- 2 Bunny

Not really sure what is going on here, but given 1) I've never had any trouble using OMJ's kitchen, and 2) all the kitchens you've tried are giving you trouble I'd have to conclude it is a) something you are doing or b) something about your computer setup. What exactly is happening when you say they "crapped up on me"?
  #43 (permalink)  
Old 09-25-2010, 05:10 AM
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Re: Elite | (September 10, 2010) Version 2.5 COMING SOON!! ☺

Yeah Bunny this is very strange, the kitchen that use almost all people for cooking, the OMG and Calk and both are crapped, this is very strange. By the way, may be search and try Indagroove kitchen, but i think it's all gone.
  #44 (permalink)  
Old 09-25-2010, 12:17 PM
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Originally Posted by O.a.T. View Post
Not really sure what is going on here, but given 1) I've never had any trouble using OMJ's kitchen, and 2) all the kitchens you've tried are giving you trouble I'd have to conclude it is a) something you are doing or b) something about your computer setup. What exactly is happening when you say they "crapped up on me"?
OMJ and Caulkin are both the same kitchen, just with different default unnecessary items. I've been using the Caulkin Kitchen for quite a while at home, and the OMJ off site. Here's the problems I've had with each:

OMJ: Actually created something halfway decent out of this one yesterday, but the next time I hit the "create" button, "platformrebuilder.exe" "has encountered a problem and needs to close". I even tried one of my previous erv files that had been working only minutes before and still got the same thing. Maybe it was just a fluke. I would be willing to give it another try actually if I could get an ERV file for just a 21055 with Manila 2.1 so I'd know what was needed and what isn't.
Caulkin's: Worked fine, one day I decided to create a ROM, but it didn't finish right after that:
Finalizing and optimizing ROM structure...
... done!
Memory Map...
 SLOT  0:   0x02000000 - 0x017c0000 (END: 0x00060000, 22 MODULES)
            0x02000000 - 0x01fc0000 - ROM 0
            0x01f80000 - 0x01da0000 - ROM 1
 SLOT  1:   0x04000000 - 0x02020000 (END: 0x02020000, 302 MODULES)
 RAM IMAGE: 0x80000000 - 0x80306a94
 RAM:       0x80307000 - 0x8033c000 - Used for kernel modules
            0x8033c000 - 0x83400000 - 48 MB free
... done!
 If you're using one of my tools and feel a need to support development
 and/or buy me a drink, please feel free to send a donation through PayPal.
 Created link in the root of the kitchen.

platformrebuilder.exe Executed successfull!!!

Wait some seconds...

Executing: kitchen_build_rom.bat.....
Copying OS.nb.payload...
        1 file(s) copied.
'..\TOOLS\implantxip.exe' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
ERROR! (errorlevel: 9009)

ERROR executing: kitchen_build_rom.bat

Wait some seconds...

No ''SVN'' folders present...

Restored Original config.txt...
Temp config.txt Deleted!!!
It always has some problem with that ImplantXIP thing. One time is understandable, but a second time that this kitchen corrupted my work is something I'm really done with.
The PPCGeeks kitchen and the Simple one with the checkboxes offered not enough customization.

Thanks for your help.

- 2 Bunny
  #45 (permalink)  
Old 09-25-2010, 08:10 PM
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Do you have an antivirius software running? I ask because I had an issue with mine giving a false positive on that implantxip.exe, then my kitchen didn't work either. I have since put an exception in for this program so it doesn't get deleted or quarantined. After that everything seemed to work. Hope that helps! Can't wait for the new rom.
  #46 (permalink)  
Old 09-26-2010, 05:31 PM
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Cool AVG AT FAULT?! Reply

Originally Posted by bigpanda View Post
Do you have an antivirius software running? I ask because I had an issue with mine giving a false positive on that implantxip.exe, then my kitchen didn't work either. I have since put an exception in for this program so it doesn't get deleted or quarantined. After that everything seemed to work. Hope that helps! Can't wait for the new rom.
I've always had AVG running while I cook. It never pops up with any kind of warning for me, but I suppose this could be a start. Which one do you use?

- 2 Bunny
  #47 (permalink)  
Old 09-26-2010, 08:22 PM
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Re: Elite | (September 10, 2010) Version 2.5 COMING SOON!! ☺

I had produced a 6.5 rom for 6950 with omj's tool. It worked if the size is not too big.
  #48 (permalink)  
Old 09-28-2010, 12:49 AM
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Originally Posted by 2 Bunny View Post
It always has some problem with that ImplantXIP thing. One time is understandable, but a second time that this kitchen corrupted my work is something I'm really done with.
The PPCGeeks kitchen and the Simple one with the checkboxes offered not enough customization.

Thanks for your help.

- 2 Bunny
First, it's great you're trying to make your own ROMs 2Bunny. More people should try to do that instead of just being a sheep (j/k) and flashing a mightymike ROM because it's 'popular'. However, it's not the kitchen that is 'corrupting' your work, it's the end user (either something on your computer or something you are adding/not including). For your error in the log you posted, it is probably your antivirus as had been reported by several other people at xda with ERROR! (errorlevel: 9009). Turn it off and try to build and/or use a different antivirus program. I like Microsoft Security Essentials (it's free and does not interfere with any kitchen I have used).

If you want to put in the time and learn how a kitchen work, build one from the ground up and make your own from a dumped shipped ROM. OSKitchen Zero is a pretty easy to use kitchen. The thing that sucks is that the Sprint CDMA shipped rom cannot be sorted in EXT packages when you dump it. One way around it is to dump a GSM Diamond ROM with the kitchen. If you replace the OEMDrivers and OEMXIPKernel with the Sprint OEMDrivers and OEMXIPKernel, it should boot.

As an alternative, you can use the Prekitchen tool by tehpenguin at XDA to sort the dumped Sprint ROM based on a GSM Diamond ROM. I did this when I had my Diamond and it helped clean up a lot of the files in OEMApps into EXT packages. This way is harder as you'll need to copy the app.reg's and app.dat's from the GSM ROM into the corresponding EXT's from the sorted Sprint ROM. You can also take any EXT or OEM from calkulin's/OMJ's kitchen and add it to your own kitchen.

It takes a lot of work, but you will understand a lot more about how a kitchen and ROM are built. One thing to keep in mind is the Diamond nk.exe is only a 6.1 version, so if you ever use 6.5, you'll need to recmod modules in the SYS or use the CDMA TouchPro 6.5 nk.exe. I think OMJ's kitchen probably uses the CDMA TouchPro 6.5 nk.exe, as his is more up to date than Calkulin's (which OMJ used as a base).

Last edited by mwalt2; 09-28-2010 at 12:55 AM.
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  #49 (permalink)  
Old 09-28-2010, 05:07 PM
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Talking INFO Reply

Originally Posted by mwalt2 View Post
First, it's great you're trying to make your own ROMs 2Bunny. More people should try to do that instead of just being a sheep (j/k) and flashing a mightymike ROM because it's 'popular'. However, it's not the kitchen that is 'corrupting' your work, it's the end user (either something on your computer or something you are adding/not including). For your error in the log you posted, it is probably your antivirus as had been reported by several other people at xda with ERROR! (errorlevel: 9009). Turn it off and try to build and/or use a different antivirus program. I like Microsoft Security Essentials (it's free and does not interfere with any kitchen I have used).

If you want to put in the time and learn how a kitchen work, build one from the ground up and make your own from a dumped shipped ROM. OSKitchen Zero is a pretty easy to use kitchen. The thing that sucks is that the Sprint CDMA shipped rom cannot be sorted in EXT packages when you dump it. One way around it is to dump a GSM Diamond ROM with the kitchen. If you replace the OEMDrivers and OEMXIPKernel with the Sprint OEMDrivers and OEMXIPKernel, it should boot.

As an alternative, you can use the Prekitchen tool by tehpenguin at XDA to sort the dumped Sprint ROM based on a GSM Diamond ROM. I did this when I had my Diamond and it helped clean up a lot of the files in OEMApps into EXT packages. This way is harder as you'll need to copy the app.reg's and app.dat's from the GSM ROM into the corresponding EXT's from the sorted Sprint ROM. You can also take any EXT or OEM from calkulin's/OMJ's kitchen and add it to your own kitchen.

It takes a lot of work, but you will understand a lot more about how a kitchen and ROM are built. One thing to keep in mind is the Diamond nk.exe is only a 6.1 version, so if you ever use 6.5, you'll need to recmod modules in the SYS or use the CDMA TouchPro 6.5 nk.exe. I think OMJ's kitchen probably uses the CDMA TouchPro 6.5 nk.exe, as his is more up to date than Calkulin's (which OMJ used as a base).
That sounds useful. It looks intimidating, but then again, all the Ervius kitchens looked that way at first until I realized how it really worked. I will possibly look into this if the OMJ kitchen does not solve my woes.
Thanks for all the info though.

- 2 Bunny
  #50 (permalink)  
Old 09-29-2010, 10:08 PM
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Sorry to add a doublepost here, but after some slight tweaking, I now have a working Lite concept ROM built in the OMJ kitchen. I am currently in the process of getting it back to where we were at before, but with this I have discovered a nice ~100MB of free space total (subject to change based on tweaks and fixes).
You see, over the past couple of days, I have been experimenting with ROMs in that kitchen and am now reaching a point where we could conceivably end up with a working ROM within the next couple of weeks (I know it seems like I say that "every couple of weeks", but I'm quite positive we may have a winner this time. If you are new to this thread, this will make more sense to you if you read post #1 (which I update regularly), then

Bugs remaining include (but are not limited to):
FlipIt not working out of the box, requires CAB installation
Comm Manager has text about 10 sizes too big
Start Menu Programs folder has 5-10 unnecessary subfolders with 2-3 default applications shortcuts in each instead of all programs being in the root of the "Programs" folder (obvious exceptions to this include Office Mobile, Games, and Tools, the only subfolders that "Programs" really needs).
Rhodium PhoneCanvas Not rendering right at all. Mostly unusable unless the numbers you are trying to call were recently called or are your contacts.
Small environmental details (device does not automatically power on and unlock when you remove the stylus, screen does not dim in bright light).

The Repair of All of these items are currently being pursued by me or I am waiting for responses in various threads on various sites. For now, I think I can handle FlipIt and the PhoneCanvas on my own. I would also take care of the shortcuts in the "Programs" subfolders, but I'm guessing the folders would still be there (?).

At any rate, I'm sure it'll get all worked out fine. If anyone wants to help in any way (finding solutions to some burning OMJ Kitchen related questions), you are welcome to do that, or you can just relax, back up your contacts/tasks/call history/smses/etc in PIMBackup and get ready for...
Elite 2.5

- 2 Bunny

PS: After looking at the calendar, October 10th (10/10/2010) may be a good day for release if I can get it done that early.

UPDATE: If you are reading the entire story and were brought here from post 30, please head on down to post 51 to continue reading. If you were just following the thread, post 51 is a good place to continue reading as well.

Last edited by 2 Bunny; 10-18-2010 at 05:53 PM.
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