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  #611 (permalink)  
Old 10-20-2010, 07:05 PM
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Re: Oct. 16, Lt. Sense 2.5.[2012|2016|2018], WM6.[5|5.x], MaxSense, Titanium

Here are the MaxSense roms available for download. Please note these are all based on Sense 2.5.2016.

Click here for Light MaxSense 1.05, WinMo 21895 (6.5).
Click here for Light MaxSense1.05, WinMo 21916 (6.5.3) with RSS.
Click here for Light MaxSense 1.05, WinMo 23541 (6.5.5).

Finally, I'm slowly reorganizing the thread for easier access to the download links, with an eye in the not to distant future to closing this thread and starting a new one with very easy navigation and an update log. Stay tuned.

Last edited by O.a.T.; 10-20-2010 at 07:19 PM.
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  #612 (permalink)  
Old 10-21-2010, 04:55 AM
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Re: Oct. 20, Lt. Sense 2.5.[2012|2016|2018], WM6.[5|5.x], MaxSense, Titanium

Originally Posted by O.a.T. View Post
Here are the MaxSense roms available for download....
Finally, I'm slowly reorganizing the thread for easier access to the download links, with an eye in the not to distant future to closing this thread and starting a new one with very easy navigation and an update log. Stay tuned.
no Flash dance wishes this time?? (LOL)
Great idea!!! +1 for new Thread
(disclaimer: first whatever you decide to do is totally respected and understood by us, in the good understood that actually you're the only one who decides want you want to do with your THREAD and ROMs and we can only be grateful for your constant endeavor to share with us your good work, time and effort)
If you would like a "brain storm for your new threads" let us know???
I have some ideas and in any ANY way we can help you let us know.
Just one example I always miss Screenshot for ROMs: it is really easy to us to help you with that (there are a freeware software call it "MyMobiler" that take nice Screenshots of the phone screen) And also because it is really a pain in the ass to have to make a Screenshot for every ROM you release.
Best Regards S46r0s0
Actual: Moto DroidX, rooted.
HTC Diamond CDMA; Rom: O.a.T.ROM WinMob 6.5.x Sence 2.5.2016 Sys 21684 (Nov.19)
Perfection is not a place where you arrive, it is the very journey itself where aletheia would become
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  #613 (permalink)  
Old 10-21-2010, 10:34 AM
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Re: Oct. 20, Lt. Sense 2.5.[2012|2016|2018], WM6.[5|5.x], MaxSense, Titanium

I'm with Sabroso. If you want any help I will gladly help out.
For screenshots I find everywan works well. I use it for a lot of my registry work as well. Saves a lot of time.

I would like to make one suggestion. That the links to the rom downloads all be in the first or second post and a cab list of working cabs in the first couple of posts as well. It would save having to point out to people mutliple times that a cab for youtube or office is in the thread.
“All parts should go together without forcing. You must remember that the parts you are reassembling were disassembled by you. Therefore, if you can’t get them together again, there must be a reason. By all means, do not use a hammer.”
– IBM Manual, 1925
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  #614 (permalink)  
Old 10-21-2010, 11:56 AM
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Re: Oct. 20, Lt. Sense 2.5.[2012|2016|2018], WM6.[5|5.x], MaxSense, Titanium

Originally Posted by Sabroso View Post
no Flash dance wishes this time?? (LOL)
Great idea!!! +1 for new Thread
(disclaimer: first whatever you decide to do is totally respected and understood by us, in the good understood that actually you're the only one who decides want you want to do with your THREAD and ROMs and we can only be grateful for your constant endeavor to share with us your good work, time and effort)
If you would like a "brain storm for your new threads" let us know???
I have some ideas and in any ANY way we can help you let us know.
Just one example I always miss Screenshot for ROMs: it is really easy to us to help you with that (there are a freeware software call it "MyMobiler" that take nice Screenshots of the phone screen) And also because it is really a pain in the ass to have to make a Screenshot for every ROM you release.
Best Regards S46r0s0
Originally Posted by josh3794 View Post
I'm with Sabroso. If you want any help I will gladly help out.
For screenshots I find everywan works well. I use it for a lot of my registry work as well. Saves a lot of time.

I would like to make one suggestion. That the links to the rom downloads all be in the first or second post and a cab list of working cabs in the first couple of posts as well. It would save having to point out to people mutliple times that a cab for youtube or office is in the thread.

Re: Screenshots and first couple of posts. Absolutely! I 'm going to try to make it look more professional, or at least more standard with other threads. I'm currently using Whip2Snap for screenshots. I like it for its many conveniences and its functionality.
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  #615 (permalink)  
Old 10-21-2010, 03:20 PM
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Re: Oct. 20, Lt. Sense 2.5.[2012|2016|2018], WM6.[5|5.x], MaxSense, Titanium

been using Light Sense 2.5.2016, WinMo 21681

So far things are running pretty good, the battery life seems good as well

Great work my friend
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  #616 (permalink)  
Old 10-21-2010, 03:34 PM
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Re: Oct. 20, Lt. Sense 2.5.[2012|2016|2018], WM6.[5|5.x], MaxSense, Titanium

Originally Posted by higher diamonds View Post
been using Light Sense 2.5.2016, WinMo 21681

So far things are running pretty good, the battery life seems good as well

Great work my friend
2016/21681 has been a solid build with good battery life for me also.
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  #617 (permalink)  
Old 10-21-2010, 08:01 PM
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Re: Oct. 20, Lt. Sense 2.5.[2012|2016|2018], WM6.[5|5.x], MaxSense, Titanium

I'm using 2018/23541 and battery life and performance are both quite good- especially battery life since I have been using EnergyROMs lol.

O.a.T. - Have you considered adding Youtube to your ROMs?
Some extra color themes would also be really nice.
Keep up the awesome work. I don't think I've ever had such a smooth high-performance ROM.
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  #618 (permalink)  
Old 10-22-2010, 12:14 AM
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Re: Oct. 20, Lt. Sense 2.5.[2012|2016|2018], WM6.[5|5.x], MaxSense, Titanium

Originally Posted by Another Drunk NPC View Post
I'm using 2018/23541 and battery life and performance are both quite good- especially battery life since I have been using EnergyROMs lol.

O.a.T. - Have you considered adding Youtube to your ROMs?
Some extra color themes would also be really nice.
Keep up the awesome work. I don't think I've ever had such a smooth high-performance ROM.
I don't know about your phone but I know with mine that when I have used youtube that has been cooked into a rom my phone heats up pretty quick.

This happened using almost any rom that it was cooked into. With Oats rom I have tried youtube installed on the device and the storage card. I find it runs faster and cooler from the storage card. Also installing it with a cab you get the choice of where you want it.
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  #619 (permalink)  
Old 10-22-2010, 10:38 AM
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Re: Oct. 20, Lt. Sense 2.5.[2012|2016|2018], WM6.[5|5.x], MaxSense, Titanium

Originally Posted by Another Drunk NPC View Post
I'm using 2018/23541 and battery life and performance are both quite good- especially battery life since I have been using EnergyROMs lol.

O.a.T. - Have you considered adding Youtube to your ROMs?
Some extra color themes would also be really nice.
Keep up the awesome work. I don't think I've ever had such a smooth high-performance ROM.
First, glad it is working for you. I think the new WinMo 21681, supposedly an HTC-specific version, is even better on battery and smoothness. You might want to give that a try.

Next, in regards to YouTube, there is a good cab that has been provided in this thread. More generally, given an option to cook something in vs to cab something in, I almost always go with the cab option for 1) the flexibility in removing/updating/changing, and 2) maximizing device memory. The exception has been large manila mods (several megabytes), for example transparency, that add duplicate copies of the files on top, thus reducing available device memory.

Lastly, in regards to themes, many of these can also be cabbed in and they are so individualistic in nature I do not get into eye candy du jour mode. I now personally use an almost stark black background for its good and easy, albeit boring, contrast to the standard color schemes used in Sense.
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  #620 (permalink)  
Old 10-23-2010, 03:02 PM
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Thumbs up Re: Oct. 20, Lt. Sense 2.5.[2012|2016|2018], WM6.[5|5.x], MaxSense, Titanium

Originally Posted by O.a.T. View Post
1) First, glad it is working for you. I think the new WinMo 21681.....
2) Next, in regards to YouTube, there is a good cab ....
3) Lastly, in regards to themes, many of these can also be cabbed in and they are so individualistic in nature.
Hi O.a.T.
Happy to know you are happy with your works,
because we are happy too because your ROM rocks pal!
2) + 1. Left everything can be install with a cab at "internal storage" be there (many times you don't even have to reinstall it (just backup the link in "start menu") or you can keep your setting when you have to reinstall it, in some cases)
3) I'm using 25.2016.21681 (RssHub) w/theme
my question: Is this ROM the one you mention you use, I mean the "stark black"????
1) me too 21681 is good stuff. I want to say it works flowless (Quite Excelent I mean, "Terrific" I think american say)

4) I also want to share that even "CHT 2.1 final" it will took more time to be released, I have install the beta version and the "michaeldiamonds" last upgrade (I think they call "State", it is just two ".exe" replaced in windows directory) and I have to say it works like a perfect dream.
I like to swipe like it is an Android phone. I first use just one page for every level with (independed 3 pages for quicklinks (5columns x 4rows)
but after some performance measure I try to use 3 pages for every and it
is still a good dream. I was really concern about the "booting time" (start up time) but I was very very happy when my last measure is:
26 seconds for "Windows logo bootscreen"
55 second for Windows UI (I must say I would like to try one ROM without "Titanium" UI and without any Wallpaper to see if that improve "booting time"
1:35 seconds for "launching sense text"
1:54 seconds for SEnse UI
2:15 seconds for Weather updated
2:40 seconds for Calendar show/updated appointments
and just 35 seconds for Restart-Sence (without Reboot phone).
this is pretty Nice, I think is QUITE GOOD time!!!!

So my wish is just a lite version ROM when CHT 2.0 or 2.1 final be released
(wihtout Titanium and with no Wallpaper in Windows UI)

Thanks in advance, and really let us know how can we help you.

Last edited by Sabroso; 10-25-2010 at 01:46 PM.
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