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  #21 (permalink)  
Old 11-25-2009, 05:49 PM
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Re: Sprint Everything Data does not allow tethering

they will not know if you are tethering with your tp2 or your mogul you have now. i use htc wifi router and they have no idea but you cant tell them you are doing that because yes it would violate policy, but there is noway they would find you are tethering with a wifi program or a tethering hack unless you tell them and you def. dont want to do that.
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  #22 (permalink)  
Old 11-25-2009, 05:58 PM
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Re: Sprint Everything Data does not allow tethering

Originally Posted by EXLINE View Post
they will not know if you are tethering with your tp2 or your mogul you have now. i use htc wifi router and they have no idea but you cant tell them you are doing that because yes it would violate policy, but there is noway they would find you are tethering with a wifi program or a tethering hack unless you tell them and you def. dont want to do that.
Kind of puts me in an ethical quandary. The policy is “do not do that” not “do not do that unless you find a way to hide it from us”. Kind of sound like lying and my 16 year old son understands the policy and indicated as much. He also uses his phone for internet. If I do that with him already indicating that it is wrong then I am setting a very bad example for my son. Do not get me wrong. I am not saying I am perfect and I do not look down on anyone who is doing that I just have to be careful of the example I lead given the situation.
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  #23 (permalink)  
Old 11-25-2009, 06:05 PM
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Re: Sprint Everything Data does not allow tethering

Originally Posted by ScottHarris View Post
I purchased a Samsung Moment for my wife and was told that they could just add on a data line to our existing everything messaging plan. I have a mogul and TP1 on the account that does that so they said adding on the Moment would be the same. When I got my bill I found I was now being charged for an Everything Message plan and Everything Data plan on the same bill ($129 data only for one phone). I just took the new phone back (still in 30 days) so the bill should not revert back to the way it was.

I do not have a TP2 yet. I was looking to get one but was told by Sprint that it falls under the same rules as and would require the Everything Data plan. It appears from this post that is not the case. I was also told that if I went to Everything Data plan and was found to be using the phone as modem that they could cancel my contract for violations. I do not know how they could do that or even how they would know but it is what I was told.

Maybe I jumped the gun by talking the phone back but I have gotten so many conflicting stories from Sprint I do not know what to believe any more. I just know that I am quite disappointed because my wife has been asking for new phone for months to do texting, email, web, and run some programs and I had to take it back because I cannot afford $60-$120 a month increase in my bill just to keep the same functionality. The only options I could find was to do the data plan and get an air card or take the phone back.
Ah i was kinda confused but know i understand. It is kinda scary when retentions gets it wrong as well. Usually those guys are quite helpful. If I were you I would be calling back numerous times hoping for an employee that will finally understand. But if the main concern is your wife's phone (Moment) you might be out of luck as subzero confirmed that it does require the everything data plan.

You could call and try acting like a new customer and ask them that way then when they tell you it is alright suddenly remember you have an account.

Or I could dig out the number i was given for SERO customers which i am convinced is marginally better than *2 and you could try and talk to them.

Or you could visit every store in your city and ask all the managers there. But all those ideas will only end in the touchpro2 activated on your current account, not the samsung moment.

I just remembered 1 last option that i havn't confirmed if it works yet from my friend who just tried it (take about a month to know). You can sign up for a 70 dollar everything data and there is supposedly a code for a 15 dollar a month discout. So at the end of this month i should know if it worked for him thats only 55 for a phone with data. Still alot but its somthing.
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  #24 (permalink)  
Old 11-25-2009, 06:08 PM
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Re: Sprint Everything Data does not allow tethering

i understand that. i am just saying you pay for unlimited data so use it to your fullest. i wouldnt consider it stealing by any means. this is what this site is for ya know and i dont think they would condone stealing. download a htc wifi router for any of your windows mobile phone and technically your not using your tethering app that you have to pay for its a whole other app and its free
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  #25 (permalink)  
Old 11-25-2009, 06:17 PM
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Re: Sprint Everything Data does not allow tethering

I think the gap between what is legally wrong and what is morally wrong can be quite big at times and every one has a right to their own opinion. But for the carriers to take our phones, break their functionality then charge us extra to get it back THAT seems morally wrong to me. Here is a sweet example, it is kinda like if some bully was to steal your lunch then charge you to get it back. And before you say well it is there's (the companies) to do with as they please, listen to this. The only reason they do it is becuase they are worried about more of their network bandwidth being used up by tethering... Internet service providers tried to throttle traffic based on packet type and the government wasnt happy about it. We are still a net neutral country but apparently that doesnt apply to the cell phone companies. The US Cellular market is an Oligopoly becuase smaller carriers need to much time to get to a level where they can compete with the 4 big ones. And our wallets suffer.

side note: t-mobile has some aggresivly priced new plans maybe you should check out.

Last edited by Masterface7; 11-25-2009 at 06:22 PM.
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  #26 (permalink)  
Old 11-25-2009, 06:18 PM
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Re: Sprint Everything Data does not allow tethering

Originally Posted by EXLINE View Post
i understand that. i am just saying you pay for unlimited data so use it to your fullest. i wouldnt consider it stealing by any means. this is what this site is for ya know and i dont think they would condone stealing. download a htc wifi router for any of your windows mobile phone and technically your not using your tethering app that you have to pay for its a whole other app and its free
I will have to give this some thought. I understand what you are saying and I agree. I am paying for unlimited data so I would be able to use it. I suspect the reason they say do not do that is so that you are forced into an air card (more $$$ for them) but if the WiFi router is an application running on the phone that accesses the data line then it may be OK. I guess it is no different than any other data program on the phone. I’ll have to think about this. Thanks for the feedback
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  #27 (permalink)  
Old 11-26-2009, 12:19 PM
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Re: Sprint Everything Data does not allow tethering

I think the confusion on the TP2 requiring an Everything Plan is all about the mail in rebate. The phone does not require any data plan to be activated, but if you want the $100 mail in rebate, Sprint requires you to an Everything Data Plan.

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