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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 11-09-2009, 05:39 PM
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Angry Unhappy W/Sprint CS.

Been going round and round on this one...

About a month ago I called sprint tech 'cause I had no voice or data on my new TP2. It'd been working fine for 3 weeks; get to work, nada. Turns out it was tower issues in my area.

During the call, the tech knocked off unlimited texts from one of my lines. It was from a grandfathered plan.

FAMILY 550(sm) PlanLine 1: $59.99 Minimum Monthly Charge
Line 2: Free
Lines 3-5: $9.99 Each
550 Included Anytime Minutes
Unlimited Sprint Mobile to Mobile
Nationwide Long Distance Included
Unlimited Night & Weekend Mins. Included
Nights: M-ThMonthly charge for service plan $0.00
Plan add-ons for

3 Numbers, Any Network-Unltd
IncludedCellular Call Detail
IncludedShared Family Minutes
IncludedNights and weekends starting at 7pm
IncludedSprint Unlimited Vision Pack 5.00
Total Equipment Protection 7.00

When I called back to get it fixed, the first rep said 'sorry, but we can upgrade your plan to include unlimted texts.. for an additional $20/mo.' yeah.. supervisor. So I've been dealing with a supervisor for the past month while he escilated the problem to a tech department that deals with expired codes... believe they have a department dedicated to this?

Today he calls me back and says they can't add it back. Best he can offer me ATM is a one time credit to cover an add on for unlimited texts for the remainder of my contract. This sounds like a cop-out to me. It's programming that's preventing them from replacing the deleted feature.

So my question: Is this the best I can hope for? are there other avenues anyone can suggest? I hear "Dan" is answering his own e-mails now; 'course I also hear people just get canned responses.

I've been very cordial during my conversations, and the rep I'm dealing with has been very polite, but I can tell he wants this off his plate. Unhappy with his patched fix, my patience is waning.

Anyone have suggestions?
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 11-09-2009, 09:35 PM
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Re: Unhappy W/Sprint CS.

That's the risk you run with an expired SERO plan sorry to say. When I upgrade my phone if I stay with Verizon (I'm not) I will lose my Alltel plan probably. The only thing I can suggest is to keep trying and escalating and maybe even talk to Dan.
Disclaimer: The truth is obvious.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 11-09-2009, 09:54 PM
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Re: Unhappy W/Sprint CS.

Man, that sucks. I'd keep calling them until I get $20/mo credit to compensate for the higher priced plan. That seems like a fair outcome.

Did you try e-care by any chance?

Good luck!

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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 11-09-2009, 10:13 PM
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Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows CE; IEMobile 8.12; MSIEMobile 6.0) Sprint T7380)

My plan isn't SERO. But I think I have a "band-aid" I can live with. Tried to call Brian back to tell 'im I wasn't happy with his solution. Got another rep who went through the account notes and agreed with me. So, with a supervisor, they added notes to provide me a recurring $7.50 credit to cover the add on costs; to be completed by Brian tomorrow. I plan to request it in writing. Really irritates me that one idiot can cause all this headache and they can't fix it. These codes should be restorable with supervisor ocerrides... update to follow...
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 11-09-2009, 10:34 PM
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Re: Unhappy W/Sprint CS.

Moved to Carrier Discussion Forum!
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 11-09-2009, 11:39 PM
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Re: Unhappy W/Sprint CS.

This recently happened to me. My data was busted and while fixing the problem the Tech canceled my old school $5 unlimited data plan. I never realized it till I got my bill with like $200 of data charges on it!! So anyway, I called and of course this cheap plan is long gone and all the can offer is a $30 plan, blah, blah, blah...so I get a supervisor on the phone and as it turns out, even though the $5 plan is gone, Sprint actually has a $2.50 Unlimited Power Vision Data Plan!! lol, so that's what I have now...best of luck to you, I'd just accept the credit.

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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 11-10-2009, 01:43 AM
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Re: Unhappy W/Sprint CS.

it seems like i get the best results when I flip out and go crazy on they asses seriously... i have a friend who is constantly getting new free phones like the touch pro, an htc hero, some other phone i forget the name. I wish he would call sprint for me and scream at them and get ME a new phone!

also, whenever I'm running short and want to decrease my sprint bill, I call and complain/yell and eventually money gets taken off my balance lol

OH and my other friend actually said that she gets what she wants by calling and speaking to one rep, have them take some $ off your acct, hang up and call right back and talk to another rep before they have the chance to update your records, give the same speal to the new rep and have them take off some $, then hang up and call back again...just repeat the cycle.
**Sprint Phone Chronology**
Samsung m510, Q9c, Htc Diamond, Htc Touch Pro, Htc Hero =)

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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 11-13-2009, 12:38 AM
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Re: Unhappy W/Sprint CS.

Originally Posted by TP_Cutie24F View Post
it seems like i get the best results when I flip out and go crazy on they asses seriously... i have a friend who is constantly getting new free phones like the touch pro, an htc hero, some other phone i forget the name. I wish he would call sprint for me and scream at them and get ME a new phone!

also, whenever I'm running short and want to decrease my sprint bill, I call and complain/yell and eventually money gets taken off my balance lol

OH and my other friend actually said that she gets what she wants by calling and speaking to one rep, have them take some $ off your acct, hang up and call right back and talk to another rep before they have the chance to update your records, give the same speal to the new rep and have them take off some $, then hang up and call back again...just repeat the cycle.
I hate when people do that to tell you the truth. If the percentage goes too high, the phone company will most-likely be less generous etc.

But I have got to hand it to Sprint, I've had them for 2 and 1/2 years now.

I left them about 6 years ago because they over charged me and wouldn't give me an explanation of what certain charges were until I paid them. Now they on the most part they really help you out.
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old 11-25-2009, 03:46 PM
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Thumbs up Re: Unhappy W/Sprint CS.

** Updated & Resolved **

Finally got this resolved this morning. After an unsatisfactory resolution from 'Brian', a CS Supervisor, I sent a verbose letter to Dan@sprint.com. I also CC'd ecare, and executive.offices@sprint.com. Additionally I filed a complaint with the Better Business Bureau. (I think that was the kicker.)

A few days after sending the letter and complaint, I received a call from Jeffrey H. at Dan Hesse's office. He handed me off to 'Claudia' at Sprint Executive and Regulatory Services. After a couple conversations with Claudia, I received a voicemail this morning that she had been able to restore the unlimited text messaging option that had been removed. I was rather shocked, pleasantly so. After listening to her v-mail, I immediately logged on to confirm, and there it was. An hour later I got a 2nd call, which I answered, Claudia again calling to confirm I'd received her message. "And would it be alright if I responded to the BBB that this issue has been resolved to your satisfaction?"

I later got an e-mail from feedback and replied affirmatively. Claudia stated she'll also be following up with me next week regarding the pending rebate on my recent TP2 purchase.

So overall I came out ahead. I still have the $165.00 credit on my account that Brian applied for his 'band-aid' fix and finally the missing option restored. (Something more than a dozen reps previously insisted couldn't be restored...)

While I got the resolution I was looking for, I am a bit disheartened by the amount of frustration and effort involved. Prior to this problem, I'd not had reason to call CS or Tech for over 2 years; closer to 3, when I got my Mogul.

So, if they screw something up and don't / won't fix it, stay on them. Keep cool, but be persistant.

Thanks for your comments. If anyone's having issues and wants to see my letter, I'll be happy to paste it. (as I mentioned, quite verbose. lol)
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old 11-25-2009, 05:04 PM
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Re: Unhappy W/Sprint CS.

Good work. This is why I like the idea of going to Sprint. I mean it was a hassle but it got worked out.
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