Originally Posted by MiltonPro
I guess you have a point. A better way to word it could have been:
Have an issue with your Sprint phone? Take it to a repair center, if there isn't a simple solution, they will order a replacement for free. No need to pay the deductible.
You might even be lucky to get a new phone depending of your phone availability status at that particular moment...
Which is what the OP wanted to say anyways, just gave us all TMI......
this wouldn't have been a good way to word it either. this is my way of seeing it...if u've found a loop hole, being such a smart geek like you are, then use it, but only for yourself. if u tell 10,000 people, it won't last long. like i said before the new ##567# code gets sprint to automatically credit your account $250. jk, that's not really the code. why would i tell you the real one, so they can stop it? then i won't be able to use it anymore ultimately being stupid on my part.
'somethings' are best to keep to yourself. telling everybody is what killed the SERO plan, the $10 a month dropped call credits, it also killed the visual voicemail and more. i'm all about sharing but not when the long run result = ended for everyone including myself.
one question...based on what u say there would be a better way of wording it:
if it was your company, and 10,000 people were bringing in year old, beat up old broken, $500 phones. and the 'requirement' was to replace the phone with a brand new in the box $600 phone....wouldn't you feel as though a change was needed. if 100 people are doing it, it's not so bad...if it's 10,000...don't you agree that if it was 'your' company, a change is needed?? if you will please honestly answer that for me.