Originally Posted by stifiling
no it's not top secret...it's been posted many times by people like the OP. it's been said so many times, i'm wondering why it was even said again. kinda like me saying, "hey, did you know Barack Obama is the president?" you already know this....why am i telling you again??
it's been said a whole, whole lotta times. still don't understand why, i really feel as though it's about 75% of the reason why the deductible has been doubled.
I guess you have a point. A better way to word it could have been:
Have an issue with your Sprint phone? Take it to a repair center, if there isn't a simple solution, they will order a replacement for free. No need to pay the deductible.
You might even be lucky to get a new phone depending of your phone availability status at that particular moment...
Which is what the OP wanted to say anyways, just gave us all TMI......