Originally Posted by MiltonPro
Yeah dude, WTF..... What he just posted is not a top secret procedure. This has been posted many times. If you have insurance, take it to a Repair shop. They will order you a new phone and you save the deductible of an insurance claim. Not always gauranteed a new device, but cant hurt to try.
No need to sound like an aZZ!! Just close this thread and move on to another one.....
no it's not top secret...it's been posted many times by people like the OP. it's been said so many times, i'm wondering why it was even said again. kinda like me saying, "hey, did you know Barack Obama is the president?" you already know this....why am i telling you again??
it's been said a whole, whole lotta times. still don't understand why, i really feel as though it's about 75% of the reason why the deductible has been doubled.
Sanyo 5600, Sanyo 9000, Sanyo 8400, Sanyo M1, Treo 700p, Treo 755p, HTC Apache, HTC Mogul, HTC Touch Pro, HTC Touch Pro 2