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  #11 (permalink)  
Old 02-12-2009, 12:07 AM
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Re: Sprint VS Verizon

Its all about the coverage. Verizon works better for me in my area.
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old 02-12-2009, 12:07 AM
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Re: Sprint VS Verizon

Well, put it this way, Sprint coverage can easily be just as good at Verizon's by putting roaming on the plan for only $3/month, and you'll still be paying a lot less to use Verizon's network (if you ever have to) than even normal Verizon users themselves (this is really kind of a scam to them)...

As for the rest, well, over the years, Sprint customer service has improved dramatically, not that you should need it often anyway. Sprint's mobile broadband is the fastest out of all (ATT's commercial's are inaccurate, and proven so by so many live comparisons, yet they can get away with it since they're so rich).

Overall, best pricing (exception: Tmobile, but their tech isn't so good, web is slow, coverage worse, etc) fastest web, can use Verizon's network if ever necessary for only an extra $3 per month, additional minutes when going over the plan limit still doesn't add up to Verizon and ATT rates...why not Sprint?

I've been with Sprint since the old days when their coverage in the Eastern US was terrible, but I was stuck in contract...Sprint greatly improved before my contract ran out...I've been eligible to upgrade or abandon Sprint for 3 years...

...But I haven't for a very good reason--they give quality service at a reasonable price!
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old 02-12-2009, 12:08 AM
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Re: Sprint VS Verizon

As mentioned above, it can vary greatly by location...

For me, in Philadelphia, PA, I prefer Sprint. I came from T-Mobile and I have more coverage with Sprint in Philly than I ever had with T-Mobile. In the very faint coverage areas I get Verizon for no extra cost...

The price I pay, $30 sero, beats anything Verizon can give me to boot. Not to mention the Verizon Touch Pro makes me want to stab my eyes out.
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old 02-12-2009, 12:12 AM
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Re: Sprint VS Verizon

Originally Posted by frazell View Post
As mentioned above, it can vary greatly by location...

For me, in Philadelphia, PA, I prefer Sprint. I came from T-Mobile and I have more coverage with Sprint in Philly than I ever had with T-Mobile. In the very faint coverage areas I get Verizon for no extra cost...

The price I pay, $30 sero, beats anything Verizon can give me to boot. Not to mention the Verizon Touch Pro makes me want to stab my eyes out.
Is it easy to get SERO ?
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old 02-12-2009, 12:14 AM
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Re: Sprint VS Verizon

I left verizon for Sprint and have never looked back. Sprint service for me is much better, and Customer service is much better.
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  #16 (permalink)  
Old 02-12-2009, 12:15 AM
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Re: Sprint VS Verizon

Originally Posted by kyrumo View Post
Is it easy to get SERO ?
I got in a few hours before the closed it down... But it is easy to get SERO if you know someone with SERO. I got my wife my $30 SERO plan maybe 2 weeks ago or so by just adding a new line to my account. Same SERO plan and all...

So if you know a SERO user you should be able to get in really easy. You just need to buy a new phone.
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old 02-12-2009, 12:16 AM
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Re: Sprint VS Verizon

For me Verizon has amazing coverage and Sprint's is bad around here. But, Sprint has much better phones. Buy an Omnia and clone the ESN...
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  #18 (permalink)  
Old 02-12-2009, 12:18 AM
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Re: Sprint VS Verizon

Originally Posted by frazell View Post
I got in a few hours before the closed it down... But it is easy to get SERO if you know someone with SERO. I got my wife my $30 SERO plan maybe 2 weeks ago or so by just adding a new line to my account. Same SERO plan and all...

So if you know a SERO user you should be able to get in really easy. You just need to buy a new phone.
I already have phones, would I need to buy a new 1 ?
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  #19 (permalink)  
Old 02-12-2009, 12:27 AM
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Re: Sprint VS Verizon

I have Sprint

Since I live in a city, Sprint and Verizon have almost exactly the same level of service. Even if Sprint didn't have coverage in an area, Sprint phones can roam on Verizon towers for free. Unlike jmorton, I never experience dropped calls unless I literally walk underground during a call. I've also never known of a problem with missing texts or late texts. That said, I also never had problems with service with Verizon. But again, I live in New York. Sprint does trump Verizon in one area though and that is EVDO speeds. From what I hear, Sprint users gets up to 2x the speed that Verizon gets.

If you live in a more rural area, you need to check the coverage maps for both companies. While its true that Verizon has more coverage than Sprint, it can still differ from area to area.

The reason I moved from Verizon to Sprint was 100% because of the SERO plan and the ridiculous prices that Verizon charges for data and texts. I was also sick of dealing with inept Verizon techs telling me blatant lies about their phones and/or service. Sprint folk may not know more than VZW techs, but that can work to your advantage, especially since I've never had a Sprint tech try to BS me about something with my phone. This of course only applies to in-store techs and bad individual reps shouldn't be extrapolated to the rest of the company. On the phone however, I've experienced comparable levels of service, knowledge and respect.

The only thing about the company attitude I very much dislike is the fact that they treat their customers like children or at best idiots. This is especially apparent with their crippling of phones and removing of stock features. It feels like a "We're so big we can do whatever we want because people will continue using us" culture, which is ultimately very bad for us consumers.

I swear, I feel like some customers have beaten wife syndrome with Verizon. I don't think I could ever "love" verizon the way they treated me. I was counting the days to contract expiration so I could switch to Sprint.

Last edited by Darkjedi; 02-12-2009 at 12:43 AM.
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  #20 (permalink)  
Old 02-12-2009, 12:33 AM
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Re: Sprint VS Verizon

Originally Posted by darkjedi007 View Post
I have Sprint

Since I live in a city, Sprint and Verizon have almost exactly the same level of service. Even if Sprint didn't have coverage in an area, Sprint phones can roam on Verizon towers for free. Unlike jmorton, I never experience dropped calls unless I literally walk underground during a call. I've also never known of a problem with missing texts or late texts. That said, I also never had problems with service with Verizon. But again, I live in New York. Sprint does trump Verizon in one area though and that is EVDO speeds. From what I hear, Sprint users gets up to 2x the speed that Verizon gets.

If you live in a more rural area, you need to check the coverage maps for both companies. While its true that Verizon has more coverage than Sprint, it can still differ from area to area.

The reason I moved from Verizon to Sprint was 100% because of the SERO plan and the ridiculous prices that Verizon charges for data and texts. I was also sick of dealing with inept Verizon techs telling me blatant lies about their phones and/or service. Sprint folk may not know more than VZW techs, but that can work to your advantage, especially since I've never had a Sprint tech try to BS me about something with my phone. This of course only applies to in-store techs and bad individual reps shouldn't be extrapolated to the rest of the company. On the phone however, I've experienced comparable levels of service, knowledge and respect.

The only thing about the company attitude I very much dislike is the fact that they treat their customers like children or at best idiots. This is especially apparent with their crippling of phones and removing of stock features. It feels like a "We're so big we can do whatever we want because people will continue using us" culture, which is ultimately very bad for us consumers.
Well put
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