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  #11 (permalink)  
Old 01-27-2009, 12:38 PM
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Re: Goodbye Sprint...

he'll probably go and exchange it for an iphone before his 30 days is up. goodluck paying 50 dollars more a month to have everything unlimited. oh and when it breaks or you lose it, good luck dealing with att's insurance. oh and there are more than enough radio programs out there to fit anyones needs.
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old 01-27-2009, 01:23 PM
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Re: Goodbye Sprint...

I usually don't get into these carrier discussions because the "best" carrier is primarily based on personal experiences. If it were not, we could simply compare handsets and plans and come up with a winner. Also, if I live next to a tower my reception is gonna be better than someone who lives on the edge of the transmission limits.

That being said, IMO, AT&T and T-Moble do not compare to Sprint. And don't even get me started on Verizon. But this is based on my experiences, prices, reception, and handsets. However, I do agree that the OP should have been treated better and should not have been let go! I also agree that I would rather pay more to be with a carrier that values me as a customer. I hope he wasn't that serious about the FM radio thing (I would buy a small radio and save my phone battery). Sure they could have enabled it out of the box, but did you really go into a cellphone store looking for a radio? I think not.

I only ask that the OP comes back and gives us his HONEST opinion after being with AT&T for a while (and had to deal with their customer service) and his anger with Sprint has faded. If he still says AT&T is better, then God bless him, he did the right thing. It's his personal experience that matters and he should be where he is treated better.

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Last edited by pdoc01; 01-27-2009 at 01:48 PM.
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old 01-27-2009, 01:33 PM
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Re: Goodbye Sprint...

This must be the Sprint fanboy thread...The guy is simply taking out his frustrations with Sprint on a forum that he feels comfortable speaking freely on. No need to jump all over him.

And whoever said "every carrier looks good until you have a problem" is absolutely correct! Nobody values customer relationships anymore and thats not a good thing. I have Verizon, and they are complete @$$holes.

Last edited by nvaia; 01-27-2009 at 01:36 PM.
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old 01-27-2009, 01:42 PM
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Re: Goodbye Sprint...

Not sure why it matters so much to everyone. It's the OP's phone, money, and opinion. People really have been getting all uptight lately when others post negatively about their phone/carrier. The only thing that matters is the device/carrier that someone chooses works for them.
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old 01-27-2009, 01:44 PM
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Re: Goodbye Sprint...

Originally Posted by edufur View Post
I hate to tell you this, but the only folks worse than AT&T is verizon.
Good luck with AT&T. But the reality is that any carrier is good until you have a problem... then just about all of em suck. Sprint is the least sucky out of the 4 carriers I have been with.

As a former VZW customer to Sprint, I thought this was quote-worthy.

AFAIK any roadblock I've ever come to hit with Sprint's CS, Executive Services/Account Services always made things right.
They give off a better air of thier QOS.

I've only called them 3 times out of the 5 years I've been with them, every thing I've asked for they had a "can do" attitude about it.

It's called Asurion the same 3rd party insurance company as sprint
Option wise, there is a key difference in how Sprint insurance works.

Assurion will charge $50 for service replacements x3 during a 12 month span, thats the only downside. Sprints TEP will cover your replacements at ($7 mthly) no ex cost or annual limit of replacments & Asurion can be used as a last resort/option.

I would ask if AT&T if they had similar coverage for new signups or an addition, they offer it on default for long standing/good paying customers w/AT&T/Cingular branded phones AFAIK.

AT&T should play fair in the event of an accident, as long as you're using their phone anyway.

Good luck.

Last edited by Genjinaro; 01-27-2009 at 01:48 PM.
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  #16 (permalink)  
Old 01-27-2009, 01:47 PM
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Re: Goodbye Sprint...

I guess it depends on what your willing to deal with. It's kind of the same way when you pick whick woman you want to deal with. None of them are going to be perfect and there is always something to complain about. It's all about personal preference, your limits on certain matters that may bother you, and what you are willing to deal with. I am with Print and I think about leaving them everyday. My contract is up and I been with them for about eight years. But I have a a new little one and so my finances are different. 15 dollars or whatever the difference may be can go a long way. That's 15x 12 moths too if you think about it. Then also I know at&t insurance is messed up. My friend had issues with the blackberry three times and the insurance dropped her. Wasn't her fault, just faulty merchandise. But then you got the sim card thing which will enable you to get damn near whatever phone you want. But the issue with that is that you know at&t won't insure anything they are not selling so you will be taking a big chance with that. Especially if it's an unloked phone because they cost more. Sprint internet is better too so it sepends on if that's important to you. At&t is better cross seas so if you travel like that then it's better than Sprint, but Sprint is suppose to be working on getting the wimax, long story short I don't blame you but just keep some things in mind. That's what I am trying to do before I make my final decision.
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old 01-27-2009, 01:49 PM
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Re: Goodbye Sprint...

Originally Posted by Tripdub1 View Post
Not sure why it matters so much to everyone. It's the OP's phone, money, and opinion. People really have been getting all uptight lately when others post negatively about their phone/carrier. The only thing that matters is the device/carrier that someone chooses works for them.
Nobody is jumping all over him. It's just the fact the he tried to down talk are phones just because he had a bad customer service experience. The Fuze is no different from our phones besides the fm radio (which i can gurantee you we will have very soon). I have been with sprint for 5 years and have had several confrontations with them over numerous things. I have been very pissed but i know it will fade and they usally make up for it somewhere down the road. But that has nothing to do with how good my phone works. I have actually given sprint credit. There customer services has actually gotten better over the last 6-8 months. There will always be a few bad apples in the bunch but overall Dan Hessie (i think thats how u spell it) Is doing a great job. My main arguement is he switched companies and is bragging of paying more for the same device and services that he got with sprint. That's not a positive in my book.
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Last edited by Young_breedent; 01-27-2009 at 01:57 PM.
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  #18 (permalink)  
Old 01-27-2009, 01:56 PM
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Re: Goodbye Sprint...

Originally Posted by Young_breedent View Post
Nobody is jumping all over him. It's just the fact the he tried to down talk or phones just becuase he had a bad customer service experience. The Fuze is no different from or phones besides the fm radio (which i can gurantee you we will have very soon). I have been with sprint for 5 years and have had several confrontations with them over numerous things. I have been very pissed but i know it will fade and they usally make up for it somewhere down the road. But that has nothing to do with how good my phone works. I have actually given sprint credit. There customer services has actually gotten better over the last 6-8 months. There will always be a few bad apples in the bunch but overall Dan Hessie (i think thats how u spell it) Is doing a great job. My main arguement is he switched companies and is bragging of paying more for the same device and services that he got with sprint. That's not a positive in my book.
He isn't down talking YOURS or ANYONE ELSE'S phone. He is down takling HIS phone and HIS experience with HIS provider.
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  #19 (permalink)  
Old 01-27-2009, 02:03 PM
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Re: Goodbye Sprint...

Maybe you didn't read this part my friend. He is definitely down talking HIS phone which was the Sprint Touch Pro which is OUR phone if you have the same one. Especially going as far as saying that Sprint crippled the phone lol.

Originally Posted by dfspot View Post

To make a long story short I went with at&t HTC Fuze aka Touch Pro... And I must say the gsm touch is miles ahead. Without Flashing and Tweaking Out the box it's a killer. FM radio, Audio Fixed, Bluetooth works, battery life and maybe it's just me but it's prettier LOL.

Things I've notice the sprint has crippled the phone so bad it has effected the real performance. And I know you are saying "you got a bad unit" did I mention this was the 3rd and everyone I know with the sprint touch pro is having similar issues.
Originally Posted by nvaia View Post
He isn't down talking YOURS or ANYONE ELSE'S phone. He is down takling HIS phone and HIS experience with HIS provider.
Your right though he was "Also" down talking the carrier but as i mention before the way your phone works has nothing to do with your customer service experience. Meaning don't say your phone sucks because a rep wasn't able to help you like you wanted him to. I agree that he was treated unfair but his reasons for switching seems more of an angry choice than a logical one .
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  #20 (permalink)  
Old 01-27-2009, 02:08 PM
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Re: Goodbye Sprint...

Perhaps HIS phone was poorly built? We all know that certain versions of Sprint's touch pro are garbage. He did not like the phone, nor the service and it shouldnt be a big deal to anyone else. You obviously love the phone and the service, which is great, I am glad you are happy. All I am saying is that there is no need to get on his case about it.
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