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  #771 (permalink)  
Old 01-30-2009, 12:24 PM
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Re: Upgrade To Touch Pro Free!!

Originally Posted by JessH View Post
So if I have the insurance on my mogul, and I drop it in the toilet. I can walk into a store and ask for a new phone and they will upgrade me to a touch pro?

Just curious...
not quite....you will have to contact asurion and have them send you a replacement....

but dont murder your mogul! lol....
HIT THANKS IF I HELPED!!! twitter.com/xxxorion

HTC Mogul>HTC Touch>HTC TP>HTC Snap>Palm Pre>HTC TP2(PUKE)>HTC Hero>HTC Evo
htc... is it in ur blood?
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  #772 (permalink)  
Old 01-30-2009, 12:28 PM
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Re: Upgrade To Touch Pro Free!!

Originally Posted by patrickgies View Post
Ok, I am from alltel and boy do i have a story for you...I have had 6 ppc6800 since about august. all with some sort of issue. Buttons not working, white spots showing up and software making the phone lose a call and restart. But last week i went in to talk about my send (green button) not working they sent me a new phone by mail (6800) and this monday (3 days ago) i got the new 6800. The directional pad didnt work right out of the box. Boy, I was pissed to say the least. I waited all weekend to get a new working phone and the D-pad doesnt work. So, I called Alltel.com and talked to 3 techs there. each telling me a different story on what will happen and what i will get.

The first one told me that he suggests i talk to the manager of the alltel store where i am getting the XBM and demand I get a new 6800 or touch pro. Tried this routine and the manager wasnt in at the time. The second suggestion the tech told me was to try insurance. That was a joke. i talked to insurance for about 15 mins and since the original phone that i replaced was insuranced back in october, they said there wasnt anything they could do for me except charge me 100 dollars and i would get a new 6800. So that idea was shot as well.

I then called alltel.com back and talked to someone else which belittled me and told me that i was asking to get a free upgrade from a ford to a bmw (exact quotes) and I just laughed trying to be nice and he said that there is no way i would be getting an upgrade to a touch pro because touch pros are better phones and cost 20 dollars more then the 6800. But he said he would transfer me to the next level tech.

This guy seemed a little nicer, but still didnt get anywhere closer to a touch pro. He again did the phone by mail thing, which today i got another refurb 6800. SO FAR SO GOOD...he also said i have to get 3 phones by mail before anything different can be done. the only thing he thinks will happen is that if this phone starts to have issues that i can then go to the store and demand a new phone ( brand new 6800) but i argued with him explaining that that would be my 7th 6800 in less then 6 months and i want a phone that will work and last longer then a month. he told me that if i talk to the manager and explain whats going on, i might be able to upgrade to a Touch pro, but it would cost me 20 dollars since the 6800 is 580 retail and the touch pro is 600 currently at the store.

Now i sit and wait and see if my 6800 is going to last and be good. I am at my wits end with these phones and have had nothing but bad luck with them. So, is anyone else getting anywhere quickly with alltel, or am i just having bad luck with alltel
this will be why i chose sprint....
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  #773 (permalink)  
Old 01-30-2009, 12:32 PM
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Re: Upgrade To Touch Pro Free!!

Originally Posted by ruskiyab View Post
Here's my story:

-Walk into sprint store with mogul in hand stuck in bootloader

Sprint rep: Have you tried a hard reset?
Me: Yep
Sprint rep: Well, I'm gonna try it one more time just to be sure
*Goes to ask how to do a hard reset*
1 minute later:
Sprint rep: Well, this phone is shot, we're gonna have to get you a new one right now
Me: Really? that sucks
*Sprint rep leaves, comes back with Touch Pro*
Me: Yay!

haha YAY lol=D>
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  #774 (permalink)  
Old 01-30-2009, 12:37 PM
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Re: Upgrade To Touch Pro Free!!

Just tried it and I was only offered a recertified 6800. I guess I'll have to go to a service center.
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  #775 (permalink)  
Old 01-30-2009, 12:42 PM
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Re: Upgrade To Touch Pro Free!!

Originally Posted by orionsbuckle View Post
not quite....you will have to contact asurion and have them send you a replacement....

but dont murder your mogul! lol....
I wouldn't murder my mogul, I actually have a new mogul coming from Sprint because mine was having issues. I don't mind the mogul really, but would be nice to get a TP.
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  #776 (permalink)  
Old 01-30-2009, 04:16 PM
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Unhappy Re: Upgrade To Touch Pro Free!!

Well the charging pins on my phone, the black piece broke off and my son tried to plug in the charger and bent them all up. i called the insurance place and they said to process a faster claim to online to www.phoneclaim.com. So i did and it says my replacement is a Mogul. I cancelled it. now what? what do i say so i can get a HTC Touch pro? i'm not very good at demanding stuff. Tell me what to say? I wouldn't mind a Mogul, but I'd love a Pro.
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  #777 (permalink)  
Old 01-30-2009, 05:11 PM
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Re: Upgrade To Touch Pro Free!!

My order number is ET23*** how can I get the tracking number for my TP?
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  #778 (permalink)  
Old 01-30-2009, 05:15 PM
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Thumbs up Re: Upgrade To Touch Pro Free!!

just to let you guys know, in the service and repair centers of sprint, they are sending out Tps for the moguls only if the technician requests it. they do have the option to pick mogul sometimes so make sure this doesnt happen to you. Be nice to your tech.....thank me to get my rep up....

Tier 5 Tech support
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  #779 (permalink)  
Old 01-30-2009, 05:16 PM
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Re: Upgrade To Touch Pro Free!!

if you have to get it replaced through assurion they will send the same model, you have to not have physicl damge on your phone to have it replaced through the service and repair centers, in this case i think your just out of luck.......
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  #780 (permalink)  
Old 01-30-2009, 05:26 PM
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Re: Upgrade To Touch Pro Free!!

I did my phone replacement through Sprint Self Service. Not Asurion.
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