I did not find a similar post so here it goes (sorry if it HAS been previously posted):
For anyone still interested in the original SERO plans ($30/mo), you may still be able to get it though it is officially "expired". Last year when I got married I ported my wife's sprint number to my account and they gave her a separate SERO plan just like mine. Today, my in-laws were thinking of leaving Sprint (their contract ends in 2 weeks) and I called Sprint to port their numbers over just like I had done with my wife. The first rep told me "No" because the SERO plan was already expired. So I called again and the second rep told me she believed that the SERO plan was expired but that she was going to check. 20 seconds later she said "Ok, I'll port them over to your account with the same SERO plan".
So if you have a friend/family member on SERO and you really want it, there is still a chance.

By the way, I already checked and their numbers ported successfully and they qualified to get new phones with a $150 rebate. The only things that stinks about all this is how limited SERO customers are as far as phones goes... maybe some day