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View Poll Results: If Sprint and Verizon carried iPhone, will you switch?
Yeah Baby, I'll sell out to the darkside and I love it! 25 26.32%
No, Hell no! 70 73.68%
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  #81 (permalink)  
Old 01-15-2010, 04:42 AM
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Re: If Sprint & VZW had iPhone, will you switch?

I had both the iphone and the TP2 at the same time so that I could compare features.

I think it comes down to how you intend to use it and if you happen to have a better signal with one carrier over the other.

No question about it, the TP2 would be a tweaker's wet dream but a lot of people just want their smartphone to work and not have to become an expert at custom roms, etc.
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  #82 (permalink)  
Old 01-15-2010, 04:42 AM
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Re: If Sprint & VZW had iPhone, will you switch?

Originally Posted by x10guy View Post
I agree the "winmo vs iphone" always been a dumb debate.
But what thread are you reading?? I haven't read any posts that say the iphone is superior to winmo. I would say that most of them are the opposite. By far, most people prefer the TP2 (which of course is expected).
You might have this mixed up with another thread?
What thread are YOU reading?
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  #83 (permalink)  
Old 01-15-2010, 04:45 AM
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Re: If Sprint & VZW had iPhone, will you switch?

Originally Posted by newone757 View Post
this is the last post im goiog to read but you are clueless. when jailbroken, visually the iphone/touch is 100x more custimizable than windows mobile anyday. You maybe have a HANDFUL of taskbars, dont kid yourself, and most of those look pretty much the same too, maybea color change. We have like a choice of 5-10 taskbar icons if we are lucky

just check out how their post your screenshot thread makes ours look like utter sh!t.

they easily have atleast triple the amount of themes we have available. EASILY
100x? I disagree. To claim 100x would be to claim that it is completely different at least one hundred times than the original. But every iPhone 'customization' I see, is little more than skins. The buttons are in the same places, the same shapes, as are backgrounds, menus, and icons. So are Windows Mobile. The fact that it's a little harder to skin a Windows Mobile phone doesn't really mean anything, there's plenty of ways to do it and plenty of people who do it. But a majority of people stick with Stock, just like iPhone users. So it's a little outlandish to claim '100x more customizable', especially considering that unlike an iPhone, Windows Mobile has different shells that actually allow you to customize your Windows Mobile interface (Which is really what the whole thing is about...never ever hear an 'iPhone is better than WinMob!' person say anything that -ISN'T- about the Interface!) moreso than even on Jailbroken iPhones.

All in all, it suffices as this. Neither the iPhone nor Windows Mobile phone is 'better' than each other. It's only about personal preferences. Each phone has its pros and cons. Each one has its ups and downs. Each one scores over the other in different ways, but neither of them are actually particularily comparable. It's like comparing two different cars that cost about the same, run about the same, and offer slightly different but equally neglible features candied to appeal to a particular demographic. But in the end, it all boils down to whether or not you prefer Leather seats to Cloth (Not that either is 'better'), Chrome or Matte rims, white or black paint, two door or four door.

There are plenty of other threads out there that detail precisely how much an iPhone versus any other Windows Mobile phone it is compared to differs, and in every one of those threads, always degenerate to 'Well, I don't care what you say, my iPhone RULEZ' even when the technical people sit down and point out the differences. Few of the iPhone users can actually point out any real actual perks of the iPhone over any Windows Mobile phone beyond Pretty Interface and Apps, both of which are easily changeable in Windows Mobile and are only limited to people who code the software. So what do you expect? It'd be a whole lot more useful if a knowledgeable iPhone user came in and started discussing seriously ways to improve both types of phones as opposed to comparing with the purpose of 'my phone is better'. So yes, we have the right to feel a little defensive.

So if we're going to compare, let's compare. But let's do it in a way of 'What have we got right, and what have we got wrong between the two types, and how can we improve it?'.
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  #84 (permalink)  
Old 01-15-2010, 04:46 AM
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Re: If Sprint & VZW had iPhone, will you switch?

Originally Posted by WisdomWolfX View Post
Now that's funny. This is the one platform that I expect to not just wean but completely die. Android has already crushed WebOS in terms of user interest. WebOS is not even a year old and interest in it has already dropped by 50%. That's a bad sign.
I prefer webos to android at this moment and wouldn't expect webos to just die. Its an amazing interface and will gain more momentum when it is released on Verizon.
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  #85 (permalink)  
Old 01-15-2010, 04:49 AM
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Re: If Sprint & VZW had iPhone, will you switch?

Originally Posted by JimP View Post
but a lot of people just want their smartphone to work and not have to become an expert at custom roms, etc.

Im just tired of spending so much of my life tweaking/fixing.adding to what Microsoft f[]cked up.

How do they not include weather on titanium out of the box?? How do they not support REAL email STILL, they have hands down the worst email client of any current smartphone by far. pocket Internet explorer is a joke

i applaud opera, HTC and others treying to fill the gaps MS left out but I'd love to see MS take responsibility for the stock product they put out. WM is just too much work, and as i get older i just dont have the time to fiddle with it as I used to before i had a family
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  #86 (permalink)  
Old 01-15-2010, 04:51 AM
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Re: If Sprint & VZW had iPhone, will you switch?

Originally Posted by bluedeer View Post
100x? I disagree. To claim 100x would be to claim that it is completely different at least one hundred times than the original. But every iPhone 'customization' I see, is little more than skins.
come on now. do i really have to pick out specific examples,

found a layout completely different without even trying, 2 scrolls down the page. im sure there are PLENTY MORE VARIETY on every single page in there too. MORE THAN I CAN SAY FOR HERE

Last edited by newone757; 01-15-2010 at 04:54 AM.
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  #87 (permalink)  
Old 01-15-2010, 04:57 AM
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Re: If Sprint & VZW had iPhone, will you switch?

Originally Posted by newone757 View Post
come on now. do i really have to pick out specific examples,

found a layout completely different without even trying, 2 scrolls down the page
My point was that 100x claim is a bit outlandish. This even just looks like a differently themed Manila, with different taskbar icons at the top. So you might end up with a 1 for 1 claim. I'd said every other iPhone customization was little more than skins over the same buttons and layouts, but I'll admit that they're not -all- little more than skins.
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  #88 (permalink)  
Old 01-15-2010, 04:57 AM
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Re: If Sprint & VZW had iPhone, will you switch?

Originally Posted by newone757 View Post
this is the last post im goiog to read but you are clueless. when jailbroken, visually the iphone/touch is 100x more custimizable than windows mobile anyday. You maybe have a HANDFUL of taskbars, dont kid yourself, and most of those look pretty much the same too, maybea color change. We have like a choice of 5-10 taskbar icons if we are lucky

just check out how their post your screenshot thread makes ours look like utter sh!t.

they easily have atleast triple the amount of themes we have available. EASILY
Looking at those "themes" that I could actually see (work blocked most of the images) I don't see any glaring differences in them outside of the background and colors used. WM lets you change the icons completely and relatively easily if you read for 10 minutes about what you're doing. I didn't see a single picture that had vastly different icons on their taskbars, but if you look around at the WM world, there are tons of different task bars/icons that can be used and changed easily. Themes, which is basically all those pictures from iPhones show, are nothing. You can completely customize TF3D to your liking easily as well, and I'm guessing that SPB Mobile Shell is the same. Customizing Titanium is also rather simple from what I've read, and any and all of this would put the customizability of the WM interface well past what you show in the pics in that thread IMO. Sure, the text rendering is better on the iPhone, but who cares. There is also the fact that you don't have to break the EULA of the device OS to use custom icons and other fun stuff on WM, where to get the most out of your iPhone, you do. It's really pointless in the end, but to say that it's significantly easier to skin an iPhone is just ignorant as I can skin my TP2 by installing a cab or two and soft resetting...
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  #89 (permalink)  
Old 01-15-2010, 04:58 AM
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Re: If Sprint & VZW had iPhone, will you switch?

Originally Posted by corneliuscrisco View Post
I prefer webos to android at this moment and wouldn't expect webos to just die. Its an amazing interface and will gain more momentum when it is released on Verizon.
I agree, I'm incredibly impressed with WebOS especially considering its roots. It still has a few more tweaks and nudges it needs to get properly situated, same as Android, but it's an incredibly designed system.
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  #90 (permalink)  
Old 01-15-2010, 04:59 AM
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Re: If Sprint & VZW had iPhone, will you switch?

try again when your unblocked
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