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  #11 (permalink)  
Old 11-06-2011, 08:34 AM
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Yeah that sounds about right, see if you can find a few other ts-calibration files for the TP1, I know there are a bunch for the TP2 so there should be a few for the TP1.
Also there is a way to make your own at first boot but its pretty flaky. I'm glad the red tide is gone so far, sounds promising.
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old 11-09-2011, 01:19 PM
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Re: Issues with screen on TP2, redish tint appearing

Originally Posted by jotarou1 View Post
Well, redish tint is coming back. Some days it will last me 1.5 days other times it will last 2 minutes. The one thing I noticed is when I don't have the redish tint, responsiveness isn't as good. But as soon as the screen becomes redish tint, the responsiveness of everything is much quicker. Kind of weird.

For example when entering the sliding lock screen, I have to move my fingers slowly when screen looks good, but can slide around much faster when screen is red. Same thing when starting apps and when swiping across home screens.
The more you describe it, the more this seems like a hardware issue. Perhaps WinMo just doesn't tax the phone enough to make the issue surface? Have you noticed any heat problems?

I don't know what we can do for you, as your phone is the only one experiencing this problem. It almost has to be hardware, and there's some reason that it's not manifesting itself in WinMo.
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old 11-10-2011, 01:22 AM
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If you had matching TP2's it would make this alot easier, you could just swap screens. You could take the phone apart and clean the ribbons but be careful they all have tiny locks on the motherboard connector. Don't know if it'll help or work but its free and good practice if you do need to swap screens, and remember Sprint and VZN TP2 parts are interchangeable.

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