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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 03-19-2010, 10:16 AM
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Battery Charging: Is it workin for you?

If your battery is charging, please list the carrier you use, the rom you use, wether you plug into a wall or a USB, wether or not you changed backlight settings to run android with suspend, and anything else relevent to the situation.

Some people claim that Android charging does not work, some say it does. Personally, I would always unplug not even thinking that my battery might have been taking the charge. One day, I opened up the battery monitor and payed attention. Using the battery meter over a course of maybe 15 mins or so with a charge source plugged in, does you battery level increase? If so, post the hardware/software conditions here so we can see if this is something others that need it may be able to obtain.

To see this screen, open battery monitor to be sure the upper left corner of your screen says 100, then slide the top taskbar down to reveal the moitor. Possibly the developers can use this info... and pos it's just useless, but Here is mine.


Plugged in

Some time later

Note that this is a reference. Your best bet is to open the battery monitor, check your battery boltage and then put the phone down for 10 minutes. If you have a phone capable of charging, battery voltage should have increased after 10 minutes... rather than decrease. Those reporting charging capability also seem to have the graphic of a plugged in device showing "fully charged" on the phone when it is charging.

Please do not ask "WHY" your phone won't charge. Nobody knows the tie yet. That is the purpose of this thread. Some do and some don't. That's just the way it is right now. Thanks

My results:
Charging: Yes
Source: USB to computer AND Wall Charger
Handset: Sprint HTC TP2
Rom: Energy Series 3/12/10 through current
Backlight WinMo settings: Auto
Does Android suspend into a fully black screen? No
Device Driver PC attempts to install: Smartphone

Roms reported to have the ability to charge currently:
Energy Series
Stock Sprint

Kernel reported to make charging possible when it wasn't before:
Kernal posted 3/20/10 - Build: htc msm-android@20100320_225430

Get them Here at glemsom's kernal autobuild site.
My thanks button is sleeping. Do not disturb.

Last edited by Boominsvx; 03-21-2010 at 08:38 PM.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 03-19-2010, 10:39 AM
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Re: Battery Charging: Is it workin for you?

I find it interesting to note that the temperature that it is registering is in F already, but that the monitor tool is reading it as C - 177 F is about 80 C, and 80 F is about the right temp the battery should be running at.

Have you poked around the market for any other battery monitors? Anything that might display mA in/out?
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 03-19-2010, 10:44 AM
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Re: Battery Charging: Is it workin for you?

I agree with the above post. Yeah my guess is that andriod see the battery as way to hot and won't charge. 177F is crazy hot and would be close to causing a Lithium ion battery fire.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 03-19-2010, 01:45 PM
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Re: Battery Charging: Is it workin for you?

I was using sprint stock 6.1 rom with xdandroid 01.03.10 and kernel Build: htc-msm-android@20100318_061343

I could charge using usb to my lappy, but only if I had plugged in the phone before booting to android.

I tested this by looking at the power bars in wm... I had 6 green bars, booted to android, messed w/ it for 10 minutes, then set it down (asleep or "off"), left if for an hour or so, came back and played w/ android for another 10 minutes, restated into WM and had 8 bars....
$286 Mogul->Free up to Touch Pro->Free u.g. to TP2->$130 ug to Epic 4G
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 03-19-2010, 06:14 PM
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Re: Battery Charging: Is it workin for you?

Mine was working, but ever since the new kernal i am not having as much luck. it was at 85 right before booting to android yesterday and I plugged it in for about 3 hours to my pc via usb, came back and reset it and it was up to 100%.. Verizon energy rom with Mackies xandroid and new 03/19/2010 kernal
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 03-19-2010, 09:34 PM
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Re: Battery Charging: Is it workin for you?

Originally Posted by Rhodium500 View Post
I agree with the above post. Yeah my guess is that andriod see the battery as way to hot and won't charge. 177F is crazy hot and would be close to causing a Lithium ion battery fire.

Wait. I never really noticed that. I can see that alone as a battery overcharge protection. If it sees the battery is too hot I am sure it will stop charging.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 03-20-2010, 01:48 AM
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Re: Battery Charging: Is it workin for you?

New Sprint Stock 6.5 ROM, unmodified, in other words didn't adjust auto-dim yet.
Of course plugged in activesync before booting. And it charged. Testing with auto-dim enabled next.

Mightyrom 2.1, did adjust the auto-dim, and it would not charge. Did not test with auto-dim enabled.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 03-20-2010, 03:30 AM
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Re: Battery Charging: Is it workin for you?

Originally Posted by cflynt View Post
New Sprint Stock 6.5 ROM, unmodified, in other words didn't adjust auto-dim yet.
Of course plugged in activesync before booting. And it charged. Testing with auto-dim enabled next.

Mightyrom 2.1, did adjust the auto-dim, and it would not charge. Did not test with auto-dim enabled.
Update #2, I tried with Auto-dim disabled and it still charged, so it is a confirmation that the Sprint Rom seems to work. Something in Mightyrom 2.1 doesn't.

Again though, I can't stress this enough, I wouldn't leave your device charging this way for an extended period of time, like overnight for instance. Being as the charging code hasn't been completed I don't know for sure it shuts off charging when full, and would hate to see lots of you with blown up phones.

So we just need to gather what roms are working and what aren't and determine what is in them to allow the charging. Till a charging circuit can be made.
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old 03-20-2010, 08:34 AM
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Re: Battery Charging: Is it workin for you?

I am using EnergyRom with a Verizon Rhodium(Rhod500). It was not charging when I had it plug into the computer with the "Disk Drive" selected for the usb option in windows mobile. When I switched to Active Sync and had it plugged in while staring Haret, it is now charging. I was able to unplug and replug it back in, even then into the wall charger. I was able to leave my phone in Android all nigh and I just rebooted into WM and I had had 100% charge. Give it a try to have an Active Sync USB connection (not Disk Drive or any other option) and let it boot into Haret. Should try to install a "smartphone" driver but mine always fails. However it will charge through the computer USB or the wall charger.

Edit: I just read the previous post about if the phone stops charging when the battery is full. I charged it over night and when I woke up, the phone was not hot at all. This to me seems to indicated that it did stop charging once it hit 100. However, I am not promising that it will.

Last edited by cxh9055; 03-20-2010 at 08:36 AM.
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old 03-20-2010, 02:34 PM
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Re: Battery Charging: Is it workin for you?

Originally Posted by cxh9055 View Post
I am using EnergyRom with a Verizon Rhodium(Rhod500). It was not charging when I had it plug into the computer with the "Disk Drive" selected for the usb option in windows mobile. When I switched to Active Sync and had it plugged in while staring Haret, it is now charging. I was able to unplug and replug it back in, even then into the wall charger. I was able to leave my phone in Android all nigh and I just rebooted into WM and I had had 100% charge. Give it a try to have an Active Sync USB connection (not Disk Drive or any other option) and let it boot into Haret. Should try to install a "smartphone" driver but mine always fails. However it will charge through the computer USB or the wall charger.

Edit: I just read the previous post about if the phone stops charging when the battery is full. I charged it over night and when I woke up, the phone was not hot at all. This to me seems to indicated that it did stop charging once it hit 100. However, I am not promising that it will.
Heh, ya hopefully that is a sign that it is stopping, but I just would be careful depending on that. It does seem to carry lots over from the WM Settings, so due to that maybe it knows to stop, but I just wouldn't trust it. Be careful, but that is great bud!
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