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  #511 (permalink)  
Old 12-02-2011, 06:54 AM
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Re: [TESTING] - NAND OMGB (Latest version 1.2.3) - 400/500 Only

Originally Posted by muziling View Post
Screen not wake up, logs from last night
kmsg has one line
This is a known issue and ive been looking for it for a while. I cant seem to locate it. Everything on the log points to "htc_get_batt_info" but i dont see any division over there.

Also i notice this only happens while charging. Wonder if charginign is killing the panel ..

anyways your issue is not like anish. Your kernel logs look clean and there is no msm_fb time outs. Maybe the next kernel will help you too ..
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  #512 (permalink)  
Old 12-02-2011, 10:41 AM
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Re: [TESTING] - NAND OMGB (Latest version 1.2.3) - 400/500 Only

Originally Posted by [ACL] View Post
ohh man you have a very weird issue. Bottom line is your panel doesnt seem to be powering back up.

<4>[ 7836.208618] msmfb_pan_display timeout rerequest vsync
<4>[ 7841.219055] msmfb_pan_display timeout waiting for frame start, 21

This means that android is trying to draw but there is no vsyncs so that can only mean the panel never came back up. Unfortunately the logs you sent dont include the panel type which is usually in the early boot phases.

next time you adb just do this

dmesg | grep panel

This way i know which panel your rhod has. The good/bad news is that the next kernel tries to re-power the panel. But that doesn't explain why yours is dying to begin with.

ALso do you always keep wifi on? in the first log i saw wifi preventing the phone from going to sleep. Now sure if it's something you always have on or now.

Thanks for the logs. I'm hoping the next kernel will either help or give us more to look into it.

Also what apps do you have in? whats the following ?
hey ACL,
Im glad we found something.
in regards to wifi, i leave it on while im at home, but when ever its off i have no problems putting the phone to sleep, even when with the old Lk where gps worked.

the apps the you mentioned, i can only recognize two which is Clocksync, which seemed to sync with this install, but i will soon uninstall because i dont have a problem with the clock. and i think the com.bwx.bequick maybe for quickpic or quick settings? the other two i have no idea.

i have attached the grep panel log too.
Attached Files
File Type: txt grep panel.txt (855 Bytes, 2 views) Click for barcode!
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  #513 (permalink)  
Old 12-02-2011, 10:55 AM
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Re: [TESTING] - NAND OMGB (Latest version 1.2.3) - 400/500 Only

Originally Posted by anish88 View Post
i have attached the grep panel log too.
[ 1.488952] htcrhod_init_panel: Initializing panel id=20

Nice job.

Last edited by arrrghhh; 12-02-2011 at 11:05 AM.
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  #514 (permalink)  
Old 12-02-2011, 11:10 AM
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Re: [TESTING] - NAND OMGB (Latest version 1.2.3) - 400/500 Only

Originally Posted by arrrghhh View Post
[ 1.488952] htcrhod_init_panel: Initializing panel id=20

Nice job.
so i did get the right log, correct?
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  #515 (permalink)  
Old 12-02-2011, 11:19 AM
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Re: [TESTING] - NAND OMGB (Latest version 1.2.3) - 400/500 Only

Originally Posted by anish88 View Post
so i did get the right log, correct?
I'd say so, I'm pretty sure that's what ACL wanted to know - if you had a different panel type than the rest of us. It appears you have the same panel type, so the mystery continues.

Do you have an SD card mounted? Some have said that caused wacky issues, especially if the card is dying. I'd be curious, pull the card and see if the panel wake problems ensue.
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  #516 (permalink)  
Old 12-02-2011, 12:08 PM
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Re: [TESTING] - NAND OMGB (Latest version 1.2.3) - 400/500 Only

Originally Posted by anish88 View Post
hey ACL,
Im glad we found something.
in regards to wifi, i leave it on while im at home, but when ever its off i have no problems putting the phone to sleep, even when with the old Lk where gps worked.

the apps the you mentioned, i can only recognize two which is Clocksync, which seemed to sync with this install, but i will soon uninstall because i dont have a problem with the clock. and i think the com.bwx.bequick maybe for quickpic or quick settings? the other two i have no idea.

i have attached the grep panel log too.
Yeah arrgg is right. 20 is what most of us have so this is still a little strange. Before i left home this morning i left the build cooking, so hopefully sat or sun there will be a new release out. This is the first time ive see the msms fb time out in ages.
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  #517 (permalink)  
Old 12-02-2011, 12:34 PM
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Re: [TESTING] - NAND OMGB (Latest version 1.2.3) - 400/500 Only

hmm. ok ill pull the sd and see if it continues. I just bougt the SD card two months ago. hopefully it's not that

update: SD card removed. still getting failed screen wake

Last edited by anish88; 12-02-2011 at 07:49 PM.
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  #518 (permalink)  
Old 12-02-2011, 08:55 PM
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Thumbs up Re: [TESTING] - NAND OMGB (Latest version 1.2.3) - 400/500 Only

Decided to take the plunge today and try OMGB.

I figured I would relate my experiences in case anyone else has similar stumbling and fumbling.

Installing the rhodimg.nbh took a couple tries, something about the first 1GB SD card I chose was not liked by the boot loader. The second 1GB (also Sandisk, identical from all appearances) worked first time out. Go figure.

Once I got that rolling I couldn't attach to the phone via adb/fastboot. Windows was popping up a "new device" dialog, so I figured it had to be driver related, even though adb (and droid explorer) work with FRX7.1 without issue.

I ended up editing the Google/Android USB driver to add the VID/PID (18D1/0001) that was shown in the device manager and then allowed Windows to "re-install" the driver. Now I finally have access to the phone via fastboot.

Using fastboot to install the recovery image was a breeze, as was getting OMGB 1.2.3 installed from within recovery.

Booting OMGB went surprisingly fast, I waited for the system to settle out before rebooting back into recovery to install Gapps.

Installed the full (20mb) gapps.zip and rebooted. When I got into OMGB they were nowhere to be found. Rebooted into recovery and tried again, but still no sign of gapps when I went back into OMGB.

Back into recovery, wiped the cache and data partitions, booted back into OMGB and again waited for things to settle out. This time into recovery I tried Vzi's minimal gapps and it worked.

Are there any known issues with the full version of Gapps and 1.2.3?

My next stumbling block (yet to be fixed/understood) is that Market from vzi's minimal gapps is FC after a short time. It loads, sometimes search works, sometimes FC. I managed to install one application (Zeam), but that seems to be about it - too many FC to get anything done.

Should I try 1.2.2 since it's "more stable", or is there something I can do to fix Market in 1.2.3?

Next question is in regards to APNs... it seems like they are not fully working - I set it up and click "save" but the APN doesn't appear. I need to use an APN to get MMS working with Boost, so if there is anything I can do to help debug why it's not working let me know. I'm guessing this is an artifact of needed GSM support...

Also, I can't seem to reboot into recovery from within OMGB (via the power down menu choices). The phone just appears to freeze, I end up pulling the battery to get it to reset.

All in all I have to say I'm quite impressed. If I can get Market working (so I can install a couple of apps I really use a lot) this will be awesome.
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  #519 (permalink)  
Old 12-02-2011, 09:19 PM
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Re: [TESTING] - NAND OMGB (Latest version 1.2.3) - 400/500 Only

Sigh... I guess we need a better list of broken things and how to fix them.

Originally Posted by mbellot View Post
Installing the rhodimg.nbh took a couple tries, something about the first 1GB SD card I chose was not liked by the boot loader. The second 1GB (also Sandisk, identical from all appearances) worked first time out. Go figure.
Only time I had an issue with this is when one of my cards was oddly formatted to FAT instead of FAT32... Not sure what else causes SD cards to not work flashing NBH's... definitely need to fix the issue where you can't flash over USB.

Originally Posted by mbellot View Post
Installed the full (20mb) gapps.zip and rebooted. When I got into OMGB they were nowhere to be found. Rebooted into recovery and tried again, but still no sign of gapps when I went back into OMGB.

Back into recovery, wiped the cache and data partitions, booted back into OMGB and again waited for things to settle out. This time into recovery I tried Vzi's minimal gapps and it worked.

Are there any known issues with the full version of Gapps and 1.2.3?
I thought I said this here as well, but I use the gapps package from Cyanogen. There's only one package for CM7/GB, and it's always worked great for me. ACL - perhaps you should just link to it, and pull down the one you put up.

Originally Posted by mbellot View Post
My next stumbling block (yet to be fixed/understood) is that Market from vzi's minimal gapps is FC after a short time. It loads, sometimes search works, sometimes FC. I managed to install one application (Zeam), but that seems to be about it - too many FC to get anything done.

Should I try 1.2.2 since it's "more stable", or is there something I can do to fix Market in 1.2.3?
This one's been covered quite a few times - set your language to something meaningful under Settings, Language & Keyboard.

Originally Posted by mbellot View Post
Next question is in regards to APNs... it seems like they are not fully working - I set it up and click "save" but the APN doesn't appear. I need to use an APN to get MMS working with Boost, so if there is anything I can do to help debug why it's not working let me know. I'm guessing this is an artifact of needed GSM support...
CDMA doesn't actually use APN's. At all. That was a hack hyc used in order to easily pass information from the end-user to the system...

Also, APN's will disappear/be ignored if you don't put in the correct MCC/MNC... which again is probably related to the fact that CDMA devices don't actually use APN's.

Originally Posted by mbellot View Post
Also, I can't seem to reboot into recovery from within OMGB (via the power down menu choices). The phone just appears to freeze, I end up pulling the battery to get it to reset.
I've had some good luck and some bad with rebooting. Sometimes it hangs, other times it works great. I'm not sure why it works some times and not others tho... I also might be mixing up bugs, there's a couple different recoveries - are you using AOSP or CWM?
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  #520 (permalink)  
Old 12-02-2011, 09:39 PM
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Also, APN's will disappear/be ignored if you don't put in the correct MCC/MNC...[/QUOTE

Does your apn stick with sprint, I haven't had luck with it even with correct mcc et al

Sent from my Touch Pro 2 using Tapatalk
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