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  #231 (permalink)  
Old 11-13-2011, 12:23 AM
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Re: [TESTING] - OMGB - 1.2.2{2.3.5} - 400/500 Only

Originally Posted by Starfox View Post
The only other thing I can think of is that I'm using No-frills to set the clock to 719/122. The default is 528/245, and I recall something about setting the minclock to 122 causing an issue.

You can use CPU Spy to check how long it's spending in each clockrate. I find it to be a very useful utility.

Also, is anyone using Opera Mini with omgb? I can't get it to go past the install screen, says it can't connect to the 'net. And what do I need to hax in order to get the provider string to something other than T-CDMA 64?

-- Starfox
you probably need to butcher the framework. What would you rather it say ? I just left it as default. its actually all in eri.xml

also i cant really do anything about your issues without any logs or valid reason change anything.
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  #232 (permalink)  
Old 11-13-2011, 01:41 AM
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Re: [TESTING] - OMGB - 1.2.2{2.3.5} - 400/500 Only

Originally Posted by [ACL] View Post
For now its NO to both anyway. However the SIM on cdma will boot just wont connect. I'm not sure if i can get this fixed for next release.
Following up on an earlier question from me, SIM with CDMA would not boot. I had to remove the SIM to get it to boot at all (meaning I definitely can't get worldphone mode working).

(Also, unrelated, a "me too" for Opera Mini not working on OMGB)

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  #233 (permalink)  
Old 11-13-2011, 04:11 AM
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Re: [TESTING] - OMGB - 1.2.2{2.3.5} - 400/500 Only

Originally Posted by Starfox View Post
The only other thing I can think of is that I'm using No-frills to set the clock to 719/122. The default is 528/245, and I recall something about setting the minclock to 122 causing an issue.

You can use CPU Spy to check how long it's spending in each clockrate. I find it to be a very useful utility.

Also, is anyone using Opera Mini with omgb? I can't get it to go past the install screen, says it can't connect to the 'net. And what do I need to hax in order to get the provider string to something other than T-CDMA 64?

-- Starfox
*Shrug*. I just put SetCPU to "OnDemand" IIRC.

I don't really care about the T-CDMA 64, I figured that can be fixed later.

Originally Posted by sykosoft View Post
Following up on an earlier question from me, SIM with CDMA would not boot. I had to remove the SIM to get it to boot at all (meaning I definitely can't get worldphone mode working).

(Also, unrelated, a "me too" for Opera Mini not working on OMGB)

As for a SIM, my phone stays on when plugged in with the battery pulled. Did you try inserting a SIM when it's booted already? Just curious. I need to experiment with my SIM.

As for Opera, I just use Dolphin Mini - I've always liked it better than Opera, never had a problem installing it.

As ACL said tho, without logs nothing gets fixed.
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  #234 (permalink)  
Old 11-13-2011, 06:51 AM
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Re: [TESTING] - OMGB - 1.2.2{2.3.5} - 400/500 Only

Yeah, the gsm boot has been fixed and the next build it will let you boot with it. Still need to work out some ril crap to actually use it tho. No biggie.

I'm testing the release now after a nice all nighter and I'm still not satisfied with the brightness so I may need to rebuild again. I effed up and broke LK since i started butchering away for gsm .. damn those bastards better appreciate this.

also there is nothing to fix about "T-CDMA 64" Its just text. We can make it say anything we want. Is there a vote to wipe it ? lol

if there is such hatred and can't stand the thought of it on the screen, check this out .

how to edit the eri.xml

Just shows you how to butcher it.
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  #235 (permalink)  
Old 11-13-2011, 07:21 AM
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Okay, the "hang" on wakeup is due to 122mhz being used. Tested using No-frills CPU Control and CPU Spy w/ 729/245 which does not have the issue and 729/122 which caused the Rhod to spend 2:52 out of ~3 min on 122mhz of me trying to get it to show the lockscreen. Governors were Ondemand/Deadline.

Use the CPU Spy "Reset Timers" to see which freq the CPU is on from a particular time. In this case I immediately turned the screen off, waited until deep sleep kicked in, then tried to wake it. If you need to force-wake it a workaround seems to be to pressing any button while pressing the power button.

I also just dumped the eri.xml from FRX into /data and it fixed the display issue. I just need to figure out why Opera isn't happy anymore.

-- Starfox

Last edited by Starfox; 11-13-2011 at 07:51 AM.
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  #236 (permalink)  
Old 11-13-2011, 12:05 PM
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Re: [TESTING] - OMGB - 1.2.2{2.3.5} - 400/500 Only

I've had this running for a couple days now. My observations:

1. YouTube with HQ video works fine.
2. Sometimes it takes a while to wake up after being on the charger for a long time. I hit the power button, the hard keys light, then it just stays with the screen dark until the key lights turn off. I then hit the power again and it will turn the screen on and be just fine.
3. Sometimes I get stuck in the fastboot because it says I hit the end call key. If I pull the battery for a minute or so, then put it back in it usually boots up just fine.
4. Set CPU works fine, I have it set at max 729 min 245. I do notice that inside set cpu the min/max labels are backwards of what the popup says. I used the CPU Spy to profile the CPU states and figured that it looks like Set CPU has min/max swapped, but the popup reports correctly. Not really a ROM thing, but thought I'd mention it just in case someone else saw this.
5. Send receive texts works.
6. Phone calls work as well.

So far it has been working fine. I only had a single hang on power down so I don't think that was a "real" issue.

thanks for all the hard work!
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  #237 (permalink)  
Old 11-13-2011, 01:05 PM
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Also, is anyone using Opera Mini with omgb? I can't get it to go past the install screen, says it can't connect to the 'net. And what do I need to hax in order to get the provider string to something other than T-CDMA 64?

-- Starfox[/QUOTE]

I had that problem too which had me searching through the market tried all of them boat mini, miri brower, dolphin mini, so on found out that uc browser 8 was way better than any of those.

Sent from my ACL powered TP2 using Tapatalk
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  #238 (permalink)  
Old 11-13-2011, 02:12 PM
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Re: [TESTING] - OMGB - 1.2.2{2.3.5} - 400/500 Only

Originally Posted by lovingHDTV View Post
3. Sometimes I get stuck in the fastboot because it says I hit the end call key. If I pull the battery for a minute or so, then put it back in it usually boots up just fine.
So for this one, I did find that flashing recovery in Linux fastboot fixed it. I wish there was a "better" explanation, but it did the trick for me. I always had to pull the battery when rebooting, or else I would be forever banished to that blue screen. Now since flashing recovery with fastboot from Linux - it works!

That gives me an idea - ACL, wouldn't that mean the boot.img isn't getting flashed properly/at all in Windoze? I wonder why...
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  #239 (permalink)  
Old 11-13-2011, 03:02 PM
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Originally Posted by arrrghhh View Post
So for this one, I did find that flashing recovery in Linux fastboot fixed it. I wish there was a "better" explanation, but it did the trick for me. I always had to pull the battery when rebooting, or else I would be forever banished to that blue screen. Now since flashing recovery with fastboot from Linux - it works!

That gives me an idea - ACL, wouldn't that mean the boot.img isn't getting flashed properly/at all in Windoze? I wonder why...
Never had a problem with windows

Edit: could you elaborate on your issue please!

Sent from my ACL powered TP2 using Tapatalk

Last edited by vzihome; 11-13-2011 at 03:12 PM.
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  #240 (permalink)  
Old 11-13-2011, 05:14 PM
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Re: [TESTING] - OMGB - 1.2.2{2.3.5} - 400/500 Only

Originally Posted by Starfox View Post
Okay, the "hang" on wakeup is due to 122mhz being used. Tested using No-frills CPU Control and CPU Spy w/ 729/245 which does not have the issue and 729/122 which caused the Rhod to spend 2:52 out of ~3 min on 122mhz of me trying to get it to show the lockscreen. Governors were Ondemand/Deadline.

Use the CPU Spy "Reset Timers" to see which freq the CPU is on from a particular time. In this case I immediately turned the screen off, waited until deep sleep kicked in, then tried to wake it. If you need to force-wake it a workaround seems to be to pressing any button while pressing the power button.

I also just dumped the eri.xml from FRX into /data and it fixed the display issue. I just need to figure out why Opera isn't happy anymore.

-- Starfox
So you plan to mod the eri each time i put out a new release ? lol .. I can alwys set it to how it was on the first release "OMGB Rhodium"
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