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  #51 (permalink)  
Old 07-17-2011, 11:51 PM
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Re: [BUILD] **Complete FroYo Bundle** FRX07!!

Originally Posted by jerryyyyy View Post
Hi, been fooling with this a bit today, camera and WiFi, titanium restore all worked fine. I note there is not yet a BT stack? Quadrant ran at 508... can we overclock as in FRX06? No idea how battery life will be but, will try it out.

Nice work. Thanks all.
So BT should work, pair... if it's a data device you should be able to transfer data... but headsets seem hit-or-miss. Some say the headset works, but voice command sucks. I was able to pair my headset, but it didn't route audio...

As for overclocking, that procedure is identical, thanks.
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  #52 (permalink)  
Old 07-17-2011, 11:58 PM
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Re: [BUILD] **Complete FroYo Bundle** FRX07!!

Originally Posted by arrrghhh View Post
So BT should work, pair... if it's a data device you should be able to transfer data... but headsets seem hit-or-miss. Some say the headset works, but voice command sucks. I was able to pair my headset, but it didn't route audio...

As for overclocking, that procedure is identical, thanks.
Yes, Thx, I found the BT link over at XDA and will read up [I did and I think I will wait for this to be cooked in....]. I am going to copy in my startup from FRX06 to 07 with folder modification, and see if the overclocking works OK. [OC worked 500->580 on Quadrant].

BTW, any idea why my clock is 7 hours slow and will not reset? Maybe just has to sit 24h.

Nice work...
Sprint: G1000, HTC-6600, 6800, TP2 now Optimus S with Stock Android 2.2.2.

Last edited by jerryyyyy; 07-18-2011 at 01:02 AM.
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  #53 (permalink)  
Old 07-18-2011, 12:03 AM
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Re: [BUILD] **Complete FroYo Bundle** FRX07!!

Originally Posted by jerryyyyy View Post
Hi, How did you turn BT on? I could not get it to work through settings etc.
I have tried both under settings or by using the power widget on the desktop. It just turns on w/o a hitch. It is one of those things like aarrrg was saying that works for some but not all. I do however advise starting with a new data.img to eliminate possible trouble shooting nightmares. For one thing, I can't get wifi to work past the first bootup. So....... go figure....... I have tried everything from brand new data.img to recreating the "andboot" folder. And it seems like i'm the only one having this problem because no one is reporting the same issue and I have confirmation of wifi working for others....
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SO.......... and
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  #54 (permalink)  
Old 07-18-2011, 12:06 AM
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Re: [BUILD] **Complete FroYo Bundle** FRX07!!

Originally Posted by eyeb View Post
I forgot if it was you who said that they recreated the data.img, but did you also delete the android folder that it created from FRX06 and let this newer one create one along with the data.img? I found that in old frx06 my phone was stuck in airplane mode and I just didn't bother fixing it. But I did notice that letting frx07 make a new data.img with old android folder, it was still stuck until I deleted the android folder as well. Not sure what settings are stored in the data folder but deleting it worked.

not sure if you are using old startup from frx06 also but you could try using a clean one from the startup folder. I played around with old startup file and may have changed settings in there so I went ahead with just using everything new out of the frx07 zip.

So far aside from bad battery, I haven't found much that doesnt work. sometimes android asks me to force close/wait but that's probably because the phone is lagging and not android being unstable because it works if I wait long enough. Can't test the bluetooth though since I don't got anything to pair it with, so I just know that it turns on and off on phone.
So i tried with recreating the folder and copying everything over from FRX07 folder. WIFI still fails after the first bootup. the funny thing is it WORKS the first time it booted up.................
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  #55 (permalink)  
Old 07-18-2011, 01:05 AM
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Re: [BUILD] **Complete FroYo Bundle** FRX07!!

Originally Posted by tkedch View Post
I have tried both under settings or by using the power widget on the desktop. It just turns on w/o a hitch. It is one of those things like aarrrg was saying that works for some but not all. I do however advise starting with a new data.img to eliminate possible trouble shooting nightmares. For one thing, I can't get wifi to work past the first bootup. So....... go figure....... I have tried everything from brand new data.img to recreating the "andboot" folder. And it seems like i'm the only one having this problem because no one is reporting the same issue and I have confirmation of wifi working for others....
I made a clean install and the WiFi just worked fine.

ON BT, I'll look for the power widget. What is over at XDA for BT looks pretty complex and I do not have time to mess with it...

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  #56 (permalink)  
Old 07-18-2011, 01:10 AM
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Re: [BUILD] **Complete FroYo Bundle** FRX07!!

Originally Posted by jerryyyyy View Post
I made a clean install and the WiFi just worked fine.

ON BT, I'll look for the power widget. What is over at XDA for BT looks pretty complex and I do not have time to mess with it...

the BT fix is pretty complicated all right. Have you tried your wifi after you restarted on android? Because I only have problems after the first bootup.
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  #57 (permalink)  
Old 07-18-2011, 02:03 AM
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Re: [BUILD] **Complete FroYo Bundle** FRX07!!

tkedch I saw you mentioned an "andboot" folder... my copy of frx06 doesn't use that folder and I havent seen that folder since a couple versions of frx06 ago. So wondering if you got all the right files :S

I just remembered that arrgg said this about my old touch pro
I also forget the old RAPH's are on the TI chipset. For whatever reason on this chipset there is a bug - if you enable wifi once and turn it off, you'll never be able to re-enable it until you reboot. Perhaps this is the issue you're running into...
maybe this sounds like what you are experiencing? I don't know why touch pro 2 would have this problem but it might help point in a direction for the developers :S
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  #58 (permalink)  
Old 07-18-2011, 02:22 AM
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Re: [BUILD] **Complete FroYo Bundle** FRX07!!

Originally Posted by eyeb View Post
tkedch I saw you mentioned an "andboot" folder... my copy of frx06 doesn't use that folder and I havent seen that folder since a couple versions of frx06 ago. So wondering if you got all the right files :S

I just remembered that arrgg said this about my old touch pro
maybe this sounds like what you are experiencing? I don't know why touch pro 2 would have this problem but it might help point in a direction for the developers :S
the reason why I use "andboot" folder is because I have too many files in the root of my SD card. and I've double checked everything, all the files that should be there are there in the folder. I am not sure if there's that much difference between in a folder and in the SD directory. My problem is that I can turn on and off w/o a problem after the initial bootup. But I can't turn it back on after I restart the phone. I'm surprised no one is having this issue TBH. hahaha
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  #59 (permalink)  
Old 07-18-2011, 06:14 AM
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Re: [BUILD] **Complete FroYo Bundle** FRX07!!

Originally Posted by arrrghhh View Post
Uh... can you describe a little more maybe? It's working but not? So you have 3g icons but you can't connect to the internet? Doesn't Metro have one of those stupid proxy's to get out to the internet...??

I don't really know how that carrier works, but you guys with 3rd tier carriers will need to sort out issues and post what the solution is - because the major carriers all work, because the major carriers don't require a proxy to connect to the 'net .

I also use metro and yes it uses a proxy. In the previous release, FRX06, Data used to work fine by adding an APN with the follofing info:

Name: Metro
APN: #777
Port: 3128
Username: YourPhoneNumber@mymetropcs.com
Password: the esn # (6 numbers)

In this new release, FRX07, it just works for me the first 30 or 40 seconds and then there is no data. It shows the 1x icon and the arrows under it that turn white and grey as if it is receiving/sending data, but it doesn't work. I formatted my sd card with the HP usb disk program and did a fresh install and got the same results. My phone is a Sprint Touch Pro 2.
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  #60 (permalink)  
Old 07-18-2011, 11:41 AM
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Re: [BUILD] **Complete FroYo Bundle** FRX07!!

Originally Posted by elsitu View Post
I also use metro and yes it uses a proxy. In the previous release, FRX06, Data used to work fine by adding an APN with the follofing info:

Name: Metro
APN: #777
Port: 3128
Username: YourPhoneNumber@mymetropcs.com
Password: the esn # (6 numbers)

In this new release, FRX07, it just works for me the first 30 or 40 seconds and then there is no data. It shows the 1x icon and the arrows under it that turn white and grey as if it is receiving/sending data, but it doesn't work. I formatted my sd card with the HP usb disk program and did a fresh install and got the same results. My phone is a Sprint Touch Pro 2.
What about MCC/MNC?
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