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  #71 (permalink)  
Old 03-18-2011, 02:53 PM
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Originally Posted by ffkip911 View Post
getting a bit hungry for something new, so giving this a shot.

@NDNO, how's this working for you?? using your startup.txt but changed andboot to GBX0A----is that all you did (also put calibration in the folder) how's this running for you??
Sorry ffkip911, I still haven't had the chance to play with this yet. Yes, your frx05 startup.txt should work on this, just take a look at the startup.txt for gbx0a to make sure there's nothing new on the set cmdline you need to add; yes, update your rel_path accordingly. And yes, re-use your old calibation file.

I'm currently still on frx05 but I'm experimenting with something new. I converted the loop device mounts for system.ext2 and data.img to a native ext2 mount on my sd card; I partitioned my Sd card into 3 partitions (one fat32 and 2 ext2's) in order to do so. Huh, you ask. Yeah, this is my own experiment so I won't go into details as it's a little complicated for the average user. Bottom line, I asked nate and he said it's supposed to have slightly better performance, in terms of the linux kernel using the ext2 partition for better paging as opposed to a loop device.

Sent from my FRX05-ized TP2
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  #72 (permalink)  
Old 03-18-2011, 03:12 PM
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Re: [BUILD] **Complete GingerBread Bundle!!** GBX0A - Alpha! Camera!

used your startup txt and just changed the andboot = gbx0a. opened up all programs except market.
menu/sync and accounts/corporate

-password stays the same-
server ********m.google.com

check the 2 boxes

this will sync calendar/contacts/tasks that are on your gmail account

now sign into market

EDIT: very impressed with speed and autorotation. will test throughout the day. did notice that default network is "Android"....changed to sprint (not sure if ya'll had done that already) but will test data
You light 'em! We fight 'em!!
Net speed tweak by me and kozmo---give him a big "thank you"
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  #73 (permalink)  
Old 03-18-2011, 04:16 PM
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Re: [BUILD] **Complete GingerBread Bundle!!** GBX0A - Alpha! Camera!

ffkip, I was running GBX0A since yesterday and other than the data, hadn't had any issues until earlier today. Seems like every time I try to slide out the hard kb to text, etc, I keep getting FC's on it. And on both builds GBX0A and FRX05 lately I seem to be having more and more hard KB issues, just stops typing and you've gotta close the kb and reopen it to continue. IDK if they're related to the kernel or if a bad data.img could cause that, but no other issues at all other than data and kb. I love the build btw, nice, smooth and fast.
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  #74 (permalink)  
Old 03-18-2011, 04:20 PM
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Re: [BUILD] **Complete GingerBread Bundle!!** GBX0A - Alpha! Camera!

Originally Posted by ndno View Post
Sorry ffkip911, I still haven't had the chance to play with this yet. Yes, your frx05 startup.txt should work on this, just take a look at the startup.txt for gbx0a to make sure there's nothing new on the set cmdline you need to add; yes, update your rel_path accordingly. And yes, re-use your old calibation file.

I'm currently still on frx05 but I'm experimenting with something new. I converted the loop device mounts for system.ext2 and data.img to a native ext2 mount on my sd card; I partitioned my Sd card into 3 partitions (one fat32 and 2 ext2's) in order to do so. Huh, you ask. Yeah, this is my own experiment so I won't go into details as it's a little complicated for the average user. Bottom line, I asked nate and he said it's supposed to have slightly better performance, in terms of the linux kernel using the ext2 partition for better paging as opposed to a loop device.

Sent from my FRX05-ized TP2
Sounds cool! Let us know how it goes and if it's something that's worthwhile for us to play around with (And if you're willing to hand hold some of us that ain't as smart as you, like me!!! )
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  #75 (permalink)  
Old 03-18-2011, 04:20 PM
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Re: [BUILD] **Complete GingerBread Bundle!!** GBX0A - Alpha! Camera!

Originally Posted by fishingmedic View Post
ffkip, I was running GBX0A since yesterday and other than the data, hadn't had any issues until earlier today. Seems like every time I try to slide out the hard kb to text, etc, I keep getting FC's on it. And on both builds GBX0A and FRX05 lately I seem to be having more and more hard KB issues, just stops typing and you've gotta close the kb and reopen it to continue. IDK if they're related to the kernel or if a bad data.img could cause that, but no other issues at all other than data and kb. I love the build btw, nice, smooth and fast.
Fish, did you try using a different home launcher? I know you like ADW, try Zeam. Are the FCs error messages saying it's ADW-related? Yeah, if you're talking about the hard KB just stops sometimes when you type, that's a known issue; arrrghhh says to just close the keyboard and open it again to get it to work again.
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  #76 (permalink)  
Old 03-18-2011, 04:22 PM
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Re: [BUILD] **Complete GingerBread Bundle!!** GBX0A - Alpha! Camera!

@fish- -yea, I was having failure to launch messaging on frx05 yesterday, so I went for GB.

what is your network showing??? did you delete "android" or just set up a new provider?? wondering if after a call, data switches to "android"
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  #77 (permalink)  
Old 03-18-2011, 04:23 PM
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Re: [BUILD] **Complete GingerBread Bundle!!** GBX0A - Alpha! Camera!

Originally Posted by ndno View Post
Fish, did you try using a different home launcher? I know you like ADW, try Zeam. Are the FCs error messages saying it's ADW-related? Yeah, if you're talking about the hard KB just stops sometimes when you type, that's a known issue; arrrghhh says to just close the keyboard and open it again to get it to work again.
I didn't notice them being related to ADW but it's possible. I'll grab Zeam and see how that works. Maybe I'll back down on the OC too, I think I'm around 716. Do you think overtime the cpu's aren't able to handle constant OC'ing, as I used to be able to OC to 748 without much issue, then eventually it seems I've gotta keep backing down.
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  #78 (permalink)  
Old 03-18-2011, 04:24 PM
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Re: [BUILD] **Complete GingerBread Bundle!!** GBX0A - Alpha! Camera!

Originally Posted by ffkip911 View Post
@fish- -yea, I was having failure to launch messaging on frx05 yesterday, so I went for GB.

what is your network showing??? did you delete "android" or just set up a new provider?? wondering if after a call, data switches to "android"
I usually set up a new one using Sprint and #777, but even switching between them and shutting off data wasn't working, although maybe I'll try it again and just wait and see if after an hour it goes back on. Maybe patience is a virtue
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  #79 (permalink)  
Old 03-18-2011, 04:25 PM
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Re: [BUILD] **Complete GingerBread Bundle!!** GBX0A - Alpha! Camera!

Originally Posted by fishingmedic View Post
Sounds cool! Let us know how it goes and if it's something that's worthwhile for us to play around with (And if you're willing to hand hold some of us that ain't as smart as you, like me!!! )
So far so good, a day without any reboots or SOD. Will let it run over the weekend and let you guys know. Yeah, this requires you to pick up some real "Linux" hacking skills. You'll have to install Ubuntu or some other Linux distro and use fdisk to repartition your SD card into the different partitions I was talking about. Nate showed my how to remap the cache directory to another EXT2 partition to allow the SD card to wear out more evenly.
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  #80 (permalink)  
Old 03-18-2011, 04:29 PM
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Re: [BUILD] **Complete GingerBread Bundle!!** GBX0A - Alpha! Camera!

Originally Posted by fishingmedic View Post
I didn't notice them being related to ADW but it's possible. I'll grab Zeam and see how that works. Maybe I'll back down on the OC too, I think I'm around 716. Do you think overtime the cpu's aren't able to handle constant OC'ing, as I used to be able to OC to 748 without much issue, then eventually it seems I've gotta keep backing down.
It could be... I'm currently running at 710. The kernel is not constantly running at 710, it will throttle between the OC speed and the lower speed (122) depending on the processor's load, so it won't waste battery or overheat. I remembered arrrghhh saying that higher OC can cause instabilities so it definitely can be speed related. If you have bad data in your data.img, it can also be related to that too. That's why I'm switching to the EXT2 partition test I'm currently doing now to see if it's more reliable.

Last edited by ndno; 03-18-2011 at 04:32 PM.
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