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Old 03-18-2011, 02:53 PM
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Originally Posted by ffkip911 View Post
getting a bit hungry for something new, so giving this a shot.

@NDNO, how's this working for you?? using your startup.txt but changed andboot to GBX0A----is that all you did (also put calibration in the folder) how's this running for you??
Sorry ffkip911, I still haven't had the chance to play with this yet. Yes, your frx05 startup.txt should work on this, just take a look at the startup.txt for gbx0a to make sure there's nothing new on the set cmdline you need to add; yes, update your rel_path accordingly. And yes, re-use your old calibation file.

I'm currently still on frx05 but I'm experimenting with something new. I converted the loop device mounts for system.ext2 and data.img to a native ext2 mount on my sd card; I partitioned my Sd card into 3 partitions (one fat32 and 2 ext2's) in order to do so. Huh, you ask. Yeah, this is my own experiment so I won't go into details as it's a little complicated for the average user. Bottom line, I asked nate and he said it's supposed to have slightly better performance, in terms of the linux kernel using the ext2 partition for better paging as opposed to a loop device.

Sent from my FRX05-ized TP2
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