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Old 03-18-2011, 04:20 PM
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Re: [BUILD] **Complete GingerBread Bundle!!** GBX0A - Alpha! Camera!

Originally Posted by ndno View Post
Sorry ffkip911, I still haven't had the chance to play with this yet. Yes, your frx05 startup.txt should work on this, just take a look at the startup.txt for gbx0a to make sure there's nothing new on the set cmdline you need to add; yes, update your rel_path accordingly. And yes, re-use your old calibation file.

I'm currently still on frx05 but I'm experimenting with something new. I converted the loop device mounts for system.ext2 and data.img to a native ext2 mount on my sd card; I partitioned my Sd card into 3 partitions (one fat32 and 2 ext2's) in order to do so. Huh, you ask. Yeah, this is my own experiment so I won't go into details as it's a little complicated for the average user. Bottom line, I asked nate and he said it's supposed to have slightly better performance, in terms of the linux kernel using the ext2 partition for better paging as opposed to a loop device.

Sent from my FRX05-ized TP2
Sounds cool! Let us know how it goes and if it's something that's worthwhile for us to play around with (And if you're willing to hand hold some of us that ain't as smart as you, like me!!! )
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