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  #701 (permalink)  
Old 12-17-2010, 04:05 PM
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Re: NAND Boot Testing - 12-14: Panel power off fixes and new rootfs (important update

Hey so just curious does the newest build work now without getting the sleep of death. I tried to look in the post but couldn't find anything and once again I would like to thank ACL for sticking with nand your the man.
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  #702 (permalink)  
Old 12-17-2010, 05:00 PM
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Re: NAND Boot Testing - 12-14: Panel power off fixes and new rootfs (important update

Originally Posted by tpdjr View Post
Hey so just curious does the newest build work now without getting the sleep of death. I tried to look in the post but couldn't find anything and once again I would like to thank ACL for sticking with nand your the man.
there is 2 sleep of deaths so far.. one was during boot (fixed). the other one happens when you turn off the panel like 5 times or so. I think i found the issue but i havent build it yet. busy making sure haret enjoys our new fb.
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  #703 (permalink)  
Old 12-17-2010, 06:34 PM
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Re: NAND Boot Testing - 12-14: Panel power off fixes and new rootfs (important update

Originally Posted by [ACL] View Post
there is 2 sleep of deaths so far.. one was during boot (fixed). the other one happens when you turn off the panel like 5 times or so. I think i found the issue but i havent build it yet. busy making sure haret enjoys our new fb.
Alright sweet you are kicking butt on this nand thing. Actually all devs are really doin great on this project o and I see that wistilt came back to thats awesome and he said he sent phh the patch for speakerphone now which is fixed.
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  #704 (permalink)  
Old 12-17-2010, 06:37 PM
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Re: NAND Boot Testing - 12-14: Panel power off fixes and new rootfs (important update

Originally Posted by [ACL] View Post
there is 2 sleep of deaths so far.. one was during boot (fixed). the other one happens when you turn off the panel like 5 times or so. I think i found the issue but i havent build it yet. busy making sure haret enjoys our new fb.
Awesome. Just got home, so I'm starting up my dev machine right now. Will get some haret dumps for you shortly for my rhod500. Also, I had a thought that "may" identify different panels in WinMo. Can someone else check HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Power\Interf aces\ for the device "Power-manageable display" and post their GUID? Mine is {EB91C7C9-8BF6-4a2d-9AB8-69724EED97D1}. It's just a thought
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  #705 (permalink)  
Old 12-17-2010, 06:49 PM
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Re: NAND Boot Testing - 11-29: New Framebuffer, gralloc, and libGLES

I used this build last night:


and unfortunately it did not work for my rhod400. I got one good half lit flicker of the screen, and the rest of my attempts pressing power and end buttons I could see the backlight coming on after most presses about 5 seconds, but no 'front light' .

I just wanted to add that in the previous kernels before the changes were committed using the haret dump I gave ACL, when the 'front light' would not work, I would still get the force feedback when unlocking the phone, even when the screen was not visible. With the newest changes, I dont get that anymore after attempting to turn the screen back on. The device seems to be even more unresponsive now.

Here is my haret dump of wirq10. You can see the commands I used to get the dump. If there is anything I should try differently to get more info let me know. I am fairly tech savvy.
Attached Files
File Type: zip haretlog-20101214_wirq10.log.zip (6.9 KB, 3 views) Click for barcode!

Last edited by mpannen; 12-17-2010 at 09:36 PM. Reason: Added more details to the problems
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  #706 (permalink)  
Old 12-17-2010, 06:54 PM
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Re: NAND Boot Testing - 12-14: Panel power off fixes and new rootfs (important update

HaRET(1)# addlist mmutrace 0x48634000 0x1000
HaRET(2)# set permissivemmutrace 1
HaRET(3)# wirq 10
irq:80029a3c@A03243F8=818cf0ec abort:8000104c@A03243F0=818cf110 prefetch:800295ac@A03243EC=818cf13c data=8188e000 sizes=c:000014e4,t:000454e4
Beginning memory tracing.
Watching IRQS(00): Addr 95300080(@c0000080)
Watching IRQS(01): Addr 95300084(@c0000084)
Warning! Tracing non-section mapping (48600000) not well supported
00: Mapping 48600000(@ffffffff) accesses to e1100000 (tbl 00000000)
MMU table merging disabled
Replacing windows exception handlers...
Finished installing exception handlers.
000000: mem IRQS(0) 95300080=00000100 (00000000)
000000: mem IRQS(1) 95300084=00000000 (00000000)
000001: mem IRQS(1) 95300084=00008000 (00008000)
000048: mem IRQS(0) 95300080=00010000 (00010000)
000048: mem IRQS(0) 95300080=00010000 (00010000)
000193: mem IRQS(0) 95300080=00010000 (00010000)
000193: mem IRQS(0) 95300080=00080000 (00080000)
000193: mem IRQS(0) 95300080=00010000 (00010000)
000203: mem IRQS(1) 95300084=00008000 (00008000)
000204: mem IRQS(1) 95300084=00008000 (00008000)
000413: mem IRQS(1) 95300084=00008000 (00008000)
000414: mem IRQS(1) 95300084=00008000 (00008000)
000622: mem IRQS(1) 95300084=00008000 (00008000)
000624: mem IRQS(1) 95300084=00008000 (00008000)
000823: mem IRQS(1) 95300084=00008000 (00008000)
000825: mem IRQS(1) 95300084=00008000 (00008000)
001033: mem IRQS(1) 95300084=00008000 (00008000)
001033: mem IRQS(1) 95300084=00008000 (00008000)
001232: mem IRQS(1) 95300084=00008000 (00008000)
001235: mem IRQS(1) 95300084=00008000 (00008000)
001443: mem IRQS(1) 95300084=00008000 (00008000)
001443: mem IRQS(1) 95300084=00008000 (00008000)
001498: mem IRQS(0) 95300080=00000040 (00000040)
001542: mem IRQS(1) 95300084=00008000 (00008000)
001545: mem IRQS(1) 95300084=00008000 (00008000)
001642: mem IRQS(1) 95300084=00008000 (00008000)
001645: mem IRQS(1) 95300084=00008000 (00008000)
001843: mem IRQS(1) 95300084=00008000 (00008000)
001843: mem IRQS(1) 95300084=00008000 (00008000)
002042: mem IRQS(1) 95300084=00008000 (00008000)
002045: mem IRQS(1) 95300084=00008000 (00008000)
002242: mem IRQS(1) 95300084=00008000 (00008000)
002245: mem IRQS(1) 95300084=00008000 (00008000)
002443: mem IRQS(1) 95300084=00008000 (00008000)
002443: mem IRQS(1) 95300084=00008000 (00008000)
002643: mem IRQS(1) 95300084=00008000 (00008000)
002643: mem IRQS(1) 95300084=00008000 (00008000)
002843: mem IRQS(1) 95300084=00008000 (00008000)
002846: mem IRQS(1) 95300084=00008000 (00008000)
003044: mem IRQS(1) 95300084=00008000 (00008000)
003047: mem IRQS(1) 95300084=00008000 (00008000)
003245: mem IRQS(1) 95300084=00008000 (00008000)
003248: mem IRQS(1) 95300084=00008000 (00008000)
003423: mem IRQS(1) 95300084=00000001 (00000001)
003446: mem IRQS(1) 95300084=00008000 (00008000)
003446: mem IRQS(1) 95300084=00008000 (00008000)
003760: mem IRQS(0) 95300080=00010000 (00010000)
003760: mem IRQS(0) 95300080=00010000 (00010000)
003760: mem IRQS(0) 95300080=00010000 (00010000)
003760: mem IRQS(0) 95300080=00010000 (00010000)
003760: mem IRQS(0) 95300080=00010000 (00010000)
003760: mem IRQS(0) 95300080=00010000 (00010000)
003760: mem IRQS(0) 95300080=00010000 (00010000)
003760: mem IRQS(0) 95300080=00010000 (00010000)
003760: mem IRQS(1) 95300084=00008000 (00008000)
003760: mem IRQS(0) 95300080=00000001 (00000001)
003760: mem IRQS(0) 95300080=00000001 (00000001)
003772: mem IRQS(1) 95300084=00008000 (00008000)
003772: mem IRQS(0) 95300080=00000001 (00000001)
003772: mem IRQS(0) 95300080=00000001 (00000001)
003868: mem IRQS(0) 95300080=00000001 (00000001)
003868: mem IRQS(0) 95300080=00000001 (00000001)
003871: mem IRQS(0) 95300080=00000001 (00000001)
003871: mem IRQS(0) 95300080=00000001 (00000001)
003888: mem IRQS(0) 95300080=00000001 (00000001)
003888: mem IRQS(0) 95300080=00000001 (00000001)
003888: mem IRQS(0) 95300080=00000001 (00000001)
003888: mem IRQS(0) 95300080=00000001 (00000001)
003888: mem IRQS(0) 95300080=00000001 (00000001)
003888: mem IRQS(0) 95300080=00000001 (00000001)
003954: mem IRQS(0) 95300080=00000001 (00000001)
003954: mem IRQS(0) 95300080=00000001 (00000001)
003959: mem IRQS(0) 95300080=00000001 (00000001)
003959: mem IRQS(0) 95300080=00000001 (00000001)
003969: mem IRQS(1) 95300084=00008000 (00008000)
003969: mem IRQS(0) 95300080=00000001 (00000001)
003969: mem IRQS(0) 95300080=00000001 (00000001)
003973: mem IRQS(1) 95300084=00008000 (00008000)
003973: mem IRQS(0) 95300080=00000001 (00000001)
003973: mem IRQS(0) 95300080=00000001 (00000001)
003992: mem IRQS(0) 95300080=00000001 (00000001)
003992: mem IRQS(0) 95300080=00000001 (00000001)
004166: mem IRQS(1) 95300084=00008000 (00008000)
004167: mem IRQS(1) 95300084=00008000 (00008000)
004365: mem IRQS(1) 95300084=00008000 (00008000)
004368: mem IRQS(1) 95300084=00008000 (00008000)
004565: mem IRQS(1) 95300084=00008000 (00008000)
004568: mem IRQS(1) 95300084=00008000 (00008000)
004766: mem IRQS(1) 95300084=00008000 (00008000)
004766: mem IRQS(1) 95300084=00008000 (00008000)
004966: mem IRQS(1) 95300084=00008000 (00008000)
004966: mem IRQS(1) 95300084=00008000 (00008000)
005166: mem IRQS(1) 95300084=00008000 (00008000)
005166: mem IRQS(1) 95300084=00008000 (00008000)
005366: mem IRQS(1) 95300084=00008000 (00008000)
005366: mem IRQS(1) 95300084=00008000 (00008000)
005565: mem IRQS(1) 95300084=00008000 (00008000)
005568: mem IRQS(1) 95300084=00008000 (00008000)
005766: mem IRQS(1) 95300084=00008000 (00008000)
005766: mem IRQS(1) 95300084=00008000 (00008000)
005965: mem IRQS(1) 95300084=00008000 (00008000)
005968: mem IRQS(1) 95300084=00008000 (00008000)
006166: mem IRQS(1) 95300084=00008000 (00008000)
006166: mem IRQS(1) 95300084=00008000 (00008000)
006366: mem IRQS(1) 95300084=00008000 (00008000)
006366: mem IRQS(1) 95300084=00008000 (00008000)
006375: mem IRQS(1) 95300084=00008000 (00008000)
006376: mem IRQS(1) 95300084=00008000 (00008000)
006512: mem IRQS(1) 95300084=00008000 (00008000)
006514: mem IRQS(1) 95300084=00008000 (00008000)
006566: mem IRQS(1) 95300084=00008000 (00008000)
006566: mem IRQS(1) 95300084=00008000 (00008000)
006715: mem IRQS(1) 95300084=00008000 (00008000)
006766: mem IRQS(1) 95300084=00008000 (00008000)
006766: mem IRQS(1) 95300084=00008000 (00008000)
006966: mem IRQS(1) 95300084=00008000 (00008000)
006966: mem IRQS(1) 95300084=00008000 (00008000)
007167: mem IRQS(1) 95300084=00008000 (00008000)
007167: mem IRQS(1) 95300084=00008000 (00008000)
007368: mem IRQS(1) 95300084=00008000 (00008000)
007368: mem IRQS(1) 95300084=00008000 (00008000)
007368: mem IRQS(1) 95300084=00008000 (00008000)
007569: mem IRQS(1) 95300084=00008000 (00008000)
007569: mem IRQS(1) 95300084=00008000 (00008000)
007573: mem IRQS(1) 95300084=00008000 (00008000)
007578: mem IRQS(1) 95300084=00008000 (00008000)
007579: mem IRQS(1) 95300084=00008000 (00008000)
007584: mem IRQS(1) 95300084=00008000 (00008000)
007620: mem IRQS(1) 95300084=00008000 (00008000)
007624: mem IRQS(1) 95300084=00008000 (00008000)
007625: mem IRQS(1) 95300084=00008000 (00008000)
007631: mem IRQS(1) 95300084=00008000 (00008000)
007770: mem IRQS(1) 95300084=00008000 (00008000)
007770: mem IRQS(1) 95300084=00008000 (00008000)
007770: mem IRQS(1) 95300084=00008000 (00008000)
007904: mem IRQS(0) 95300080=00000001 (00000001)
007970: mem IRQS(1) 95300084=00008000 (00008000)
007971: mem IRQS(1) 95300084=00008000 (00008000)
008169: mem IRQS(1) 95300084=00008000 (00008000)
008172: mem IRQS(1) 95300084=00008000 (00008000)
008370: mem IRQS(1) 95300084=00008000 (00008000)
008370: mem IRQS(1) 95300084=00008000 (00008000)
008570: mem IRQS(1) 95300084=00008000 (00008000)
008570: mem IRQS(1) 95300084=00008000 (00008000)
008770: mem IRQS(1) 95300084=00008000 (00008000)
008770: mem IRQS(1) 95300084=00008000 (00008000)
008970: mem IRQS(1) 95300084=00008000 (00008000)
008970: mem IRQS(1) 95300084=00008000 (00008000)
009169: mem IRQS(1) 95300084=00008000 (00008000)
009172: mem IRQS(1) 95300084=00008000 (00008000)
009370: mem IRQS(1) 95300084=00008000 (00008000)
009370: mem IRQS(1) 95300084=00008000 (00008000)
009570: mem IRQS(1) 95300084=00008000 (00008000)
009570: mem IRQS(1) 95300084=00008000 (00008000)
009770: mem IRQS(1) 95300084=00008000 (00008000)
009770: mem IRQS(1) 95300084=00008000 (00008000)
009969: mem IRQS(1) 95300084=00008000 (00008000)
009972: mem IRQS(1) 95300084=00008000 (00008000)
Restoring windows exception handlers...
Finished restoring windows exception handlers.
Handled 991 irq, 14646 abort, 21436 prefetch, 0 lost, 0 errors
HaRET(4)# wirq 10
irq:80029a3c@A03243F8=818ed0ec abort:8000104c@A03243F0=818ed110 prefetch:800295ac@A03243EC=818ed13c data=818ac000 sizes=c:000014e4,t:000454e4
Beginning memory tracing.
Watching IRQS(00): Addr 95300080(@c0000080)
Watching IRQS(01): Addr 95300084(@c0000084)
Warning! Tracing non-section mapping (48600000) not well supported
00: Mapping 48600000(@ffffffff) accesses to e1100000 (tbl 00000000)
MMU table merging disabled
Replacing windows exception handlers...
Finished installing exception handlers.
000001: mem IRQS(0) 95300080=00000000 (00000000)
000001: mem IRQS(1) 95300084=00008000 (00000000)
000200: mem IRQS(1) 95300084=00008000 (00008000)
000203: mem IRQS(1) 95300084=00008000 (00008000)
000401: mem IRQS(1) 95300084=00008000 (00008000)
000402: mem IRQS(1) 95300084=00008000 (00008000)
000600: mem IRQS(1) 95300084=00008000 (00008000)
000603: mem IRQS(1) 95300084=00008000 (00008000)
000800: mem IRQS(1) 95300084=00008000 (00008000)
000802: mem IRQS(1) 95300084=00008000 (00008000)
001000: mem IRQS(1) 95300084=00008000 (00008000)
001003: mem IRQS(1) 95300084=00008000 (00008000)
001201: mem IRQS(1) 95300084=00008000 (00008000)
001201: mem IRQS(1) 95300084=00008000 (00008000)
001401: mem IRQS(1) 95300084=00008000 (00008000)
001401: mem IRQS(1) 95300084=00008000 (00008000)
001600: mem IRQS(1) 95300084=00008000 (00008000)
001603: mem IRQS(1) 95300084=00008000 (00008000)
001801: mem IRQS(1) 95300084=00008000 (00008000)
001801: mem IRQS(1) 95300084=00008000 (00008000)
001887: mem IRQS(1) 95300084=00000001 (00000001)
002000: mem IRQS(1) 95300084=00008000 (00008000)
002003: mem IRQS(1) 95300084=00008000 (00008000)
002086: mem IRQS(0) 95300080=00000001 (00000001)
002086: mem IRQS(0) 95300080=00000001 (00000001)
002089: mem IRQS(0) 95300080=00000001 (00000001)
002089: mem IRQS(0) 95300080=00000001 (00000001)
002185: mem IRQS(0) 95300080=00000001 (00000001)
002185: mem IRQS(0) 95300080=00000001 (00000001)
002185: mem IRQS(0) 95300080=00000001 (00000001)
002185: mem IRQS(0) 95300080=00000001 (00000001)
002185: mem IRQS(0) 95300080=00000001 (00000001)
002185: mem IRQS(0) 95300080=00000001 (00000001)
002185: mem IRQS(0) 95300080=00010000 (00010000)
002185: mem IRQS(0) 95300080=00010000 (00010000)
002185: mem IRQS(0) 95300080=00010000 (00010000)
002185: mem IRQS(0) 95300080=00010000 (00010000)
002185: mem IRQS(0) 95300080=00010000 (00010000)
002185: mem IRQS(0) 95300080=00010000 (00010000)
002222: mem IRQS(1) 95300084=00008000 (00008000)
002222: mem IRQS(0) 95300080=00000001 (00000001)
002222: mem IRQS(0) 95300080=00000001 (00000001)
002233: mem IRQS(1) 95300084=00008000 (00008000)
002233: mem IRQS(0) 95300080=00010000 (00010000)
002233: mem IRQS(0) 95300080=00010000 (00010000)
002233: mem IRQS(0) 95300080=00010000 (00010000)
002233: mem IRQS(0) 95300080=00010000 (00010000)
002233: mem IRQS(0) 95300080=00010000 (00010000)
002233: mem IRQS(0) 95300080=00010000 (00010000)
002233: mem IRQS(0) 95300080=00010000 (00010000)
002233: mem IRQS(0) 95300080=00010000 (00010000)
002233: mem IRQS(0) 95300080=00010000 (00010000)
002233: mem IRQS(0) 95300080=00010000 (00010000)
002233: mem IRQS(0) 95300080=00010000 (00010000)
002233: mem IRQS(0) 95300080=00010000 (00010000)
002233: mem IRQS(0) 95300080=00010000 (00010000)
002233: mem IRQS(0) 95300080=00010000 (00010000)
002233: mem IRQS(0) 95300080=00010000 (00010000)
002233: mem IRQS(0) 95300080=00010000 (00010000)
002233: mem IRQS(0) 95300080=00010000 (00010000)
002233: mem IRQS(0) 95300080=00010000 (00010000)
002233: mem IRQS(0) 95300080=00010000 (00010000)
002233: mem IRQS(0) 95300080=00010000 (00010000)
002233: mem IRQS(0) 95300080=00010000 (00010000)
002233: mem IRQS(0) 95300080=00010000 (00010000)
002233: mem IRQS(0) 95300080=00010000 (00010000)
002233: mem IRQS(0) 95300080=00010000 (00010000)
002233: mem IRQS(0) 95300080=00010000 (00010000)
002233: mem IRQS(0) 95300080=00000001 (00000001)
002233: mem IRQS(0) 95300080=00080000 (00080000)
002233: mem IRQS(0) 95300080=00000001 (00000001)
002233: mem IRQS(0) 95300080=00010000 (00010000)
002253: mem IRQS(0) 95300080=00000001 (00000001)
002253: mem IRQS(0) 95300080=00000001 (00000001)
002258: mem IRQS(0) 95300080=00000001 (00000001)
002258: mem IRQS(0) 95300080=00000001 (00000001)
002268: mem IRQS(0) 95300080=00080000 (00080000)
002268: mem IRQS(0) 95300080=00010000 (00010000)
002268: mem IRQS(0) 95300080=00000001 (00000001)
002268: mem IRQS(0) 95300080=00000001 (00000001)
002287: mem IRQS(0) 95300080=00000001 (00000001)
002287: mem IRQS(0) 95300080=00000001 (00000001)
002290: mem IRQS(0) 95300080=00000001 (00000001)
002338: mem IRQS(0) 95300080=00000001 (00000001)
002338: mem IRQS(0) 95300080=00000001 (00000001)
002338: mem IRQS(0) 95300080=00000001 (00000001)
002338: mem IRQS(0) 95300080=00000001 (00000001)
002338: mem IRQS(0) 95300080=00000001 (00000001)
002338: mem IRQS(0) 95300080=00000001 (00000001)
002338: mem IRQS(0) 95300080=00010000 (00010000)
002394: mem IRQS(0) 95300080=00080000 (00080000)
002394: mem IRQS(0) 95300080=00010000 (00010000)
002394: mem IRQS(0) 95300080=00000001 (00000001)
002394: mem IRQS(0) 95300080=00000001 (00000001)
002428: mem IRQS(0) 95300080=00000001 (00000001)
002428: mem IRQS(0) 95300080=00000001 (00000001)
002441: mem IRQS(1) 95300084=00008000 (00008000)
002441: mem IRQS(0) 95300080=00000001 (00000001)
002441: mem IRQS(0) 95300080=00010000 (00010000)
002441: mem IRQS(0) 95300080=00000001 (00000001)
002441: mem IRQS(0) 95300080=00010000 (00010000)
002457: mem IRQS(1) 95300084=00008000 (00008000)
002651: mem IRQS(1) 95300084=00008000 (00008000)
002652: mem IRQS(1) 95300084=00008000 (00008000)
002850: mem IRQS(1) 95300084=00008000 (00008000)
002853: mem IRQS(1) 95300084=00008000 (00008000)
003051: mem IRQS(1) 95300084=00008000 (00008000)
003051: mem IRQS(1) 95300084=00008000 (00008000)
003251: mem IRQS(1) 95300084=00008000 (00008000)
003254: mem IRQS(1) 95300084=00008000 (00008000)
003431: mem IRQS(1) 95300084=00008000 (00008000)
003434: mem IRQS(1) 95300084=00008000 (00008000)
003451: mem IRQS(1) 95300084=00008000 (00008000)
003454: mem IRQS(1) 95300084=00008000 (00008000)
003653: mem IRQS(1) 95300084=00008000 (00008000)
003653: mem IRQS(1) 95300084=00008000 (00008000)
003771: mem IRQS(1) 95300084=00008000 (00008000)
003853: mem IRQS(1) 95300084=00008000 (00008000)
003856: mem IRQS(1) 95300084=00008000 (00008000)
004063: mem IRQS(1) 95300084=00008000 (00008000)
004066: mem IRQS(1) 95300084=00008000 (00008000)
004274: mem IRQS(1) 95300084=00008000 (00008000)
004274: mem IRQS(1) 95300084=00008000 (00008000)
004274: mem IRQS(1) 95300084=00008000 (00008000)
004483: mem IRQS(1) 95300084=00008000 (00008000)
004486: mem IRQS(1) 95300084=00008000 (00008000)
004694: mem IRQS(1) 95300084=00008000 (00008000)
004694: mem IRQS(1) 95300084=00008000 (00008000)
004903: mem IRQS(1) 95300084=00008000 (00008000)
004906: mem IRQS(1) 95300084=00008000 (00008000)
005114: mem IRQS(1) 95300084=00008000 (00008000)
005114: mem IRQS(1) 95300084=00008000 (00008000)
005324: mem IRQS(1) 95300084=00008000 (00008000)
005324: mem IRQS(1) 95300084=00008000 (00008000)
005534: mem IRQS(1) 95300084=00008000 (00008000)
005534: mem IRQS(1) 95300084=00008000 (00008000)
005744: mem IRQS(1) 95300084=00008000 (00008000)
005744: mem IRQS(1) 95300084=00008000 (00008000)
005769: mem IRQS(0) 95300080=00000001 (00000001)
005770: mem IRQS(0) 95300080=00000001 (00000001)
005773: mem IRQS(0) 95300080=00000001 (00000001)
005773: mem IRQS(0) 95300080=00000001 (00000001)
005776: mem IRQS(0) 95300080=00000001 (00000001)
005800: mem IRQS(0) 95300080=00000001 (00000001)
005800: mem IRQS(0) 95300080=00000001 (00000001)
005800: mem IRQS(0) 95300080=00000001 (00000001)
005800: mem IRQS(0) 95300080=00000001 (00000001)
005800: mem IRQS(0) 95300080=00000001 (00000001)
005834: mem IRQS(0) 95300080=00000001 (00000001)
005834: mem IRQS(0) 95300080=00000001 (00000001)
005838: mem IRQS(0) 95300080=00000001 (00000001)
005838: mem IRQS(0) 95300080=00000001 (00000001)
005848: mem IRQS(0) 95300080=00000001 (00000001)
005848: mem IRQS(0) 95300080=00000001 (00000001)
005859: mem IRQS(0) 95300080=00000001 (00000001)
005859: mem IRQS(0) 95300080=00000001 (00000001)
005861: mem IRQS(0) 95300080=00000001 (00000001)
005870: mem IRQS(0) 95300080=00000001 (00000001)
005954: mem IRQS(1) 95300084=00008000 (00008000)
005954: mem IRQS(1) 95300084=00008000 (00008000)
006164: mem IRQS(1) 95300084=00008000 (00008000)
006164: mem IRQS(1) 95300084=00008000 (00008000)
006374: mem IRQS(1) 95300084=00008000 (00008000)
006374: mem IRQS(1) 95300084=00008000 (00008000)
006374: mem IRQS(1) 95300084=00008000 (00008000)
006583: mem IRQS(1) 95300084=00008000 (00008000)
006586: mem IRQS(1) 95300084=00008000 (00008000)
006794: mem IRQS(1) 95300084=00008000 (00008000)
006794: mem IRQS(1) 95300084=00008000 (00008000)
007004: mem IRQS(1) 95300084=00008000 (00008000)
007004: mem IRQS(1) 95300084=00008000 (00008000)
007213: mem IRQS(1) 95300084=00008000 (00008000)
007216: mem IRQS(1) 95300084=00008000 (00008000)
007424: mem IRQS(1) 95300084=00008000 (00008000)
007424: mem IRQS(1) 95300084=00008000 (00008000)
007634: mem IRQS(1) 95300084=00008000 (00008000)
007634: mem IRQS(1) 95300084=00008000 (00008000)
007844: mem IRQS(1) 95300084=00008000 (00008000)
007844: mem IRQS(1) 95300084=00008000 (00008000)
008045: mem IRQS(1) 95300084=00008000 (00008000)
008045: mem IRQS(1) 95300084=00008000 (00008000)
008246: mem IRQS(1) 95300084=00008000 (00008000)
008246: mem IRQS(1) 95300084=00008000 (00008000)
008418: mem IRQS(0) 95300080=00000040 (00000040)
008436: mem IRQS(1) 95300084=00008000 (00008000)
008437: mem IRQS(1) 95300084=00008000 (00008000)
008446: mem IRQS(1) 95300084=00008000 (00008000)
008446: mem IRQS(1) 95300084=00008000 (00008000)
008446: mem IRQS(1) 95300084=00008000 (00008000)
008454: mem IRQS(0) 95300080=00010000 (00010000)
008454: mem IRQS(0) 95300080=00080000 (00080000)
008454: mem IRQS(0) 95300080=00010000 (00010000)
008645: mem IRQS(1) 95300084=00008000 (00008000)
008648: mem IRQS(1) 95300084=00008000 (00008000)
008846: mem IRQS(1) 95300084=00008000 (00008000)
008846: mem IRQS(1) 95300084=00008000 (00008000)
009046: mem IRQS(1) 95300084=00008000 (00008000)
009046: mem IRQS(1) 95300084=00008000 (00008000)
009246: mem IRQS(1) 95300084=00008000 (00008000)
009246: mem IRQS(1) 95300084=00008000 (00008000)
009446: mem IRQS(1) 95300084=00008000 (00008000)
009448: mem IRQS(1) 95300084=00008000 (00008000)
009646: mem IRQS(1) 95300084=00008000 (00008000)
009646: mem IRQS(1) 95300084=00008000 (00008000)
009846: mem IRQS(1) 95300084=00008000 (00008000)
009846: mem IRQS(1) 95300084=00008000 (00008000)
Restoring windows exception handlers...
Finished restoring windows exception handlers.
Handled 1124 irq, 17678 abort, 32821 prefetch, 0 lost, 0 errors
If this doesn't work, I can upload somewhere else.
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  #707 (permalink)  
Old 12-17-2010, 07:42 PM
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Re: NAND Boot Testing - 12-14: Panel power off fixes and new rootfs (important update

my GUID is the same as yours (ie{EB91C7C9-8BF6-4a2d-9AB8-69724EED97D1} )im on the sprint TP2 (rhod400).

HTC Universal-->Imate Jam(HTC Magician)-->Imate K-jam(HTC Wizard)-->HTC Mogul-->Touch Pro-->Touch Pro 2-->wonder what the next windows phone is going to be ??
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  #708 (permalink)  
Old 12-18-2010, 05:39 AM
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Re: NAND Boot Testing - 12-14: Panel power off fixes and new rootfs (important update

could someone please tell me what in this made my stuff run extremely well, but broke my power button, and market isnt working (but i did all this cuz i was trying to get new market working haha).

[NEW GAPPS.ZIP & APK] New Android Market [2.2.6] for G1(Android 2.1&2.2)[16/12/2010] - xda-developers

seriously, idk if its just random, but it's running nastdy fast right now... still sod problem tho lol
Rockin' The Official TouchPro 2 aka "The dopest phone with keyboard still":
F**k windows mobile, NAND flash to droid....
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  #709 (permalink)  
Old 12-18-2010, 08:14 PM
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Re: NAND Boot Testing - 12-14: Panel power off fixes and new rootfs (important update

yooooo!! wassup over here??? havent been here inna minute!!..hows everything goin with android on the tp2's??..i still have my tp2..soon as i get a sd ill be back in action with your guys!!..good luck and keep up the good work..ACL NATE..and who ever else joined the team!
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  #710 (permalink)  
Old 12-18-2010, 11:07 PM
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Wirelessly posted (Opera/9.80 (Windows Mobile; Opera Mini/5.1.21594/22.414; U; en) Presto/2.5.25 Version/10.54)

Originally Posted by damage_them
yooooo!! wassup over here??? havent been here inna minute!!..hows everything goin with android on the tp2's??..i still have my tp2..soon as i get a sd ill be back in action with your guys!!..good luck and keep up the good work..ACL NATE..and who ever else joined the team!
ACL is still putting up the good fight. I've been swamped by work for the last month trying to meet deadlines before my vacation which started today. We've got some excellent new testers as well.

Some of the major changes are the .35 framebuffer that ACL backported for us, and he's currently working on true panel power down and up. We have several different panel types in use, and that is holding things up right now. That's about it right now
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