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  #581 (permalink)  
Old 12-13-2010, 03:38 AM
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Re: NAND Boot Testing - 12-11: Panel power off and on now working!

Originally Posted by pts69666 View Post
Ok, after an hour and 15 min of trying to boot, it still isn't working. Any other ideas as to what I'm missing?
It shouldn't take more than 10 minutes (and that's extremely long) to boot. I would verify that you do, in fact, have all of the files in the correct location.

You should have a folder named andboot on your SD card, and inside that you need three files: rootfs.img, system.ext2, and the modules (don't change the name). Then you just flash the NBH, and it should boot right up, create a data.img, and boot into Android.

Do make sure that the card is formatted FAT32 and is not partitioned

Last edited by natemcnutty; 12-13-2010 at 04:14 AM.
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  #582 (permalink)  
Old 12-13-2010, 03:46 AM
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Re: NAND Boot Testing - 12-11: Panel power off and on now working!

Originally Posted by tpdjr View Post
hey nate is there anyway i can use f22 rootfs so i can have the end key be recent apps on nand or do i have to use the custom rootfs?
Unfortunately, I have to take a look at the changes F22 did. His rootfs will not have the keyboard auto-detect code. I will see if I can find time for this in the next couple of days.

Originally Posted by [ACL] View Post
Yep this is a completely different panel.. i'm still trying to figure out how to check which init to use. Looks like there is about 4 types of panels to look out for.
I noticed that mine was quite a bit different as well. I'm guessing I have a different panel too. I have access to 3 other rhod500's at work that I could try this on if we think the panel could vary between models. If each model has its own panel, we could use machine_variant like we do for keyboard auto-detect.

Originally Posted by [ACL] View Post
Reason i didnt mention this on xda is because of the noobery out there. I'm trying to avoid the floods like reef has when people try to use the build. This is why i try to keep a nice tight team of testers here who can help with the progress. I'm maintaining the source but its nice to know Nate can build the code at anytime and help deploy. ALso the rest of the gang is very savy and can help dump haret info so they have really helped out with development.

And of course the last reason is that i dont have a gsm phone and since xda is mostly gsm we will simply get tons of "it does not work fix it" kind of replies..
Always glad to be of help. I went ahead and posted over at XDA, but it doesn't seem like there was much interest. I find it interesting since XDA has such a rich development history. I think it's a case of too much publicity has brought in a lot of "general users" rather than the developers or "power users".

Originally Posted by coolsilver View Post
I retried from scratch with Autiobuild not renaming modules file. Boots faster again. GPS working quickly with GPS status and agps data.

I have a good stripe at the bottom of the phone that is corrupt video. My phone was also only half initiallizing the back light. It would come on but had a shade of red. I am glad it wasn't my lcd failing. I manually set in settings all the way to the left and powers brightly again... though not staying on as before (auto bl code)

Glad to hear the boot worked better this time. I've had some graphical oddities from time to time as well, but I haven't seen that one yet!
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  #583 (permalink)  
Old 12-13-2010, 04:11 AM
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Re: NAND Boot Testing - 12-11: Panel power off and on now working!

ya thanks nate that would very much be appreciated and if you could can you pm me the rootfs when you get a chance to look at it if not dont worry about it thanks so much again.
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  #584 (permalink)  
Old 12-13-2010, 06:17 AM
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Re: NAND Boot Testing - 12-11: Panel power off and on now working!

Originally Posted by natemcnutty View Post
Do make sure that the card is formatted FAT32 and is not partitioned
What do you meant "not partitioned" is SDCard without partition table, like: /dev/mmcblk0 and not /dev/mmcblk0p1 ?

I have boot loop when text console reach the line look like "trying to retry to read ...." (it is too fast then go reboot). I think I have not correct SDCard partition to run this, try unpartitioned now (because of my SDCard is currently go with MSDOS partition table)
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  #585 (permalink)  
Old 12-13-2010, 12:08 PM
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Re: NAND Boot Testing - 12-11: Panel power off and on now working!

Originally Posted by natemcnutty View Post
Glad to hear the boot worked better this time. I've had some graphical oddities from time to time as well, but I haven't seen that one yet!
I'll take a picture sometime. It comes and goes. It's like the top notification bar overlaps the bottom. But yea haven't had the brightness (screen shade of red) issue since adjusting things.

If there is anyway to pull the info from my phone I'll be happy to try. Even if I need to flash a rom and haret some info.

I don't see a hardware revision on mine under the battery. I have the box maybe listed there.
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  #586 (permalink)  
Old 12-13-2010, 12:23 PM
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Re: NAND Boot Testing - 12-11: Panel power off and on now working!

Originally Posted by pts69666 View Post
How long should the initial boot take? For me, the screen doesn't come back on until I hit the power button, and it doesn't let me do that for a good 15 minuets or so. From there, it just sits and doesn't do anything...

I'll let it sit longer, to see what happens.
It may be that you have a slightly diff panel.. i'm gathering all the panel info now so hopefuly the next update has that worked out.
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  #587 (permalink)  
Old 12-13-2010, 12:47 PM
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Wirelessly posted (Opera/9.80 (Windows Mobile; Opera Mini/5.1.21594/22.401; U; en) Presto/2.5.25 Version/10.54)

Originally Posted by tiger2wander
Originally Posted by natemcnutty View Post
Do make sure that the card is formatted FAT32 and is not partitioned
What do you meant "not partitioned" is SDCard without partition table, like: /dev/mmcblk0 and not /dev/mmcblk0p1 ?

I have boot loop when text console reach the line look like "trying to retry to read ...." (it is too fast then go reboot). I think I have not correct SDCard partition to run this, try unpartitioned now (because of my SDCard is currently go with MSDOS partition table)
You havd the right idea. When I said not partitioned, I meant don't have two and try putting this on the second partition
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  #588 (permalink)  
Old 12-13-2010, 10:43 PM
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Re: NAND Boot Testing - 12-11: Panel power off and on now working!

Originally Posted by [ACL] View Post
It may be that you have a slightly diff panel.. i'm gathering all the panel info now so hopefuly the next update has that worked out.
Is there something I can do to see if my panel is different. I saw something about haret dumps. How hard is that to figure out. xD
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  #589 (permalink)  
Old 12-13-2010, 10:51 PM
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Re: NAND Boot Testing - 12-11: Panel power off and on now working!

more haret dumping needed.

ok so take a look at this table

Topaz LCDModule - Htc-linux

Like i said there are alot of panels for the rhod and topaz. Unfortunately i dont know how to tell what panel is what yet so i may need to ask Markinus who did this whole part for the topaz.

In the mean time i have another init seq for the guys who provided the haret dumps.

This struct needs to be changed

struct nov_regs nov_init_seq[] = {
/* EID es3 */
{0x5100, 0x00},
{0x1100, 0x01},
{REG_WAIT, 0x64},
{0x4e00, 0x00},
{0x180, 0x02},
{0x880, 0x00},
{0x2080, 0x33},
{0x2680, 0x78},
{0x2880, 0x3e},
{0x2980, 0x04},
{0x2c80, 0x22},
{0x2e80, 0x00},
{0xde80, 0x02},
{0x3a00, 0x55},
{0x3500, 0x00},
{0x4400, 0x00},
{0x4401, 0x00},
{0x5e00, 0x00},
{0x6a01, 0x00},
{0x6a02, 0x01},
{0x5301, 0x10},
{0x5500, 0x02},
{0x6a17, 0x01},
{0x6a18, 0xff},
{0x2900, 0x01},
{0x5300, 0x2c},
{0x5303, 0x01},

i'm going to try it on the rhod 400.. it may work for me so we can use this instead in the mean time until we figure out how to detect the panel
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  #590 (permalink)  
Old 12-14-2010, 03:08 AM
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Re: NAND Boot Testing - 12-11: Panel power off and on now working!

yeah, I have only one partition on my sdcard. If I have multiple partitions so I'll put it to the first one because of I see the hard coded in the init script that check and use only /dev/mmcblk0 and /dev/mmcblk0p1

But I still failed to boot up Android NAND version back to WM and HARET way now.
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