NAND Testing - 05-25 Update: New LK, Recovery.img, Kernel Updates through Recovery
Announcements We are currently replacing Tinboot with LK for boot. This will give us fastboot and many other enhancements and fixes to make our device more like a native Android device. This has already fixed some issues with GSM phones, sleep modes, and a few other things. The current issue being worked on is the power button not working (possible GPIO issue). Introduction This thread tracks the most recent NAND development. A huge thanks to [ACL] and WoZZeR999 for dedicating time to NAND development for us, and again, thanks to Jonpry, PHH, stinebd, and the rest of #htc-linux for their contributions. It's truly amazing what these guys have done for us, so be sure to show them your appreciation ![]() The original NAND boot testing thread can be found here: http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/tp2-androi...tilt2-fix.html File Repository Autobuild files can be found here: Index of /files/ The LK directory will contain the latest LK Bootloader and boot image code. The rhodium_nand directory contains the latest kernels The XDAndroid directory contains the latest OS files and updates (including the root update) Note: We often disable autobuild when extremely experimental code is submitted, so this may not always be up to date but should be more stable than content we post in the threads. Latest Files LK Bootloader: http://htcdevs.wirelesstcp.net/files...NORECOVERY.NBH Recovery Image: http://htcdevs.wirelesstcp.net/files/LK/recovery.img 05-22 Kernel: http://htcdevs.wirelesstcp.net/files...nel-update.zip FRX06 OS Files: http://htcdevs.wirelesstcp.net/files...RX6/update.zip Optional - FRX06 Root: http://htcdevs.wirelesstcp.net/files...oot-Update.zip Installation Procedure Obtain Install Files You need 4 files to get NAND up and running: LK Bootloader NBH Recovery.img Kernel OS Files Install Directions 1) Set up your computer to use fastboot: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=532719 2) Flash your phone with the LK Bootloader NBH 3) Copy recovery.img to your fastboot/adb folder 4) Open bash/command prompt and run fastboot flash recovery recovery.img 5) If successful, type fastboot reboot, and hold the Power Button as your phone boots 6) Your phone should boot into recovery, and there you can apply the various update.zip files in this order: - FRX06 Update.zip - Kernel-Update.zip - Root-Update.zip To navigate in recovery, use volume up/down (or up/down on keyboard) to change selection, then use End Call key (or Enter on keyboard) to make a selection. Here's a video from ACL
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4r4o2CCKwvU Work in Progress Panel init/power down No data on first boot Youtube app has issues GSM can boot with no rild arguments (no data) Not Working at all Camera No bluetooth No 3.5mm headphone jack Last edited by natemcnutty; 05-25-2011 at 03:43 PM. |
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Re: NAND Boot File Repository
Frequently Asked Questions
What is NAND booting? NAND booting uses code on the NAND to boot directly into Android without having Windows Mobile on the device. Currently, we have the kernel and initrd in XIP, and four partitions: recovery, data, system, and cache. How is NAND different than Haret? Other than the fact that all files are running from the internal memory, NAND uses cmdline from Tinboot code instead of using startup.txt. This means you cannot change force_cdma or other settings like you can with Haret without recompiling. Also, NAND is a different kernel than the one used for Haret, so some commits on NAND may be ahead of Haret and some commits may not have made it over to us yet. Where are the Android files stored and how do I update them? Modules are stored in the data partition and are symlinked with /system/lib/modules. Every kernel update will also require a modules update which will be applied through the use of androidupdate.tgz in the /sdcard/andboot folder. Kernel updates will be applied through recovery, and modules will probably be handled at the same time. My battery drained and now my phone is stuck in a boot cycle! AHHHHHH! There are two different causes of this. If your phone died while in Android, the fix is quick and easy: 1) Unplug the USB cable, then remove the battery 2) Put the battery back in, and plug the USB cable back in 3) Let it charge for 5 - 10 minutes (it will vibrate like it is starting, ignore this) 4) Unplug the USB cable, then remove the battery 5) Put the battery back in, and start the phone If you lost power while booting, the kernel may attempt to restart every time you plug the cable in (not confirmed this is the real cause yet). The only known solution to this is incremental charging of a few seconds at a time. Basically, follow the above steps, but you have to remove power every 5 - 10 seconds or so before it starts the kernel back up again. This sucks, and ACL is trying to reproduce so he can figure out how to fix it. Kernel Status FRX05 Build Status Haret Console and ADB This is going to be quick and ugly since I have to hit the sack. I'm assuming most of you are running Windows, so I'm going to start from there. HaretConsole - http://dl.dropbox.com/u/11790134/Har...kageForWin.zip Download, unzip, and connect your phone in ActiveSync mode. On the phone, browse to Haret.exe and make sure there is no startup.txt or default.txt file in the same directory. Run Haret.exe on the phone, and click Listen for Connections Now, on your computer, run the batch file for haretconsole, and it should connect. Until I get a chance to explain things, you can find details on commands here: http://www.htc-linux.org/wiki/index..../Documentation ADB Drivers - http://dl.dropbox.com/u/11790134/usb_driver.zip First we need to unzip the drivers and connect your phone to the computer (must be at least booting into Android or in Android). Now, open Device Manager (right click on Computer, click Manage, then click Device Manager) You should see several unkown devices including one named XDA. Right click on XDA, click Update Driver, click Browse, then click "Let me pick...", then click Have Disk. Now browse to the unzipped drivers, and force it to use the ADB Interface driver. Say yes to any warnings. You are now set to use ADB. I highly recommend checking out Droid Explorer from http://de.codeplex.com. This will let you run console and a lot more against your phone when it is in Android. Last edited by natemcnutty; 03-17-2011 at 12:29 AM. |
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Re: NAND Boot File Repository
no problem.. all rhods are supported.. but lets say you had a topaz or blackstone.. id prob tell you to go back the way you came.. and never show your filthy self again.. but you have rhod so all good
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Re: NAND Boot File Repository
I would be telling them they have a bricked compass. ![]() Anyway, I'm about ready to pull the latest build even if it sucks and play with it. I'd love to get in there and help but I'm no programmer/dev. Last edited by coolsilver; 09-30-2010 at 01:44 AM. |
Re: NAND Boot File Repository
I've put together a FAQ with what I could think of for now. If you have any other information that you guys think would be particularly helpful, let me know. I do plan on putting together a step by step for flashing and what files do what. I also plan on compiling a list of useful commands for debugging (like dmesg >> /sdcard/log.txt)
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Re: NAND Boot File Repository
a good tester is worth 2 good programmers. So test on my good man, your feedback is like gold to us.
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