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  #321 (permalink)  
Old 10-25-2010, 01:23 PM
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Wirelessly posted (Opera/9.80 (Windows Mobile; Opera Mini/5.1.21594/21.529; U; en) Presto/2.5.25 Version/10.54)

Originally Posted by pts69666
Originally Posted by natemcnutty View Post
Interesting, thanks for saying something

I'll see if I can chat with ACL and see what his plans are on that. Personally, I don't mind just linking the builds in the first post, but I'm not sure how many builds he plans on leaving up there at a time either. I probably should prune the first post and move old builds into the second or something just for those that are looking for something specific.
You can always have a folder inside that called latest (/files/rhodium_nand/latest) and just always post the latest in there, maybe a single zip or rar for both the NHB and the modules. then all the older files will still be in the folder they are in now (/files/rhodium_nand) That way, in your first post, one link will directly download the files needed and will always be the newest without confusion and you can still have an archive if someone wants something specific
That would work well too. It's really up to ACL since he handles the autobuild.

Also, I have been trying to keep my screen initiated during boot without luck. To anyone who can keep it on, does auto brightness properly work for you?

Once we get panel init added, I think stinebd has some rootfs commits coming to add the ability to turn auto-backlight on or off from within settings.
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  #322 (permalink)  
Old 10-25-2010, 01:26 PM
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Re: NAND Boot Testing - HW3D Fixed. 10-21 New Build

Originally Posted by natemcnutty View Post
Once we get panel init added, I think stinebd has some rootfs commits coming to add the ability to turn auto-backlight on or off from within settings.
Yup, his new system/rootfs have this ability... works a-treat on haret!
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  #323 (permalink)  
Old 10-25-2010, 01:30 PM
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Re: NAND Boot Testing - HW3D Fixed. 10-21 New Build

Originally Posted by natemcnutty View Post
Wirelessly posted (Opera/9.80 (Windows Mobile; Opera Mini/5.1.21594/21.529; U; en) Presto/2.5.25 Version/10.54)

That would work well too. It's really up to ACL since he handles the autobuild.

Also, I have been trying to keep my screen initiated during boot without luck. To anyone who can keep it on, does auto brightness properly work for you?

Once we get panel init added, I think stinebd has some rootfs commits coming to add the ability to turn auto-backlight on or off from within settings.
I guess that sounds easy enough. Just a latest folder with the latest stuff in there. I can do that tonight.

I havent even tried the new build yet to see the auto brightness. Been busy but hopefully i will soon.
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  #324 (permalink)  
Old 10-25-2010, 05:11 PM
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Re: NAND Boot Testing - Keyboard Mapping Fixed, HW3D, and Battery Algo Update

Originally Posted by [ACL] View Post
Im still crafting a clever way to change this without making an nbh each time. Right now we are running our own rootfs so we can probably modify it the same way. I promise the next kernel we put out will have the option..

ACL - What is the status of this? I was hoping to see it set to 240.
Keeps giving me FC's with ADW Launcher.

When I flashed I had my brightness set to 255. This caused the backlight to not turn on at all. I had AdjBrightness (on Market) installed and was able to find it (Using a flashlight) and change the value to 50 and it works! I can only go up to 57 and down to 29 for the backlight to stay on.
Only other problem is my Top button does not do anything... Might be caused by something else though...

Thanks for All of your EFFORTS on this! Wish I could help out more.
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  #325 (permalink)  
Old 10-25-2010, 06:11 PM
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Re: NAND Boot Testing - Keyboard Mapping Fixed, HW3D, and Battery Algo Update

Originally Posted by Lmiller1708 View Post
ACL - What is the status of this? I was hoping to see it set to 240.
Keeps giving me FC's with ADW Launcher.

When I flashed I had my brightness set to 255. This caused the backlight to not turn on at all. I had AdjBrightness (on Market) installed and was able to find it (Using a flashlight) and change the value to 50 and it works! I can only go up to 57 and down to 29 for the backlight to stay on.
Only other problem is my Top button does not do anything... Might be caused by something else though...

Thanks for All of your EFFORTS on this! Wish I could help out more.
So maybe we can ADB our device before we flash, then "echo 50 >/sys/class/leds/lcd-backlight/brightness" and then flash and it works? I tried changing brightness after the flash, and that didn't work for me.

As for lcd density, it's all handled by this tiny bit of code from init in rootfs:

LCDDENSITY=`/bin/grep -o "lcd.density=.*" /proc/cmdline | /bin/sed -e "s/.*lcd.density=//g" -e "s/ .*//g"`

if [ "$LCDDENSITY" != "" ] ; then
echo "ro.sf.lcd_density=$LCDDENSITY" >> /etc/default.prop
echo Setting ro.sf.lcd_density=$LCDDENSITY

I guess we could have it grab something from the sdcard, but I'm not sure if there would be a way to make it configurable within Android. I don't mind playing around with this, but I won't be able to do anything with it until tomorrow
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  #326 (permalink)  
Old 10-25-2010, 11:29 PM
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Re: NAND Boot Testing - Keyboard Mapping Fixed, HW3D, and Battery Algo Update

Originally Posted by natemcnutty View Post
So maybe we can ADB our device before we flash, then "echo 50 >/sys/class/leds/lcd-backlight/brightness" and then flash and it works? I tried changing brightness after the flash, and that didn't work for me.

As for lcd density, it's all handled by this tiny bit of code from init in rootfs:

LCDDENSITY=`/bin/grep -o "lcd.density=.*" /proc/cmdline | /bin/sed -e "s/.*lcd.density=//g" -e "s/ .*//g"`

if [ "$LCDDENSITY" != "" ] ; then
echo "ro.sf.lcd_density=$LCDDENSITY" >> /etc/default.prop
echo Setting ro.sf.lcd_density=$LCDDENSITY

I guess we could have it grab something from the sdcard, but I'm not sure if there would be a way to make it configurable within Android. I don't mind playing around with this, but I won't be able to do anything with it until tomorrow
Yes that should work.

Trying to get Ubuntu installed on my laptop as a VM in Windows 7. It is a pain in the A$$.

Thanks for your help on this I will look at the rootfs once it get Ubuntu working.
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  #327 (permalink)  
Old 10-26-2010, 12:53 AM
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Re: NAND Boot Testing - Keyboard Mapping Fixed, HW3D, and Battery Algo Update

Originally Posted by Lmiller1708 View Post
Yes that should work.

Trying to get Ubuntu installed on my laptop as a VM in Windows 7. It is a pain in the A$$.

Thanks for your help on this I will look at the rootfs once it get Ubuntu working.
Virtualbox is your friend for that one. I've currently got 9.10, 10.04.1, and 10.10 as VM's on my work machine, and each took under 15 minutes to install and get going. I also use the shared folder feature in Virtualbox to grab NBH's and rootfs for fast flashing. If you plan on cloning tinboot and nand, I have a fully automated build script that I could post for you
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  #328 (permalink)  
Old 10-26-2010, 01:16 AM
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Re: NAND Boot Testing - Keyboard Mapping Fixed, HW3D, and Battery Algo Update

Originally Posted by natemcnutty View Post
So maybe we can ADB our device before we flash, then "echo 50 >/sys/class/leds/lcd-backlight/brightness" and then flash and it works? I tried changing brightness after the flash, and that didn't work for me.

As for lcd density, it's all handled by this tiny bit of code from init in rootfs:

LCDDENSITY=`/bin/grep -o "lcd.density=.*" /proc/cmdline | /bin/sed -e "s/.*lcd.density=//g" -e "s/ .*//g"`

if [ "$LCDDENSITY" != "" ] ; then
echo "ro.sf.lcd_density=$LCDDENSITY" >> /etc/default.prop
echo Setting ro.sf.lcd_density=$LCDDENSITY

I guess we could have it grab something from the sdcard, but I'm not sure if there would be a way to make it configurable within Android. I don't mind playing around with this, but I won't be able to do anything with it until tomorrow
Have we tried injecting another config on sdcard based on the rcconfig?

if [ -f "$card/conf/$RCCONFIG.user.conf" ]; then
/bin/userinit.sh -c "$card/conf/$RCCONFIG.user.conf"
echo "No user config files ($RCCONFIG) found on sdcard"

Lookks like we can have a user.conf file and might be able to a modd the default.prop file which i think will handle what we need. The bottom section of this conf file executes shell params. So all we need to do is include

echo "ro.sf.lcd_density = 240" >> /etc/default.prop

Right now we dont have the desity set on tinboot so this should work.
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  #329 (permalink)  
Old 10-26-2010, 09:14 AM
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Re: NAND Boot Testing - Keyboard Mapping Fixed, HW3D, and Battery Algo Update

Originally Posted by natemcnutty View Post
Virtualbox is your friend for that one. I've currently got 9.10, 10.04.1, and 10.10 as VM's on my work machine, and each took under 15 minutes to install and get going. I also use the shared folder feature in Virtualbox to grab NBH's and rootfs for fast flashing. If you plan on cloning tinboot and nand, I have a fully automated build script that I could post for you
I should have just gone with that... Finally got it working last night but it seems a bit unstable... I think I will give Virtualbox a try, I like the idea of sharing files that way.

I still have a lot to learn but would love to know how and help out any way I can. You can post the script and I see how it works.
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  #330 (permalink)  
Old 10-26-2010, 09:56 AM
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Re: NAND Boot Testing - HW3D Fixed: 10-21, Auto-brightness Testing: 10-24

Wifi works again.

I was apparently too lazy to delete and rebuild my data.img file.

I love titanium backup... makes life easy.

I'll try out the new image here shortly
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