Android on HD2 Tweaks
some of these might work for you and not for others please try them and post your feedback
remember this is still a work in progress please dont thank me im just passing this along hardik119 ![]() Member Join Date: Jan 2008 Posts: 64 ![]() Can someone please help me test the solution for "touchscreen freezes" as described in 1a? I am updating this post constantly with all the solutions that I find useful so please keep checking the first post. Details of my Phone Model: T-mobile US with 16GB class 2 card Windows ROM: Energy WinMo ROM 01/08 Android ROM: Mattc Froyo 1.5 Radio: 1. Possible solution for Random freezes As everyone is discussing here, Random freezes are caused by the G-sensor so I decided to do some experiments on my own. Here's what fixed my problem. Go to Windows mobile-->settings-->system-->G-sensor, Put your phone on a leveled surface and hit the calibrate button. Now shut down and boot to Android. This fixed the problem of random freezes on my android. Try this and let me know if this works. Some users also reported that disabling Auto-rotation option in Android display settings solves the problem. But when I tried it, it didn't work for me. But worth a try since it did work for some users If none of the above two work please try the following solution at your own risk. Some users reported that this has messed up their system and had to re-install WinMo but most of the people got it working with this solution. 1. Back up your registry 2. In windows mobile go to Registry Editor, search for "gsensor.dll" and remove the whole keyset. Reboot your phone. This step should disable your Gsensor in WinMo but it will still function in Android. Please share your experiences after doing so. Another possible solution(credits to ......) Install flip n shake app from the market place ,go to advanced setting and change the sensitivity. Please report if it worked for you or not. There are many reasons for the freezes but the most common one should be solved by one of the above solutions. 1a. Momentary unresponsive touchscreen (hard buttons work but the touchscreen doesn't) Assumed theory for the touchscreen insensitivity I believe the Gsensor drivers in Android are unstable and momentarily it uses a lot of CPU randomly and thats when you get the momentary touchscreen insensitivity. So here is what I did to test the theory. 1. Disabled setCPU.(So I would get maximum CPU power) 2. Disabled "background data" by going to Account & Sync settings.(So there would be minimum load on CPU) 3. Killed all running applications (every hour) using Advanced task killer. 4. Disabled Auto rotation. Results of the test. I still get some rare touchscreen freezes like once every two or three hours. But it is very very very less compared to once every 5 to 10 minutes before doing the test tasks. I believe it is due to more CPU available for the culprit application (Gsensor driver or something else) Conclusion: Obviously the culprit here is either Gsensor driver or some other application that randomly uses a lot of CPU and makes the touchscreen unresponsive. So until we fix the culprit application the tasks described in test may serve as a temporary solution. Ofcourse you have to live with manual sync until there is a permanent solution out. NB: 1. Ofcourse this is an assumed theory and it may or may not work for you but you won't know until you test it for atleast an hour. So please test it and report to help others. 2. It should help with the battery life if you disable background data but it'll reduce the battery time if you disable setCPU. 2. Poor battery life This isn't my work. This is copied from Bakedbread's thread here 1. Install BSB tweaks 1.6 and turned ON "Power Savings" 2. Go to registry editor and edit the following keys as under HKLM\Comm\AsyncMac1\Params DisablePowerManagement=0 HKLM\Comm\PPTP1\Params DisablePowerManagement=0 HKLM\Comm\L2TP1\Params DisablePowerManagement=0 HKLM\Drivers\SDCARD\ClientDrivers\Class\SDMemory_C lass\High_Capacity DisablePowerManagement=0 HKLM\Drivers\SDCARD\ClientDrivers\Class\MMC_Class\ High_Capacity DisablePowerManagement=0 HKLM\Drivers\SDCARD\ClientDrivers\Class\SDMemory_C lass DisablePowerManagement=0 HKLM\Drivers\SDCARD\ClientDrivers\Class\MMC_Class DisablePowerManagement=0 It helped me. so try your luck. Also some people have reported that underclocking(using SetCPU or other programs) help in increasing battery life too. Changing to the latest kernel also helps with battery life. Please find below the procedure for changing the kernel. 1. Download latest Kernel(zImage) from here. You need to download the regular one and not the usbhost one. 2. Rename the downloaded file to zImage. 3. Go to your phone's android folder and rename the zImage there to zImage.old(just incase the newer zImage gives you trouble). Copy the downloaded zImage to the Android folder. 4. Boot Android. Trouble booting or connecting to wifi after updating to the latest Kernel? check out the post here for booting problem. and checkout the post here for wifi problems. Here is also another observation. When you charge the phone in Android it doesn't charge fully(even though it shows 95% or 96%) and it drains the battery really quickly. If you charge the phone while its switched off or while its in WinMo the battery life seems to be improved. But I need some confirmations for this from users. 3. SoD(Sleep of Death) I had the problem of SoD while using radio. Once I changed my radio to the problem of SoD was gone. Please try changing your radio and report back. If changing radio doesn't help then try this it might help (Credits to fi3ry_icy) http://forum.xda-developers.com/show...2&postcount=16 Also another possibility is in WinMo change the sleep time to never/maximum possible and see if that helps. 4. WSoD(White screen of death) Not my work. Not sure whose finding this is. When u get stuck at white screen while rebooting open startup.txt and change set cmdline to set cmdline "rel_path=Android lpj=638976" and reboot again. Edit: If the lpj=638976 is already there when you open the startup.txt and you are getting WSoD then try removing "lpj=638976" from the line and reboot. Another possible solution(Credits to ....) copy the whole sdcard (backup to PC), format it the with 'SD formatter' (total write, erase and format process) and afterwards, start with a fresh install of the android folder. Copy all other folders back from the backup. do not use automount in android, but only use 'diskdrive option' when booted back to WinMo if you want to transfer files to the SD card. If you need to transfer smaller files to SD while in Android then use a wifi file explorer(Search market place for one that suits you). 5. Robotic voice I believe this problem is associated with the combination of WinMo and Android rom. Changing the WinMo rom helps get rid of this problem. So try new combination until you find one thats working. It is said that Windows mobile Base rom 2.14 and higher does not cause this problem. Users have reported that they had the problem with 2.14 and when they tried 2.13 it eliminated the problem. So not sure if it has anything do with the Base ROM or not. But one thing is for sure that it is the combination that creates/solves the problem. 6. Taking long time to wake up from stand by When pushing the end call button on ur mobile, it will go in standby and when u push it again, u get lockscreen. 7 off the 10 times it take a few seconds for the screen to wake up, and sometimes it freeze longer (5seconds). Possible solution: The problem is caused by Advanded task Killer. here's what solved my problem of screen not coming back on for couple seconds. In advance task killer I changed the "Auto kill frequency" to 30 minutes instead of "when screen off" and it solved the problem. If you want to try different lock screen go to market place and download 'finger scanner lite'. I know its a stupid program but at least something to experiment with. Another temporary solution(Credits to Bazman123) try pressing the power button for a few seconds, this will bring up the shutdown screen kicking your phone back into life instantly. 7. Unable to mount SDCARD error Thanks to shu8i for solution If you get unable to mount sdcard plz replace set cmdline "rel_path=Android" with set cmdline "rel_path=Android loop_partition=mmcblk0" in startup.txt 8. Mount SD card to PC for file transfer I knew this trick since the days of Kaiser Android but never needed to use it on my HD2 but for anyone who wants to mount the SD card to PC for file transfer here's a quick trick. Download and install "Auto Mount Your SD Card" made by JR Studio from market. Unplug your phone Open the Auto Mount App Check Enable SD Card Auto-Mounting and exit the app Plug the phone in If you find anything wrong or if you want me to add your solutions to this post. Please PM me. Also check out the third post below by fi3ry_icy for more solutions.
If i Helped In Anyway Follow Me On Twitter http://twitter.com/#!/maxtcee
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Re: Android on HD2 Tweaks
Unable to mount SD card
set cmdline "rel_path=Android" with set cmdline "rel_path=Android loop_partition=mmcblk0" in startup.txt SOD (Sleep of Death) related, and generally setting up phone and SD card for booting into android properly ( http://forum.xda-developers.com/show...2&postcount=16 ) Quote: Originally Posted by fi3ry_icy ![]() how can i do that if i am using chuckydroid rom for booting android? it is very stripped down and has very little function as a winmo os.. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ in addition, i would like to add that i think i have found a way to overcome the SOD (at least for now for me), hopefully, it will continue to work as i have not have any SODs since i tried what i did.. this is what u need to do: reformat ur SD card but before u click the format button, change the allocation size from the setting u see, to the largest possible... after u format ur SD card, only copy in the Android boot file of the android of ur choice.. next up, prepare the phone by doing task 29, flashing a 2.08 and above radio.. i am using radio from ( http://vbnfiles.com/HD2%20Common/Rad...12_50_02_2.rar ) then, install chucky rom lite for android booting ( http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=734238 ) next, start up the phone and do a hard reset without the SD card inside..! after the hard reset, boot back into winmo and change the date and time settings.. off the phone.. insert the SD card then on the phone.. run android and set up froyo.. hopefully it stops the SODs for good.. so far so good for me, its 2 hrs, and i've not have SODs.. previously the longest time b4 SOD hit me was 35 mins.. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ADDED: added a pic to show what i mean.. Battery Related Use one or more of these program together: SetCPU ( http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=734886 ) OR try Juice Defender ( http://www.talkandroid.com/9599-exte...r-for-android/ ) OR try Overclockwidget (need root) by billy cui (from android apps market) OR try Tasker: a program or android for users who want almost total control over their system ( http://lifehacker.com/5599116/how-to...ted-superphone ) Possible winmo setting tweaks which may or may not help improve battery life: ( http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=749753 ) Robot Voice Use another WinMO Rom-Radio Combination Possible improvement in SD card performance Use special SD card formatting program ( http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=748961 ) Laggy screen/phone/android when using the phone while walking or when phone is not stationary Turn off auto-rotation in froyo ( http://forum.xda-developers.com/show...6&postcount=21 ) a way to possibly increase ur DATA connection speed (worked for me) Quote: Originally Posted by memin1857 ![]() Nice find! For other users: What warrenb213 means in simple English is: 3G/EDGE speed tweak for shubcraft 1.4: 1) Launch Astro File Manager 2) Goto /system and find file named build (build.prop) 3) Tap and hold and select edit -> copy 4) Goto /sdcard/Android/root/system 5) Tap Paste 6) Tap and hold build file and select open as -> text -> file editor 7) Scroll down and find these lines ro.ril.hsxpa=2 ro.ril.gprsclass=12 Those lines are correct. Look 6-7 lines further and you will find: ro.ril.hsxpa=1 ro.ril.gprsclass=10 Delete these two lines. (shu8i tweaked values are 2 and 12) SAVE (click back button and tap save when asked) ![]() Notes: -If you directly edit build file within /system folder IT WILL revert back after reboot. -You may want to delete /sdcard/Android/root/system/build.prop after one reboot so in the future you don't forget it. It gets copied to real /system on first reboot. -You may want to backup the original build.prop file incase you have problems with data. (Or you can change the values back to 1 and 10) Crashes and how to help kernel coders by submitting logs for them to troubleshoot and debug Quote: Originally Posted by moorgogel ![]() Come on guys, you wont help developers if you just write "ok i will help you" Nobody need that besides this thread is going to be confusing. Please help Cotulla and provide him your logs. How to create logs: Download the tool Andlog on Cotullas Homepage: http://cotulla.pp.ru/leo/Android/andlog.exe After you detect Problems in Android (Sleep of Dead or something) you need to reset your device with the red reset button on the back of your HD2 Don't remove battery!!! Once WM is booted you can run andlog.exe and it will create a andlog.txt file on the root of your device. Be aware that Andlog dont show any message! (like CLRCAD) Paste the content here: http://pastebin.com and link it here in this forum with detailed information Ok i will start with providing logs: Got SOD while LEO was in Standby. Waited any seconds but screen stayed black Log: http://pastebin.com/DPPAd6ep Quote: Originally Posted by Cotulla ![]() moorgogel, nice guide, thanks! other method (for non-fatal errors) possible to use ADB from Android SDK. just put in command line Code: adb shell dmesg > dmesg.txt and u got current kernel log in dmesg.txt. basically it's not obviously. some bugs won't show anything in log. for example if BT isn't working in some android build, kernel log won't show anything. General questions answered in FAQs already Quote: Originally Posted by HD GEEK ![]() ![]() [WARNING] ***ANDROID ON HD2 IS STILL AT EARLY STAGES NO 1 CAN BE HELD RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY DAMAGE CAUSED TO YOUR DEVICE *** From what i have found there are at the moment 3 main builds that are running well - HTC SENSE (DESIRE ROM) FROYO BUILD BY dan1j3l Froyo 2.2 Android Build by Parad0XUA FROYO 2.2 WITH SENSE Android 2.1 Eclair (Senseless) all these can be found at http://gamesquare.co.uk allways keep a close eye on this site as new builds come out fairly frequent as development is quick. ★★★NOW HOW TO GET ANDROID ON HTC HD2★★★ Download a build of your choice htc sense desire build or froyo build [COLOR="Red"] **THERE ARE ALSO NEW BUILDS BEING ADDED TO HD2 ANDROID SECTION ALL THE TIME WITH INFO AND LINKS AVALIBLE WITHIN THE THREAD ** Prepare your device windows rom - windows rom has been linked with issues within the android builds so for the first time im going to compile a list of working roms here that have no issues within android i have been using ChuckyROM GTX + CHT 1.8.5 - 23128 from the start of android development and have yet to have an issue below is a list of other roms and links that are working well with android :- BARE BONES WM ROM FOR ANDROID BY NRG [ROM][WWE]★★★Astraios Roms★★★[REG/BUUF/GTX][23569][22nd July] ELEGANCIA ROM Series™ ChuckyROM GTX + CHT 1.8.5 - 23128 ~ 2.10.1 ¸¸.·´¯`·.¸¸.- Energy -.¸¸.·´¯ |Jul 21| 21911||23121 * Sense 2016 ★★★ PLEASE LEAVE LINKS AND INFORM ME OF ANY ROMS YOU HAVE TRIED AND HAD NO ISSSUES ★★★ FOR INFORMATION ON HOW TO FLASH A ROM PLEASE GO TO FLASHING GUIDE. THE RADIO RADIO IS SIMPLE USE ONLY RADIO FROM 2.08 ~ 2.12 DONT USE A RADIO LOWER THAN 2.08 AS IT WILL NOT BOOT I CAN NOT SAY WHICH IS THE BEST RADIO AS IT IS DIFFRENT IN DIFFRENT AREAS THE BEST THING WOULD BE TO TEST DIFFRENT RADIOS WITH ANDROID I HAVE TESTED 2.12 AND HAD NO ISSUES. HOW TO INSTALL A RADIO : - For installing a RADIO ROM you need HardSPL installed to your device. Rename the extracted file to "RUU_Signed.nbh" and flash with the CustomRUU RADIOS THAT WORK WITH ANDROID : - Leo_RADIO_2.12.50.02_2: MegaUpload Leo_RADIO_2.11.50.26**: MegaUpload Leo_RADIO_2.11.50.20**: MegaUpload Leo_RADIO_2.10.50.28_2: MegaUpload Leo_RADIO_2.10.50.26**: MegaUpload Leo_RADIO_2.10.50.19_2: MegaUpload Leo_RADIO_2.08.50.05**: MegaUpload FOR REF USE RADIO THREAD HSPL You must have hspl 2 or 3 for android to run well please use HSPL GUIDE Memory Card all though not nessecery re-formating your memory card is a must - i had problems with android builds in the past but re-formating memory crad solved nearly all crashes and and slow downs. BACK UP ALL DATA BEFORE RE-FORMATING RE-FORMAT TO FAT32 COPYING ANDROID ACROSS SENSE BUILD - copy all files to the ROOT of your memory card not a subfolder i.e haret boot loader should be in E:/HaRet.exe not E:/android/HaRet.exe FROYO BUILD - Copy all files to a folder called android on the root of your memory card i.e haret boot loader should be in E:/android/HaRet.exe **SOME NEW BUILDS ARE BEING ARE BEING PLACED IN FOLDERS WITH NEW NAMES IF THIS IS THE CASE IT WILL BE STATED WITHIN THE README** BOOTING ANDROID easyiest way to boot is to boot windows then go to a file explorer and run CLRCAD.EXE then run HaRet.exe ALWAYS REMEMBER RUN CLRCAD.EXE FIRST AS THIS GIVES ANDROID SOUND DONT WORRY IF IT DOES NOTHING ITS NOT SUPPOSED TO YOU MUST BOOT ANDROID THIS WAY WITHIN 30 SECOUNDS OF WINDWOS BOOTING OTHERWISE ANDROID WILL RUN IN TURBO MODE AND BE VERY UNSTABLE.FIXED WITH NEW ZIMAGE DUEL-BOOT PROGRAMS - GEN.Y DUEL BOOT - QUOTE FROM NRG - Hi All, I changed the dual boot cab from yozgatg. It now puts clrcad.exe to the startup folder so if you boot android you'll have sound. I also put the skin in from sk8inmonk. So credits for yozgatg and sk8inmonk. Only boots android directly from the root of the storage card! This has an autoboot option in 10 seconds or in 3 seconds. LINK jmz Android Dual-Boot for HD2 v4 --- 19JUL10 LINK TO THREAD ***IMPORTANT THINGS WHEN BOOTING ANDROID*** WHEN BOOTED GO TO ANDROID MARKET AND DOWNLOAD ADVANCED APP KILLER I HAVE FOUND THIS THE MOST IMPORTANT APP TO HAVE ATM AS IT KILLS APPS YOU DONT WANT RUNNING THUS SAVING BATTERY ![]() POWER MANAGMENT IS A BIG ISSUE AT THE MOMENT BUT I HAVE FOUND THAT LEAVING PLUGED IN ON CHARGE WHILE BOOTING ANDROID WILL CHARGE THE PHONE BUT THE LED WILL STAY PERMENANTLY ON! EDIT - USE LATEST ZIMAGE LOCATED IN 3RD POST AND ALL CHARGING PROBLEMS ARE SOLVED ALL QUESTIONS WELCOME IN THIS THREAD NO MATTER HOW NOOBISH ALL WILL BE ANSWERED F&Q SECTION COMING SOON ALONG WITH A TROUBLESHOOTING CHART FOR NOW I HAVE WORK ![]() . Quote: Originally Posted by HD GEEK ![]() TROUBLESHOOTING THE PROBLEM - The linux kernel did not finish booting. / failed to mount the sd card. cannot continue / bin/sh: can't access tty; job control turned off / SOLUTION - What I did was download and install the SDFormatter tool and formatted my SD card. I've had formatted my card a lot of times but this tool did the trick. You can locate it here: http://www.sdcard.org/consumers/formatter/sdfv2000.zip (PROBLEM AND SOLUTION PROVIDED BY WOUSIPX ANDROID TIPS AND TRICKS LONG PRESSING HOME BUTTON OPENS A TAB SHOW ALL APPS THAT ARE OPEN SO YOU CAN SWITCH BETWEEN THEM [HOWTO] Backup ALL Settings and Prefs When Upgrading Android (Homescreen/SMS/etc) Quote: Originally Posted by Fmstrat ![]() This method requires ROOT, but will allow you to backup all settings quickly and easily for a full restore to a different build. This is handy when running Android on a Windows Mobile device such as the HD2, since it allows us to easily switch to one of the many builds that come out weekly. However, this method can be applied to any Android device. Ops, if you’d rather move this thread to a general Android discussion, no problem. I just thought it was pertinent here given all the ROM changing people are doing. It can back up everything, from home screen widget positions to SMS messages. If you’re using keyboards like SwiftKey, it will even save your learned DB. Backup:
Note: For those running on a WM device, you can download the APK for Titanium Backup here and place it in your AndroidApps folder for it to be accessible on your first boot.
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Re: Android on HD2 Tweaks [update 9/3/10]
![]() Senior Member Join Date: May 2005 Posts: 271 ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Sorry for the long post peeps.. just trying to relieve some of the common issues and questions. we are now over 6000 posts! shubCRAFT Download Location: http://dev.vbnfiles.com/xda/shu8i/ (no login required) Check the first post for alternate links Differences in shubCRAFT builds: rmnet - build is modified for users who experience issues with PPP data. the older RMNET network interface is a great deal slower then PPP. origfonts - build is modified using standard android font style Builds: realstock - build is shubCRAFT w/STOCK cm6 mod & theme. (White notification bar at top, modified font & adw launcher installed by default) screenshot shubcraft - is the Lite Hybrid edition (shubCRAFT modified CM6 theme Black Notification bar @ top and Launcher Pro installed by default) screenshot List of Issues, Solutions, and Tips T-Mobile users who cant send/receive MMS or who have 3G connection problems can try these settings Name: T-Mobile US APN: epc.tmobile.com Proxy: Port: 8080 Username: Password: Server: MMSC: http://mms.msg.eng.t-mobile.com/mms/wapenc MMS Proxy: MMS Port: 8080 MMS Protocol: WAP 2.0 MCC: 310 MNC: 260 APN Type: Alternatives for the MMSC setting: MMSC: http://mms.msg.english.t-mobile.com/mms/wapenc MMSC: +------------------------------------------------------+ Jazz_007 - shares the proper Nexus One (N1) MMS settings for T-Mobile for those who is on $5.99 (t-zone) or $10 internet: APN: internet2.voicestream.com Proxy: Port: Username: Password: Server: wap.voicestream.com MMSC: http://mms.msg.eng.t-mobile.com/mms/wapenc/ MMS Proxy: MMS Port: MCC: 310 MNC: 260 Authentication Type: APN Type: +------------------------------------------------------+ mattfmartin - to change these settings: Goto settings,wireless &network,mobile network, access point name. Hold down middle button and add new apn (thx brother) My windows mobile rom is making android not work right WRONG. Android shuts winmo off completely, in essence booting the system clean, regardless of what windows mobile rom you have installed (except the stock htc hd2 rom which was no good to begin with). Read this! 1gb File system How-to-install Download the 1 GB rootfs. Copy it to the /SDCARD/Android/ folder, and boot Android. Just a tip, have an idea of how much free space is on your sdcard at all times. It is possible to run out of room - cant install apps - etc Android just will not boot no matter what i do 1. Format your sdcard a different way then you did last time, I suggest boot winmo, sync to pc, and format through windows explorer. choose default values and fat32. 2. Re-download the build files from vbn, just incase your first download got corrupt. 3. Unrar/7z the build files to your pc's desktop - when unzipped youll have a new Android folder on your desktop. Copy this via windows explorer to ur hd2:\sdcard\ - when done copying, youll have the folder \sdcard\Android on your memcard. Then run clrcad, and haret (I recommend Exceller Multi Build Loader to have dual boot option and run clrcad and haret automatically when winmo starts up... trust me on this one) Keep in mind your first boot could take up to ten minutes .. but shouldnt take any longer. Make sure there's at least 1.5 gb free space on your mem card prior to first boot Battery not charging to 100% Shutdown the device completely, and let it charge until the LED turns green, then boot up. or Get a 3rd party dockstation that has a spare battery charge slot on it and charge your battery outside the device. Want to sync your winmo contacts with android? In under two minutes you can sync your contacts TO google from windows mobile and then boot to android, sync with google and BAM your done. NO LOSS OF INFORMATION or FORMATING!! Found here Cannot see file after copying it to Android via USB Mass Storage Mode Currently the system does not 'remount' the sdcard properly when you unplug your device from USB Mass Storage mode. Another user discusses it here. The current solution is to reboot Android and the file system will see the files you copied to it after bootup. Technically, you should be able to use terminal to remount the filesystem, but you might not have luck with that at the moment. End Call Button Config Use spare parts app and it allows you to change the end call action. -cruise284 Android Screen Resolution - change density value Android developer website Based on the screen resolution, the spread of pixels across the physical width and height of the screen... How to change density value (I use 180). NOTE: Some older apps do not scale properly when you increase the resolution, if you start the 'spare parts' app -> enable or disable 'compatibility mode' fixes SOME of the issues. Problems installing google skymaps http://forum.xda-developers.com/show...postcount=4746 GPS Not working Most likely the gps servers are set incorrectly for your region, and thus when you start your gps, it takes anywhere from 5 to 10 minutes to find the correct satellites. (just give it 10 mins it will work.. keep ur device awake and network connection on) basst85 - check /system/etc/gps.conf the file must contain the following content: (NOTE: to edit gps.conf you must have read/write enabled for system files, this post has instructions on how to do this w/estrongs files explorer. there are otherways, but if you do not have read write access your editing to gps.conf will not be saved) UK Users: NTP_SERVER=uk.pool.ntp.org XTRA_SERVER_1=http://xtra1.gpsonextra.net/xtra.bin XTRA_SERVER_2=http://xtra2.gpsonextra.net/xtra.bin XTRA_SERVER_3=http://xtra3.gpsonextra.net/xtra.bin SUPL_HOST=supl.google.com SUPL_PORT=7276 +------------------------------------------------------+ US Users: NTP_SERVER=us.pool.ntp.org XTRA_SERVER_1=http://xtra1.gpsonextra.net/xtra.bin XTRA_SERVER_2=http://xtra2.gpsonextra.net/xtra.bin XTRA_SERVER_3=http://xtra3.gpsonextra.net/xtra.bin SUPL_HOST=supl.google.com SUPL_PORT=7276 +------------------------------------------------------+ bigcraig4u - If you are NOT in the US go to here: http://www.pool.ntp.org/en/use.html and look at the links in the center of the page to navigate to the closest pool to your geographical location and use that for the top NTP_SERVER entry. +------------------------------------------------------+ Canada — ca.pool.ntp.org United States — us.pool.ntp.org Mexico — mx.pool.ntp.org Guatemala — gt.pool.ntp.org Panama — pa.pool.ntp.org Bahamas — bs.pool.ntp.org Costa Rica — cr.pool.ntp.org El Salvador — sv.pool.ntp.org Install HTC Keyboard/Input method Exact step-by-step instructions LED / Auto backlight settings / Misc other Settings -> CyanogenMod settings -> User interface -> Mac Address set to 00:11:22:33:44:55 - my device cannot connect to wifi So far (after scowering the internets for a solution, the only worth while answer I could find was "wait for cotulla to update the git with the proper code to correct this". It does however look like you can modify your router settings to ALLOW that particular mac address to achieve a wifi connection, however if you have more then one hd2 and are planning on using them both on the same router at once, at the moment you're sol.) if anyone else has a solution prior to that happening, please pm me so I can add it to this post I will continue looking for a solution until then. sorry we have no solution for this at the moment. Thx to ravibc for bringing this up. Negative color Screen Removing USB cable from the phone and re-activating it after going standby, the screen colors turned to "negative"... everything like white with low contrast. After rebooting everything back fine. -camillo777 Change the color of the text at the top in notification bar. (Text is to dark on the already dark notification bar) Settings -> CyanogenMod settings -> User interface -> Notifications colors -> You can change alot of color settings in here. Play around. What is PPP? Answer at Wikipedia After removing a program, its back after a reboot Remove it from /SDCARD/Android/Androidapps folder. Anything in here gets auto-installed when you first boot up. -dysprosi Installing was unsuccessful... I can download apps, but just can't update them. - HeavyComponent If you are trying to update an app that came pre installed with your build, the problem you are running into -without getting into to much detail here- is that you are trying to update .apk files that are currently protected in the /system/app folder. Read "how to gain access to protected android system files" below. Becareful when you uninstall your launcher software!! - ie: if you uninstall launcher pro, how are you going to launch the market or even a file explorer to install the new new version? right? so to get around this install a different launcher (just temporarily) ie if you you want to update launcherpro. install adw first. after install, press the home hardkey. it will ask you which launcher you want to display your home with, choose always use and adw. then goto /system/app and delete your old launcherpro apk. REBOOT (thanks lufeig for the extra step) then goto the market, install the new version of launcherpro, then you can uninstall adw. common sense gets you around this one. Same goes for all apps like ie: checkers youtube etc. Robot Voice / Flaky phone call quality You could have old radio software installed. Check this post for the latest HD2 radios. HD2 Radio Thread I recommend 2.12.50_02, some recommend 2.10.50. Either way if you are using an old radio 2.07 2.08 etc you should REALLY update yours - you will not lose any data No sound Make sure you are running the clrcad.exe file just prior to running haret.exe clrcad.exe enables sound in android USB device is recognized by pc, but when I look in 'my computer', it shows up as a removable disk drive (X) and asks me to insert a disk when clicked -jsanders8 After you connect via usb, check the notifications panel on your Android. You should see 'USB Connected' Click that and a screen will pop up with a button at the bottom that says 'Turn on USB Storage'. Press that. Done. (!See the "why can't I see my file after its been copied" question) Wifi tethering / Bluetooth phone calls known issue. at this time there are two options. bluetooth phone calls and no tethering OR wifi tethering and no BT phone calls. they are clearly laid out here in a post from user bakedbread. thx for the great info! I want to try the latest zImage(Kernel) !Make sure you rename your current zImage and Module files before you overwrite them, incase the new ones dont jive with your build! That being said, occasionally new zImage & Modules cause (some) builds to freeze. Data indicators dont work in notification bar & other users are reporting the BT is broken. !!Updating your kernel/modules should be done ONLY if you are prepared to do some testing (and smart enough to backup the current files first)!! Read here how to do this and why its important to also update your modules at the same time There are several ways to gain access to protected Android System Files eStrongs File Explorer: from the marketplace: get 'estrongs file explorer' Install and run the app. Press the physical windows key, goto settings. Scroll to the bottom and select 'Root options'. Enable 'Root Explorer' answer YES, then OK (!dont change the 'select ROM' it will autodetect! shub 1.5 users that means you!) Enable 'Mount File System'. Press the pysical <- button two times and you should be at '/sdcard/'. Press '/' on screen and the file browser will display /system/ Scroll down the list until you find the 'system' folder and enter it. Here you will find the ACTUAL build.prop file which you can now directly edit. Here you will also find a folder called /SYSTEM/APP/ which is where all your programs are installed to. (SO if you want to delete a program you can do it directly from here) There are other uses for estrongs 'Enable Root Explorer' mode, but thats up to you. !!Dont forget to disable both options in estrongs 'Root Options' when done. And dont mess with something if you dont know what your doing.. you've been warned!! -------------------------------------------------------- ADB: users who have used adb are welcome to write up something to put here -------------------------------------------------------- Terminal: users who have used terminal are welcome to write up something to put here -------------------------------------------------------- Reboot - Copy over method Any file you place in /SDCARD/Android/AndroidApps & /SDCARD/Android/root/-> will get copied over the real 'root' system when android reboots. ie: /sdcard/android/root/system/build.prop you can directly modify this file, without root access. When android reboots, it will copy over the ACTUAL /system/build.prop REMEMBER: Always check the first post for updates/links/faqs etc, as 9 times out of 10, this is where a dev will post their updates. *Other suggestions welcome (pm me or a mod with ur stuff), I'd like to add to this and maintain it, so please do send me some suggestions. And feel free to point people people to this link for an answer to their question - save the forum space for un-asked un-answered questions. Reminder to myself (additional info todo list): device not vibrating And finally, just cause I can. sigh... Summer Glau |
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