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Old 08-28-2010, 10:46 PM
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Android on HD2 Tweaks

some of these might work for you and not for others please try them and post your feedback
remember this is still a work in progress

please dont thank me im just passing this along
hardik119 [OP]
Join Date: Jan 2008
Posts: 64

[TROUBLESHOOTING] SOLUTION for:Random freezes, Poor battery life, SoD, WSoD,Robovoice
Can someone please help me test the solution for "touchscreen freezes" as described in 1a?

I am updating this post constantly with all the solutions that I find useful so please keep checking the first post.

Details of my Phone
Model: T-mobile US with 16GB class 2 card
Windows ROM: Energy WinMo ROM 01/08
Android ROM: Mattc Froyo 1.5

1. Possible solution for Random freezes
As everyone is discussing here, Random freezes are caused by the G-sensor so I decided to do some experiments on my own. Here's what fixed my problem.

Go to Windows mobile-->settings-->system-->G-sensor, Put your phone on a leveled surface and hit the calibrate button. Now shut down and boot to Android.

This fixed the problem of random freezes on my android. Try this and let me know if this works.

Some users also reported that disabling Auto-rotation option in Android display settings solves the problem. But when I tried it, it didn't work for me. But worth a try since it did work for some users

If none of the above two work please try the following solution at your own risk. Some users reported that this has messed up their system and had to re-install WinMo but most of the people got it working with this solution.
1. Back up your registry
2. In windows mobile go to Registry Editor, search for "gsensor.dll" and remove the whole keyset. Reboot your phone. This step should disable your Gsensor in WinMo but it will still function in Android.
Please share your experiences after doing so.

Another possible solution(credits to ......)
Install flip n shake app from the market place ,go to advanced setting and change the sensitivity.
Please report if it worked for you or not.

There are many reasons for the freezes but the most common one should be solved by one of the above solutions.

1a. Momentary unresponsive touchscreen (hard buttons work but the touchscreen doesn't)
Assumed theory for the touchscreen insensitivity
I believe the Gsensor drivers in Android are unstable and momentarily it uses a lot of CPU randomly and thats when you get the momentary touchscreen insensitivity.

So here is what I did to test the theory.
1. Disabled setCPU.(So I would get maximum CPU power)
2. Disabled "background data" by going to Account & Sync settings.(So there would be minimum load on CPU)
3. Killed all running applications (every hour) using Advanced task killer.
4. Disabled Auto rotation.

Results of the test.
I still get some rare touchscreen freezes like once every two or three hours. But it is very very very less compared to once every 5 to 10 minutes before doing the test tasks. I believe it is due to more CPU available for the culprit application (Gsensor driver or something else)

Conclusion: Obviously the culprit here is either Gsensor driver or some other application that randomly uses a lot of CPU and makes the touchscreen unresponsive. So until we fix the culprit application the tasks described in test may serve as a temporary solution. Ofcourse you have to live with manual sync until there is a permanent solution out.

1. Ofcourse this is an assumed theory and it may or may not work for you but you won't know until you test it for atleast an hour. So please test it and report to help others.
2. It should help with the battery life if you disable background data but it'll reduce the battery time if you disable setCPU.

2. Poor battery life
This isn't my work. This is copied from Bakedbread's thread here

1. Install BSB tweaks 1.6 and turned ON "Power Savings"

2. Go to registry editor and edit the following keys as under




HKLM\Drivers\SDCARD\ClientDrivers\Class\SDMemory_C lass\High_Capacity

HKLM\Drivers\SDCARD\ClientDrivers\Class\MMC_Class\ High_Capacity

HKLM\Drivers\SDCARD\ClientDrivers\Class\SDMemory_C lass


It helped me. so try your luck.

Also some people have reported that underclocking(using SetCPU or other programs) help in increasing battery life too.

Changing to the latest kernel also helps with battery life. Please find below the procedure for changing the kernel.

1. Download latest Kernel(zImage) from here. You need to download the regular one and not the usbhost one.
2. Rename the downloaded file to zImage.
3. Go to your phone's android folder and rename the zImage there to zImage.old(just incase the newer zImage gives you trouble). Copy the downloaded zImage to the Android folder.
4. Boot Android.

Trouble booting or connecting to wifi after updating to the latest Kernel?
check out the post here for booting problem. and checkout the post here for wifi problems.

Here is also another observation. When you charge the phone in Android it doesn't charge fully(even though it shows 95% or 96%) and it drains the battery really quickly. If you charge the phone while its switched off or while its in WinMo the battery life seems to be improved. But I need some confirmations for this from users.

3. SoD(Sleep of Death)
I had the problem of SoD while using radio. Once I changed my radio to the problem of SoD was gone. Please try changing your radio and report back.

If changing radio doesn't help then try this it might help (Credits to fi3ry_icy)

Also another possibility is in WinMo change the sleep time to never/maximum possible and see if that helps.

4. WSoD(White screen of death)
Not my work. Not sure whose finding this is.
When u get stuck at white screen while rebooting open startup.txt and change set cmdline to set cmdline "rel_path=Android lpj=638976" and reboot again.

Edit: If the lpj=638976 is already there when you open the startup.txt and you are getting WSoD then try removing "lpj=638976" from the line and reboot.

Another possible solution(Credits to ....)
copy the whole sdcard (backup to PC), format it the with 'SD formatter' (total write, erase and format process) and afterwards, start with a fresh install of the android folder. Copy all other folders back from the backup.

do not use automount in android, but only use 'diskdrive option' when booted back to WinMo if you want to transfer files to the SD card. If you need to transfer smaller files to SD while in Android then use a wifi file explorer(Search market place for one that suits you).

5. Robotic voice
I believe this problem is associated with the combination of WinMo and Android rom. Changing the WinMo rom helps get rid of this problem. So try new combination until you find one thats working.

It is said that Windows mobile Base rom 2.14 and higher does not cause this problem. Users have reported that they had the problem with 2.14 and when they tried 2.13 it eliminated the problem. So not sure if it has anything do with the Base ROM or not. But one thing is for sure that it is the combination that creates/solves the problem.

6. Taking long time to wake up from stand by
When pushing the end call button on ur mobile, it will go in standby and when u push it again, u get lockscreen.

7 off the 10 times it take a few seconds for the screen to wake up, and sometimes it freeze longer (5seconds).

Possible solution:
The problem is caused by Advanded task Killer. here's what solved my problem of screen not coming back on for couple seconds.

In advance task killer I changed the "Auto kill frequency" to 30 minutes instead of "when screen off" and it solved the problem.

If you want to try different lock screen go to market place and download 'finger scanner lite'. I know its a stupid program but at least something to experiment with.

Another temporary solution(Credits to Bazman123)
try pressing the power button for a few seconds, this will bring up the shutdown screen kicking your phone back into life instantly.

7. Unable to mount SDCARD error Thanks to shu8i for solution
If you get unable to mount sdcard plz replace set cmdline "rel_path=Android" with set cmdline "rel_path=Android loop_partition=mmcblk0" in startup.txt

8. Mount SD card to PC for file transfer
I knew this trick since the days of Kaiser Android but never needed to use it on my HD2 but for anyone who wants to mount the SD card to PC for file transfer here's a quick trick.

Download and install "Auto Mount Your SD Card" made by JR Studio from market.
Unplug your phone
Open the Auto Mount App
Check Enable SD Card Auto-Mounting and exit the app
Plug the phone in

If you find anything wrong or if you want me to add your solutions to this post. Please PM me.

Also check out the third post below by fi3ry_icy for more solutions.
If i Helped In Anyway Follow Me On Twitter!/maxtcee
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