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  #11 (permalink)  
Old 06-25-2010, 02:40 PM
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Re: TomTom on Android 2.x

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  #12 (permalink)  
Old 07-07-2010, 10:18 PM
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Re: TomTom on Android 2.x

Originally Posted by Alpine- View Post
It may be true that the more recent version of Google Navigation are better than Sprint nav. However, I think TomTom (or even Garmin) would be even better.

It is just so easy now to grab latest TomTom + US maps and slap them onto my TP2's memcard. This, along with losing SERO, is sort of a deal breaker for me right now.
For me just losing TOMTOM is the deal beaker for me. When I have to drive to properties in rural area in which sprint does not have coverage I would get lose. Also I read that Co-pilot lags when you use the itinerary and does not reroute very good.
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Old 07-08-2010, 08:05 AM
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Re: TomTom on Android 2.x

Originally Posted by touch_rules View Post
I gave up on TomTom when I couldn't fix the lag issues on my TP2. I have been using Sprint Nav but I decided to use the google navigator software the other day and I have to say I was very impressed.
Originally Posted by mr_e View Post
I would second the Google Navigation. I used it a few times and it was definitely better than what I remember having on WinMo. It's been improved quite a bit and you can't argue with the price so give it a try.
Originally Posted by brownmc7 View Post
would definitely give google maps a try... it works and its good
Originally Posted by brownhornet View Post
I will NEVER pay for navigation software when google nav works as well as it does.
Originally Posted by TheBundo View Post
Another vote for Google Maps. Free, frequent upgrades, etc.
the problem with google maps is that it's all OTA based. it may be cached a bit but the bottom line, to get it working properly, you have to have data signal for everything to download as you go. it's such a nice software, sometimes we forget that it's downloading in the background as we go. while this may be practical for most local trips, for someone that travels through the mountains or in areas where Sprint doesnt have good service, it won't work very well. Having a standalone navigation program with all the maps on your SD card is the way to go here.

As for TomTom. Sorry OP. To say they are slacking would be an understatement. The have posted that they are working on an android version but who knows when it will be available. I have both CoPilot and Igo on mine.

The CoPilot works amazingly well. It has TTS also. The only things that i've noticed so far about the CoPilot that I don't like is that for some reason, it won't use my contacts even though it's an option and for some reason, even though the maps are "current" they really aren't. My office buliding has been here for 2 years, yet the maps don't list it as existing. Weird.

Igo, on the other hand has some issues. So far I can't find a resolution of it that works on the EVO. it's a little large for the screen or very small on the screen (i've tried several version). Also. It doesn't have TTS (which i really like).

So. There you are my friends. My take on all this.

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Last edited by DarkLord; 07-08-2010 at 08:07 AM.
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old 07-08-2010, 08:11 AM
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Re: TomTom on Android 2.x

Originally Posted by jamice4u View Post
For me just losing TOMTOM is the deal beaker for me. When I have to drive to properties in rural area in which sprint does not have coverage I would get lose. Also I read that Co-pilot lags when you use the itinerary and does not reroute very good.
I have also noticed that Co-pilot does lag sometimes. But to be brutally honest, everyone i've ever tried lagged just as much when i was running it on my TP2 (including TomTom).

I was a HUGE TomTom fan until they started blocking the traffic add-on for WM users. After they did that, I kicked their sorry butts to the curb.
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Old 08-27-2010, 09:39 PM
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Re: TomTom on Android 2.x

I second here Alpine-, I am about to move from HTC PRO 2 to EVO and am desperate looking for a GPS software. I understand all arguments regarding GN and SN being better on EVO, but I can't depend on cell signal, I am too aften on the road where there's no signal and that would be a big problem for me.

I right now use iGo 8 on my Pro 2 and would like to know if anybody knows of other options for GPS software besides CoPilot?

Thanks for any reply/help!
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  #16 (permalink)  
Old 08-28-2010, 11:16 PM
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Re: TomTom on Android 2.x

Well I hada stand alone GPS Unit (TomTom) and now i use the GN, before the 2.2 upgrade it did a really good job at re-routing you. now it does like every other GPS unit it try to put you back in the original route instead of just working with your current direction. There are things missing in the GN.

1. It does not track you speed.
2. It does not display the road speed limit.
3. It does not warn you if you want to take a toll route or not.
4. It does not ask if you want to take a shorter route or fast route or avoid Highways.
5. It does not display how many total miles left to go.
6. It does not give you and estimate of what time you will get there (mean if is 11:10am and the trip will take 37 mins, it will not tell you that you will arrive at 11:47)

Keep in mind all this features i came dependent on while using my TTN.

From my experiance it seem like the GN will download all it need for the current route. if you deviate from the route then it will need data to re-route you. The SN is really weak. with the SN you really need to have Data connection all the way has this Nav only downloads parts and it keep updating as you go along.
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old 08-30-2010, 04:42 PM
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Re: TomTom on Android 2.x

Well I get great signal in pretty much all of this area. I've been as far north as DC and as far west as Houston using Google Maps without a hickup. Plus I hate how much space those maps take up on the sd.
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  #18 (permalink)  
Old 08-30-2010, 04:49 PM
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Re: TomTom on Android 2.x

Originally Posted by brownhornet View Post
Well I get great signal in pretty much all of this area. I've been as far north as DC and as far west as Houston using Google Maps without a hickup. Plus I hate how much space those maps take up on the sd.
it will bite you in the ass when you least expect it. you couldn't pay me to just rely on an OTA navi system. no way.
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  #19 (permalink)  
Old 09-02-2010, 12:00 AM
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Re: TomTom on Android 2.x

Originally Posted by DarkLord View Post
it will bite you in the ass when you least expect it. you couldn't pay me to just rely on an OTA navi system. no way.

Went on a ride this weekend. Most of the ride was 1x data or none at all. When I needed to reroute it took minutes to load a new route, or it would just give up.

As long as you stay on your route 100% of the way when data is slow or non existence you are fine with OTA. Need to reroute then you are S.O.L.

I have tried all the offline GPS programs for Android (NDrive, CoPilot etc) and they are pretty lame IMHO.

I think I am going to pickup a HD2 on Craiglist and run it as a stand alone GPS until Android can get some good GPS programs like Garmin, iGo, or TomTom.

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  #20 (permalink)  
Old 09-06-2010, 11:05 AM
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Re: TomTom on Android 2.x

navigon adnroid works well although US maps at this point require some effort
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