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Old 07-08-2010, 08:05 AM
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Re: TomTom on Android 2.x

Originally Posted by touch_rules View Post
I gave up on TomTom when I couldn't fix the lag issues on my TP2. I have been using Sprint Nav but I decided to use the google navigator software the other day and I have to say I was very impressed.
Originally Posted by mr_e View Post
I would second the Google Navigation. I used it a few times and it was definitely better than what I remember having on WinMo. It's been improved quite a bit and you can't argue with the price so give it a try.
Originally Posted by brownmc7 View Post
would definitely give google maps a try... it works and its good
Originally Posted by brownhornet View Post
I will NEVER pay for navigation software when google nav works as well as it does.
Originally Posted by TheBundo View Post
Another vote for Google Maps. Free, frequent upgrades, etc.
the problem with google maps is that it's all OTA based. it may be cached a bit but the bottom line, to get it working properly, you have to have data signal for everything to download as you go. it's such a nice software, sometimes we forget that it's downloading in the background as we go. while this may be practical for most local trips, for someone that travels through the mountains or in areas where Sprint doesnt have good service, it won't work very well. Having a standalone navigation program with all the maps on your SD card is the way to go here.

As for TomTom. Sorry OP. To say they are slacking would be an understatement. The have posted that they are working on an android version but who knows when it will be available. I have both CoPilot and Igo on mine.

The CoPilot works amazingly well. It has TTS also. The only things that i've noticed so far about the CoPilot that I don't like is that for some reason, it won't use my contacts even though it's an option and for some reason, even though the maps are "current" they really aren't. My office buliding has been here for 2 years, yet the maps don't list it as existing. Weird.

Igo, on the other hand has some issues. So far I can't find a resolution of it that works on the EVO. it's a little large for the screen or very small on the screen (i've tried several version). Also. It doesn't have TTS (which i really like).

So. There you are my friends. My take on all this.

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This has been a public service message from your friendly, neighborhood DarkLord.

-MightyMike was here.... true story!

Last edited by DarkLord; 07-08-2010 at 08:07 AM.
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