Originally Posted by Amamba
If I leave the phone alone, the power use drops down to about 56 mA just before screen turns off. This was the case with Sprint stock ROM and it's the same with Vin 2.10 ROM. I was surprised to find out, though, that with LockDevice installed, it never went below 150 mA. So even some small programs can cause extra battery drain. See if that's the case for you.
Good to know about that app.
56ma is still unacceptable to me.
I test with brightness at lowest setting.
I was at 45ma with Feb10 rom.
I was able to save 15ma more by replacing the 2.37radio with 2.35radio,
So back down to 30ma lowest,
that is usual Vin rom lowest for me.
I don't need any battery cabs not even my own,
except the usual nuebattery cab, for fast charging and other features
But then I left Feb rom & went bacK TO JAN NEO.
The only reason is that the newer sense holds onto ram faster without giving it back, compared to earlier sense.
I have not noticed any performance benefit at all anyway.
Originally Posted by Amamba
I am having a problem with random reboots.
Sorry but this is an almost useless post without more information,
and MMAppLauncher is not the cause as I use it also.