Originally Posted by darnell
After successfully flashing to " EnergyROM_28011_HERMAN_24.Dec.2009_Standard.rar" ........
Once the installs were finished, Sashimi kicked off its usual soft reset. When the device came back up, it had HARD RESET. Basically all the installs Sashimi had performed were gone and things were back to just the ROM clean device.
There's a few too many bugs for me to battle in this one. I'm going to drop back 10 yards, punt and go back to the 12/21 ROM.
But overall EnergyROMs are the best I've ever used, which is why I stick with them  .
I would bet you hwould have to recheck your Sashimi files to make shure there are no conflicting files, like manila/sense files.
Originally Posted by alfredo-x
is there a way to install the theme packs without completely reinstalling the operating system?
aren't these themes avaliable in a cab or something?
Check this link..DUAL CLOCK FOR SENSE 2.1 Woohoo :
I am pretty convinced now that 2.1 Sense is the way to go for the TouchPro since most works without slowdowns.
As for the Opera issue, it is only looking for a non existant file, so just have to exit out after a soft reset.
I dunno why Opera would startup... Something is making it do so and look for it.