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Old 01-05-2011, 01:48 PM
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DREAM PHONE - Mini guide :>)) updated startmenu remover cabs

** Read this thread first, then the updated one here: Dream Phone II
Wouldn't it be nice if you could own a magic phone that does all this with 1-3 keystokes?!!!
1. Win 7 (SPB xda mskip theme square blue panels like on TV),
2. HTC Sense with Cookie 2,
3. iPhone (IPT @ xda(iPhone Today))
4. SPB (smooth/fast/no lockups with contact & task switcher carousel.. amazing selectable graphics)
5. Titanium (Winkey, settings, home, items, Windows default)
6. TouchXperiance: http://wmphones.co.uk/touchxperience...mobile-phones/
7. Android 2.2 Froyo (cat 6 SD card install, see "simple guide" sticky in my sig below...)
8. Home Networking internet & hardware Wifi hotspot. (see below toward the end of this post)
9. Switches between ATT, Tmobile, Sprint, etc.. (works on both CDMA & GSM) all in the USA (see CMONEX security/radio unlocker sticky)

(My TP2 DOES!!! READ ON!!)

Mini guide to a smoking fast amazing 'all phones' in one TP2 & free home networking:
Always start with the best Energy ROM cooked to perfection (I use the Cookie 2 29007 ROM, stable & fast... pick your flavor (any 29xxx ROM)) (actually any ROM will work :>))

1. Flashed with page pool zero,(Windows managed & not recommended without Start Menu & Sense replacements in place .., super fast but will use more RAM up front & give back when needed, for best results should have over 100 MB of free RAM to start..) & as soon as ROM came up installed Panel Start Menu Replacement (in Energy ROM settings) & got another 25MB RAM (main thing here is that it removes the Windows start menu RAM hog)
2, Install "WinStart" cab from XDA & it'll replace Panel from step 1 (Win/start), flippen too much better than any other start menu/Win screen & uses almost no RAM.
3. Install IPT (iPhone Today) cab AND SPB, went into settings, home (top right arrows to "item") & unchecked sense, checked IPT.. (or simply enable startup on IPT install) Why?
4. A single button push on either sense replacement screen flips to the best of both worlds (Windows & iPhone) & still gets 100MB of RAM free.
5. One single button push also gets Sense (with Cookie 2 but it eats too much RAM so I don't use it much) as well as SPB, IPT...
6. Push droid soft key & get Android 2.2 Froyo

Get at least 50 MB extra RAM 118MB free before loading SPB: Dump Sense & Windows Start menu. How? You MUST either use Energy Start Menu replacement switch in settings (an Energy ROM exclusive) OR Arto Start Menu Remover (search @ XDA) AND a Sense/Home/Today replacement (use SPB, SPB Win7 theme, IPT, Easy Today, Titanium..)

100 Megs of free RAM running at 787.2 MHZ OC'd with msm7kcpuspeed & setclockspeed 01d. Config'd SPB same as my cookie (but it's gives 20 MB more RAM, is tons smoother & NEVER locks imho).

Works for me, maybe not for you, but you should see people eyes light up when flashing between home/today/sense replacements (items 1-5 above) with a single button push!!

Disclaimer: The home networking part assumes you have "Phone As Modem" on your data plan. (roughly a $15 add on to older Sprint plans with a certain data level (other carriers may vary.. tons of variance in plans, will not get into the details here). This may violate the contract agreement with your carrier, check it out first, some people do it anyway. Some don't even have Phone as Modem as part of their package & simply use HTC Wifi Router.

Hooked up a Cisco wifi router off the Ethernet port on PC. On the same PC, plugged a $9 Tenda wifi N 150 ad-hoc capable thumb drive, clicked "share" on the wifi adapter (ICS on Win 7), turned on HTC wifi router & entire house is wifi. (me: have 2 phones, 1500 shared Sprint min, unlimited data on both now $58 total including insurance)

The Cisco wifi router gets it's internet connection via ethernet from the shared wifi thumb drive (2 NICs on same computer) which is located within 3 feet of the best possible phone/data reception in my house tested using field trial (search ppcgeeks for fieldtrial.zip, DL & unzip) & getting -50dbm!! Avg DL = 3 Mb/s (for reference.. a T1=1.54 Mb/s).

To share your wifi, use "ICS" by going into properties on your wifi adapter, click the sharing tab & check "Allow other users to connect through this computers internet connection."

If you have other devices (Xbox, internet TV, Sling Box) that require a Enet connection, simply run a Cat 5e cable (standard RJ45) from the back of your wifi router which typically gives you a few ethernet switch ports.

"Why use a Cisco (Linksys or other) wifi router at all? After all, the TP2 with HTC's WiFi Router can do multiple connections (PC's, laptops, etc.. at the same time) stealth anyway right?!"
1. SECURITY: WPA TKIP/AES (WEP joke), NAT (network addr translation), MAC masking, MAC restriction lists, Use any IP range, etc.. etc..
2. Ethernet connections,
3. Less load on TP2 CPU, seems much faster & more capable streaming multiple laptops/PC's with the hardware wifi router, than having the TP2 manage multiple connections, DHCP, etc..
4. RANGE & SIGNAL STRENGTH.., try getting decent reception from your laptop to the TP2 on a different level of your house let alone streaming something in the next room...

"Well why not just carry your TP2 in your shirt pocket it's always close, all you have to do it keep it close to your laptop."
Answer: Yea, but what about the poor cell reception you get in your basement? OR, what about the other 6 devices you have wifi throughout the house, going to carry those around also? Using Field Trial, find the best signal strength in your house & keep your phone there. Hook up your hardware wifi router close & you'll get good reception even in the basement!

hehe.. may never buy a new phone...

See my signature links (howto & android) for more info on the details... for a few of you this is not much new except maybe the phyical wifi router hookup... just thought I'd put it all together for some of the others.. :>))

NON-Energy ROM's use these new cabs which combine the startmenu remover with restore X & start icon. All in one. The original startmenu remover left you without a start & X button, these work. Thanks to monfro for cab'ing them all together. #30390

Arto Startmenu Remover wm6.5.x StartX.cab
Arto Startmenu Remover wm6.5 StartX.cab
Energy questions? Read posts 1-6 and ENERGY FAQ WIKI cdma FIRST!! .. (GSM here)
*HOW TO! *Voice (MSVC), Bing, Tellme *ANDROID *TV
Don't hit THANKS (I've got a bad rep & want to keep it that way!)

Last edited by teradog; 06-14-2011 at 11:51 AM. Reason: Startmenu remover for non energy ROMs
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Old 01-05-2011, 02:40 PM
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Re: DREAM PHONE - Mini guide :>))

cool shit man...

Im the same way... I can load all my OS' very quickly.. Android, Win95, WIN7(not WP7) via WAD2.. I guess i dont have a good shortcut to Titanium set up though..

As sweet as we make them, Load times make us look like fools.... people dont seem to understand what were REALLY doing, so its funny to non-geeks... for Me, if i wanted to show off everything my phone could do just going from all my winMO options>WIN95>Android would show alot of loading... it would look functional to people... yet its highly functional.. ya know..

anyways, good little guide for people to get some things going they probably didnt knwo could be so easy.. kudos!
Sprints new slogan should be " Whether its a Early Upgrade or charges for nothing, We'll be there"
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 01-05-2011, 02:45 PM
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Re: DREAM PHONE - Mini guide :>))

Originally Posted by boredandtattooed View Post
cool shit man...

Im the same way... I can load all my OS' very quickly.. Android, Win95, WIN7(not WP7) via WAD2.. I guess i dont have a good shortcut to Titanium set up though..

As sweet as we make them, Load times make us look like fools.... people dont seem to understand what were REALLY doing, so its funny to non-geeks... for Me, if i wanted to show off everything my phone could do just going from all my winMO options>WIN95>Android would show a lot of loading... it would look functional to people... yet its highly functional.. ya know..

anyways, good little guide for people to get some things going they probably didn't know could be so easy.. kudos!
LOL! Figured you'd be along here soon :>)) was kinda hoping you'd toss in the 95, 98, XP, Win7 info (if I remember right)... but yea agreed, some of this stuff adds a bit too much of clustering around, good to keep it simple.. (edited last line)

To be honest, OCT OCing is faster to droid than setcpuspeed with msm7kcpuspeed as you don't have to reboot... but it seems a little too flaky to me jumping up & down speeds all the time.. that's why I was searching for someone to write a icon to a link that would auto reboot & replace the startup file w/o the OC & put haret at the end right after a "Sure you want Android" Y/N pause...

Last edited by teradog; 01-05-2011 at 03:28 PM.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 01-05-2011, 05:24 PM
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Re: DREAM PHONE - Mini guide :>))

Great write man!!!! Def. the wifi router side thats pretty slick! But i thought IPT had a different name!! LOL

Member Since 12/30/10

Last edited by ooxteme; 01-05-2011 at 05:32 PM.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 01-05-2011, 05:31 PM
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Re: DREAM PHONE - Mini guide :>))

never thought about using my phone for internet. maybe i can drop crime warner.
Sprint: HTC Touch Pro2 (T7380)
ROM: Energy|29020|Titanium (Iphone Today)|June 5th
RADIO: Verizon 2.37.00WV
OC'd to 768hz w/ WinMoSpeed 1.06
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 01-05-2011, 05:31 PM
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Re: DREAM PHONE - Mini guide :>))

Originally Posted by teradog View Post
LOL! Figured you'd be along here soon :>)) was kinda hoping you'd toss in the 95, 98, XP, Win7 info (if I remember right)... but yea agreed, some of this stuff adds a bit too much of clustering around, good to keep it simple.. (edited last line)
actually now that you mention it, ill edit my post above soon and put in the WIN95/98 info and the WIN7(wad2) links as well..

and @ your edit: That'd be a pretty slick mod to have..

Originally Posted by speedyd718 View Post
never thought about using my phone for internet. maybe i can drop crime warner.
i use well ovr 100GBs a month on average using ONLY my phone for tethering... sometimes the speeds will get you, but all in all it holds up quite well... Netflix/360Live/tether... definitely cheaper than time warner, since its FREE! lol
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Old 01-05-2011, 05:38 PM
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Re: DREAM PHONE - Mini guide :>))

Originally Posted by boredandtattooed View Post
actually now that you mention it, ill edit my post above soon and put in the WIN95/98 info and the WIN7(wad2) links as well..

and @ your edit: That'd be a pretty slick mod to have..

i use well ovr 100GBs a month on average using ONLY my phone for tethering... sometimes the speeds will get you, but all in all it holds up quite well... Netflix/360Live/tether... definitely cheaper than time warner, since its FREE! lol
holy crap thats a lot of movement. i wouldn't even be close to that. seeing as my wife and i typically only surf the net (no gaming). this sounds like a real possibility. i think i'm gonna get another tp2 just to leave at home to tether. thanks for this post. i'm gonna tell crime warner to shove it.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 01-05-2011, 06:04 PM
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Re: DREAM PHONE - Mini guide :>))

ok um the winstart is not replacing the "panel" what am i doing wrong here...

Edit: Im a freakin moron!!!!! Fixed it! Nope, it started now it wont start again....

Last edited by ooxteme; 01-05-2011 at 06:21 PM.
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old 01-05-2011, 07:15 PM
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Re: DREAM PHONE - Mini guide :>))

Originally Posted by ooxteme View Post
Great write man!!!! Def. the wifi router side thats pretty slick! But i thought IPT had a different name!! LOL
Hey, he's alive! Where you been? Gotta get you that VIP, but you haven't been posting much lately... will work on that now that you got rid of the full motion aggravating avatar LOL :>))
Originally Posted by speedyd718 View Post
holy crap thats a lot of movement.... i think I'm gonna get another tp2 just to leave at home to tether. thanks for this post. i'm gonna tell crime warner to shove it.
Easy there.. using TW for ISP as well guessing, run it for a month b4 dumping to ensure you get it all setup right. You don't have to use the physical wifi router at all the HTC wifi router will do you just fine in most cases... start with that for a month. If you can't get it setup right, fall back to TW.. Also, you don't need another TP2, just set yours to take incoming calls while using data (phone settings I think). If anything, get a cheap freebie phone & sign up for another line @ $10/mo just so you can make calls while surfing... otherwise depending on the type of plan you have you may have to pay for data on a third line as well.. cutting into your savings..
Originally Posted by ooxteme View Post
ok um the winstart is not replacing the "panel" what am i doing wrong here...
Edit: Im a freakin moron!!!!! Fixed it! Nope, it started now it wont start again....
Try it in the order I stated as that's how i do it. Maybe u have a bunch other stuff, start with a new ROM. Also, I may have run CSM (as you know Compact Start Menu.. Energy's modded Quick Start) first and then used SMLS (Energy's "Start Menu Layout Switch" in settings) to change to Panel after that & then to Winstart... Try it & let me know. I have no issues at all...
Maybe your ROM/startmenu/sense replacement combo also, try what I'm using...

Last edited by teradog; 01-05-2011 at 07:23 PM.
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old 01-05-2011, 07:38 PM
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Re: DREAM PHONE - Mini guide :>))

Originally Posted by ooxteme View Post
ok um the winstart is not replacing the "panel" what am i doing wrong here...
Edit: Im a freakin moron!!!!! Fixed it! Nope, it started now it wont start again....
There you go!
CONGRATS VIP! Will take a while to update, but you can hold your mouse arrow over the green squares & it'll tell you that you are a VIP.

Just don't forget where you came from! :>))
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