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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 09-14-2010, 03:13 AM
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Allusion's Windows Ultimate Black & Blue Theme - Help With Build & Design Please

Alright so I go threw thread after thread after thread seeing alot of cool themes, cooked roms, apps, exc
and I like alot of them but for some reason I can't find one that has everything I want in it or is also not compatible with my phone.
So I figured hell why not design one myself and get help in making the different parts till it looks like a finished product and is ready for someone to build it.
Now I by no means take any credit on any of the designs, icons, layouts, exc. cause I know alot of it comes from other peoples designs (which alot of it looks shared already), free downloads, and alot of similar shared layouts.
But I will have also put my own changes to alot of the work as well.

now the layout of the first 9 post will change over time, and preview images will change as they update
but I will try to keep it the same as much as possible, but it will show as follows:

Post 2: Today-Home Screen & Scroll Bar

Post 3: Phone - Call History, Dialer, People - Contacts Pages

Post 4: Communication - Twitter, Facebook, Text Messaging, EMail, Instant Messaging, Exc

Post 5: Entertainment - Music, Video, Pics, TV, Internet

Post 6: Navigation, Weather, Calendar, Anything New

Post 7: Office & Apps Page

Post 8: Settings Pages

Post 9: Will be a collection of the different icons used threw out the pages

now it will take me a little time for me to get everything uploaded and displayed so bare with me please

I only wish I had the skill needed to do this own my own and make it look as great as some of the people here that make these themes, apps, roms, exc.

also in each section I will be posting general descriptions in what I'm trying to get out of the section in hopes that if i can't make it or make it look good, someone else can lol
makes KD-Font

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Last edited by allusion; 10-12-2010 at 09:43 PM.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 09-14-2010, 03:14 AM
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Re: Allusion's Windows Ultimate Black & Blue Theme - Help With Build & Design Please

Post 2: Today-Home Screen & Scroll Bar

Alright so I'm going to post my first mock page for the Home Screen and I will be kinda rough looking.
Now in addition to the Mock screen I will also be posting some images of icons, clocks, exc that I want to use for this. The Clock I will be posting will be the bases of the theme and the color palette for it as well. and a few icons I plan on using but might need animating or final draft touch ups.

Black & Blue Swirl Clock - (Bases of Theme and Color Palette)
background image changeable but main color palette for theme
will be black and blue with white text, alot of stuff semi-seethru
with a modern style look with rare semi-traditional pieces that are update
to a modern look for offsets (example the clock below lol)
text I have not figured out yet but was hoping to keep this compatible
with KD-Font by Kliptik so people could place any font they want into place

Home Screen Mock Images - Basic Layout For Now
want to replace the start button on the top left with Apps button
have a lock button inbetween the two lock images
maybe change the sprint text to white
clock layout will need to made to match to theme
but info will stay in placed areas and blank area will be for
weather animation, and home page will still have either the
weather wallpaper option or the animated wallpaper
the windows logo will work as a normal start button like in windows xp
Equip with: Programs
Internet Favorites
Task Manager List
and Open to other Suggestions

So here is a better more complete home screen
looking more like what i want but still got a long
ways ago
Also the start menu setup and use that I like is from
QuickMenu which can be found here Alen-SoftWare - which is
from China but I found it on the xda site here
QuickMenu 2.8 from China!!!Best start-menu and task-switcher[UPDATE 02-03-2009] - xda-developers
but I have altered it alittle but not sure if my alterations are already available in
the program itself

So here is the battery I want to use. Still needs animation for charging.
All I have so far is just the 0%, 25%, 50%, 75%, and 100%

okay for the volume marks i got speaker, speaker mute, headphones
still going to need an icon for vibrate

Alright so here is the signal bars, and signal bars with data
but signal bars with data still need animation

alright so the next section over is for connection status and type
i have posted wireless network found, wireless network connected,
connection is active, active sync
I still need icons for 1X, Ev, connection is not active, phone no service,
phone searching for service, phone turned off (airplane mode), voice call
in progress

last section for the right side is the notification area
so far all i have for that is the usb item
i still need alarm, bluetooth headset connection, bluetooth on,
bluetooth visible mode on, missed call, multi notifications,
new instant message, new text message, roaming, speakerphone on

Alright now for the SCROLL BAR
as of right now the scroll bar with have 13 items on it
which is the same as the default but in a different line up
as it stands now the 13 tabs are going to be:
1st Today - Home (still needs to be recolored to match theme)
2nd Contacts - People (just the plate needs to be recolored to match theme)
3rd Text Messaging (just needs to be darken more to match to theme)
4th Calendar (needs more work on coloring to match to theme)
5th Social Networks (maybe a different icon, dark tone to match to theme, maybe changed alittle)
6th E-Mail (need icon all together)
7th Internet (perfect, doesn't need to be changed any further)
8th Multimedia (need icon all together)
9th Navigation (need icon all together)
10th Weather (icon changes to match to weather)
11th Office (maybe a little more color work, either darker or add the missing blue to it)
12th Apps (need icon all together)
13th Settings (maybe a little altering, darker)

and then each of them may have there own sub pages as well
but this may very from time to time
i'm right now playing and exploring with different icons and sub
pages to see what i like

now i still got alot more to post in here but I need to go threw and make less images to post so I can get them all here, so in a little while I will have this redone with more images

Last edited by allusion; 10-11-2010 at 03:33 AM.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 09-14-2010, 03:15 AM
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Re: Allusion's Windows Ultimate Black & Blue Theme - Help With Build & Design Please

Post 3: Phone - Call History, Dialer, Contacts Pages

So here is a few of the icons I have settled on so far
Contacts - People Scroll Bar Icon, Call History Icon On Start Page, Default People - Contacts, 2nd Default People - Contacts, All People - Contacts, 2 Incoming Call Icons, 2 Out going Call Icons, 2 Missed Call Icons, Search - Magnifier, Add People - Contacts, Events N Updates People - Contacts, Info People - Contacts, Favorite People - Contacts, Group People - Contacts, History for People - Contacts

So now that we got a decent selection of icons now a preview of the
Contact - People Scroll Bar Favorites

and then once you hit all people
the scroll bar for all users and its different pages

still got to go threw and do the sub pages for the next set of sub pages
so here is a starter on one of the sub pages

alright here is a rough draft of the dialer

Still need to recolor the different default Icon options for different guys and girls hair styles, on the main favorites page there is messaging, call (may want separate call cell and call home) but does the favorites page support email shortcuts or any others, possible support for picture behind the circle label, Icon to Dial, Edit, still need to redo the dialer as well, and not sure what else i'm missing beyond what I have posted so far

Last edited by allusion; 10-11-2010 at 03:34 AM.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 09-14-2010, 03:15 AM
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Re: Allusion's Windows Ultimate Black & Blue Theme - Help With Build & Design Please

Post 4: Communication - Twitter, Facebook, Text Messaging, EMail, Instant Messaging, Exc

Social Networks

Text Messaging

So I would like to have this style of icon but recolored to match the theme

but i'm willing to use this style but also recolored to match the theme

still going to need ICQ, Microsoft Messenger, AOL (AIM), or any others that I may have missed

alright so I have worked up a couple different possible items but not sure what I want to use

3D Icons both originals and my recolors

so I still photobucket, yahoo, windows messenger, aim, or any others that I might have missed

Angle 3D

Regular 3D
alright so here is a set of previews for the the 3D icons

Flat Square Icons originals and my recolors

and for here I still need windows messenger, aim, or any others that I might have missed

so here is my first preview page for the social networks and I went ahead and merged facebook, myspace,
twitter, microsoft live, yahoo, aim, photobucket, youtube, flickr all into one tab since all of them are tech.
social networks

haven't had any luck so far with the circle style yet but you never know
also thinking about merging the social network post with the multimedia one

Last edited by allusion; 10-04-2010 at 05:40 PM.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 09-14-2010, 03:16 AM
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Re: Allusion's Windows Ultimate Black & Blue Theme - Help With Build & Design Please

Post 5: Entertainment - Music, Video, Pics, TV, Internet

K, not sure if i'm going to be using this or recoloring them
but here they are

so just like in some of the others I would prefer to use the style the 3rd flicker icon is
but i also still need icons for Camera, Camcorder, some other media player options, media center,
sprint music player, any other suggested free music players, some more photobucket options,
more photo viewer options, manila tv, sprint tv, more youtube options, any other tv programs or
video players


Media Player



Last edited by allusion; 09-22-2010 at 05:57 PM.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 09-14-2010, 03:16 AM
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Re: Allusion's Windows Ultimate Black & Blue Theme - Help With Build & Design Please

Post 6: Navigation, Weather, Calendar, Anything New

Last edited by allusion; 09-22-2010 at 05:58 PM.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 09-14-2010, 03:17 AM
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Re: Allusion's Windows Ultimate Black & Blue Theme - Help With Build & Design Please

Post 7: Office & Apps Page

So here is the final version of the Office Icon for the scroll bar

Alright now for the office programs themselves
first row are the different programs I know are on windows phones
second row are different programs that commonly go with office programs
but don't know how often they are found on phones (so I forgot Access)

So here are two different previews for the Office Tab
the first one is with the Standard Office Programs on a phone
the second one is with the addition Office Programs as well

Standard Office Programs

Addition Office Programs

I just noticed I forgot to leave the label bar across the top to label for Microsoft Office

Last edited by allusion; 09-27-2010 at 09:39 PM.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 09-14-2010, 03:17 AM
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Re: Allusion's Windows Ultimate Black & Blue Theme - Help With Build & Design Please

Post 8: Settings Pages

Settings Scroll Bar Icon

Okay so here is a preview of the Setting Page so far.
This will be the main screen for the settings but I still need to
go in and make the sub pages for each item.

Now I have about 3 pages of short hand notes on the settings for how the subpages
are going to be lay out and what is going to be on them.
So its going to take me a little bit to do this. So as I get each tab done I will post its
subpages so that they can been seen.

alright so here is the 3 pages of notes

Last edited by allusion; 10-26-2010 at 05:54 PM.
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old 09-14-2010, 03:18 AM
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Re: Allusion's Windows Ultimate Black & Blue Theme - Help With Build & Design Please

Post 9: Will be a collection of the different icons used threw out the pages

Alright so I'm not going to be able to post every single icon or pic i find here but I will leave the link to where i'm storing the collection of them. and the ones that I plan on using I will post here and give credit to the owners once i refind where i found them lol. now if i post something and you already know where they are from please tell me so I can give proper credit

Allusion's Photobucket - Allusion's Cell Phone Icon & Image Collection

Last edited by allusion; 09-22-2010 at 05:58 PM.
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old 09-14-2010, 03:27 AM
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Re: Allusion's Windows Ultimate Black & Blue Theme - Help With Build & Design Please

nice i must say im interested in what this may develop to!!

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