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Old 09-14-2010, 03:15 AM
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Re: Allusion's Windows Ultimate Black & Blue Theme - Help With Build & Design Please

Post 4: Communication - Twitter, Facebook, Text Messaging, EMail, Instant Messaging, Exc

Social Networks

Text Messaging

So I would like to have this style of icon but recolored to match the theme

but i'm willing to use this style but also recolored to match the theme

still going to need ICQ, Microsoft Messenger, AOL (AIM), or any others that I may have missed

alright so I have worked up a couple different possible items but not sure what I want to use

3D Icons both originals and my recolors

so I still photobucket, yahoo, windows messenger, aim, or any others that I might have missed

Angle 3D

Regular 3D
alright so here is a set of previews for the the 3D icons

Flat Square Icons originals and my recolors

and for here I still need windows messenger, aim, or any others that I might have missed

so here is my first preview page for the social networks and I went ahead and merged facebook, myspace,
twitter, microsoft live, yahoo, aim, photobucket, youtube, flickr all into one tab since all of them are tech.
social networks

haven't had any luck so far with the circle style yet but you never know
also thinking about merging the social network post with the multimedia one

Last edited by allusion; 10-04-2010 at 05:40 PM.
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