Back when I first got hooked on KK's Loaded ROM, I found a simple app within it to monitor the status of your battery. Not a today plugin, or a taskbar icon, but a full application and you'd open from the start menu. It gave the bare bones information that you could use, such as percentages, temperature, charge and discharge rates in mA, and not much else.
When KK halted development of his v1.x branch I was lost. Other ROMs I tried never had this application, and I had kinda halfway looked for it whenever I had a need, but couldnt find it. I found other similar apps but never one that showed both charge and discharge current, usually only one or the other.
Now here's where I come in. I found the app, and created an installable cab. I am not sure who the original author is, but thank you. All I did was package it.
Hope this helps whoever needs it. Click thanks.