Re: New HTC WIFI Router software makes WMWifiRouter obsolete
Tried this for the first time. Apple MacBook with airport doesn't see the SSID, nor does typing in the SSID work - - "connection failed".
Did a soft reset on the device as well. Never had WMWifiRouter installed. |
Re: New HTC WIFI Router software makes WMWifiRouter obsolete
Hey this is nice... works well with an ipod touch!
Re: New HTC WIFI Router software makes WMWifiRouter obsolete
I must be missing something. I can not get this to work at all. It tells me it is running but I can not see it from any laptop when I scan for wireless networks. I am using a stock Sprint Touch Pro.
Re: New HTC WIFI Router software makes WMWifiRouter obsolete
is everybody aware you need to make sure you can see ad-hoc (computer to computer) networks from your PC? depending on your network settings you may only be looking for Access Points.
Re: New HTC WIFI Router software makes WMWifiRouter obsolete
I am running a Mogul w/stock ROM, the wireless adapter on my Laptop is looking for All Networks, and the Laptop still doesn't see the AD-HOC Network. This app needs more development.