Originally Posted by Nimdock
I just updated the pic of onr of my contacts using the spb3 facebook integration and the phone through spb shows the new one... Outlook on my laptop after a sync still shows the old one... Looking at the contact in the phone through the stock contacts app also shows the old one... I don't know what might be happening on my phone...
Well I'm syncing through an exchange server. I would previously sync contacts through my computer, but I found it's easier to just do it all through the exchange server. When I checked outlook on my computer at home, the contact picture had synced...so I know it's working via Exchange server. However, it SHOULD be syncing your way as well. Sorry I couldn't be of more help, was just letting you know how it worked for me.
Yes, I wish it would not bring me back to the person's contact screen after I just call or SMS them. I'm actually getting tired of MS3's lag. You MUST soft reset once during the day b/c the phone just starts coming to a crawl. The landscape lag has to be fixed as well.