Re: Google adds location tracking to Google Maps
just a tip for those compiling list of email addys - out of respect for the user arrange them so they don't look like emails. A good example: daniel(dot)tuma(at)gmail(dot)com
and this one a.l.g.o.r.h.y.t.h.m.(a.t).g.m.a.i.l.(d.o.t).c.o.m.
Join the PPCGeeks Group in Google Maps with Latitude
Re: Google adds location tracking to Google Maps
bossman74(AT) gmail DOT com reds.stuff at gee mail dot kom avalst at gmail dot com tech721(at)gmail(dot)com ryallchild AT gmail DOT com freeza AT gmail DOT com chazybaz13(at)gmail(dot)com bsilvey1983(at)gmail(dot)com a.l.g.o.r.h.y.t.h.m.(a.t).g.m.a.i.l.(d.o.t).c.o.m. rmscottv(at)gmail(dot)com blackjackdf(at)gmail.com Richyung05 [AT] Gmail [DOT] Com trent(dot)hord(at)gmail(dot)com r1rydahppcgeek (AT) gmail D0T C0M marty.bell714(at)gmail(dot)com weedahoe AT gmail DOT com mybabiesdaddy (at) gmail (dot) com jasonemeric (at) gmail (dot) com GeorgeGRW (at) gmail (dot) com